You Are the Universe

“When the world feels overwhelming, I want to love bigger, I want to love louder, I want to be connected to my community.”
~Mona Tavakoli~

You are changing the world. Every life you touch shifts in response to your unique energy. Each of us has an opportunity to love, to be expansive, inclusive, joyful and compassionate. Standing strong and confident in the light of your true nature allows the Divine to work through you in miraculous ways. Even a smile, heartfelt and genuine, can awaken the light in those around us.Everything is energy. Love more. Participate more. Share your light and passions. Surround yourself with uplifting books, music, people, ideas and art. Be inspired by those who live awakened lives and purposely choose to be inspirational to others. This is the moment of transformation and you are indeed a blessing.

The spiritual quest is to experience the highest source of love – love with the Divine. Part of that practice is learning to love in a way that is pure and free from ego-driven desire. As we open to one another in a way that is completely present, vulnerable and authentic, we remove the barriers that divide us. To see the sacredness in another is the greatest gift that you can give.

Love More

“The way of the miracle-worker is to see all human behavior as one two things: either love, or a call for love.”

~Marianne Williamson~

Together we walk the path of awakening. Relationships provide opportunities to facilitate your personal growth. When you choose to view the world through love’s filter; it changes your perception. Everything becomes simple: it is either love or a call for love.
When challenges arise, we must sometimes dig deeply within in order to access our ability to love. See those who challenge you as healing angels playing a role that strengthens your ability to see beyond the mechanisms of the ego. When you can recognize sacredness in yourself and in the other, life opens.
The ultimate goal is unconditional love. This calls upon us to begin within. Outward experiences of love and acceptance are directly related to the love and acceptance we have for ourselves. As kindness awakens with you, it overflows into your life experience and is reflected throughout your interactions.
As an awakening master, you have the ability to observe life from a higher state of consciousness. Practice looking for ways to express love. Challenging people and circumstances can sometimes take more conscious effort; however, the rewards are immeasurable. They allow you to cultivate facets of your soul that would otherwise remain fallow. Love is transformative.