
“Contrary to the romantic fantasies we have about relationships, in actuality they often push us directly into our blind longings, our dark fears, and our unhealed pain.”

~Ezra Bayda~

We wade into relationships as children and begin the process of experiencing egoic desire, often learning through identification with the idea of “Mine!” The ego builds its identity and we watch it play out again and again throughout the various phases of life. Whether challenges comes through family dynamics, friendships, lovers or co-workers, observe the repeating patterns in your experience.

The power of subconscious programming and belief is sometimes hard to see clearly. Our soulmates assist in the process of discovery. As we become self-aware, transformation begins. Once we are no longer enslaved by desire or blindly lost in the mechanisms of the mind, our relationships will then reflect health, balance and peacefulness.

View yourself with love and compassion. Likely, certain beliefs and tendencies were passed down through generational experience. Simply observe and bring loving awareness to your interactions. Spiritual transformation is a subtle process that impacts every area of your life. The illusion of separateness will ultimately lead you to experience Oneness. Honor the processes of your awakening as sacred.