Tag: #limitation

  • Expansion


    Observe when you feel blocked or burdened, when others insult your joy, or when you find yourself trying not to be noticed. These are indicators of ego-driven constriction. Perceived limitation occurs when one fears to stand in their own power. If the fear is internal the souls light is dimmed. Others who reside in fear may try to make you feel small so that they can feel more powerful.

    Some pretend to be small so that others in their experience will not feel bad about their own perceived limitation; however, that approach is a decision based upon lack not love. The tendency of lower consciousness is to insult or blame, hoping that others will walk on eggshells around them rather than risk displeasure, disruption or attack. It is actually harder on the one trapped in ego than the one who consciously chooses not to engage in drama.

    In this infinite universe, there is ample energy for everyone to thrive. Though not everyone is ready to receive, it is always available. Begin with creating joy in your own experience. Release attachment. Remove yourself from negative situations. Giving, experiencing, loving, celebration and gratitude expand your aura, creating waves of energy that flow outward. Simultaneously gentle and extraordinarily powerful, this flow moves with the rhythm of life. You are a master in the process of awakening. Stop acting so small.

  • Releasing Limitation



    Limitation is nothing more than outmoded conditioning. Somewhere down the line, one accepted an idea that blocked them from seeing their true potential. Over time, they managed to that idea, creating self-fulfilling prophesies and reinforcing the belief with myriad examples that become their perception of truth… “That’s the way I’ve always been.”

    The teachers\’ purpose is to hold up a mirror so that you may see your own divinity. Even then, the filters of belief are initially so strong that many have trouble believing the image they see… And yet, there is a resonating response from the deepest part of the soul.

    Spiritual awakening is a process. Celebrate the moments of connection, insight, authenticity and breakthrough. Periodically look at your life and compare where you are now to where you were a year ago, or five or ten. There will come a day when old patterns shatter and you realize that you’re no longer reactive to the same issues.

    This is how to create the life of your dreams. Imagine it, accept it, and live it in this moment to the best of your ability. Find ways to explore that bring fulfillment and know that your unique journey of awakening has just begun.

  • Labels Create Limitation


    “I am ashamed to think how easily we capitulate to badges and names, to large societies and dead institutions.”
    ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

    Once we drop mind-made labels of race, religion, sexuality, health, politics or heritage, we can explore life more fully. Labels create limitation that is often expressed throughout our varied interactions. Righteous judgment or reducing others to one dimensional entities is the ego’s way of creating division. Judgment and love cannot coexist in the same space; therefore, we evolve more quickly by choosing to love our way through challenging situations.

    Many feel the need to belong or explain the tendency to act in a particular way; however, there\’s a fine line between understanding ourselves and managing to a particular belief about a diagnosis or way of being. Rather than adopting an identity based upon one aspect of yourself, know that you are multifaceted, infinite and ever-evolving. Should you be working through a particular challenge, you may find it helpful to say, \”I am working on becoming more balanced and present\” rather than repeating the label and managing to it.

    Work consciously to expand your vision. There are infinite aspects to explore and the willingness to drop limitation is required. Each person’s story is unique and through them, we can discover new ways of viewing the world and cultivate greater compassion. By giving up  preconceived ideas about others, we open to the love that already connects us.

  • Living Without Labels


    “When we first meet people, we inevitably see them through the filters of all our associations, expectations, and projections. Over time, as the filters diminish, we may feel betrayed or deceived: ‘You’re not the person you were when we first met!’ Of course they’re not – in fact, they never were.”

    ~Ezra Bayda~

    Observe how often we limit ourselves or others by adhering to narrow roles or archetypes. Often, when discovering one particular aspect of someones experience we will jump to a particular set of conclusions about them without actually discovering their unique expression of life.

    The need to label is a by-product of the ego. When we reduce others to one dimensional entities, it’s easier to move into judgment about them. Work consciously to expand your vision. We, as multifaceted beings, have infinite aspects to explore and the willingness to drop limitation is required.

    Some people get lost in their identities. They see themselves in a particular role and forget that infinite possibilities are always available. You might notice that you temporarily assume a role based upon the person with whom you’re interacting. Can you be the loving, expansive soul seeker with children as well as adults? With servers as well as billionaires? With someone who attacks you as well as someone who supports you?

    Just notice. When you fully accept yourself and act from the heart, you may discover an authentic continuity that is far beyond any human conditioning.

  • Growing Beyond Limitation


    “We are here not only to experience limitation, but also to grow in consciousness by going beyond limitation.”
    ~Eckhart Tolle~

    Perceived limitations can be overcome physically (such as releasing poverty consciousness and becoming more receptive to abundance or overcoming an illness), mentally (learning to accept limitations thus transforming them into strength), or spiritually (bringing love to a situation filled with hate). The soul seeks to expand, awaken and overcome adversity.
    You can access your ability to be a conscious c0-creator by moving into acceptance. Accept life as it is and take responsibility for your state of consciousness in the present moment. Release the need to blame, defend or struggle. Learn how to see perfection in the imperfection and recognize that you are right where you need to be. Whatever has arrived in your experience has a specific purpose in your soul’s growth. When you change how you think about a situation, transformation begins.
    When you embrace the present moment and bring your full attention to whatever you are doing, your actions will be filled with deeper intention and empowerment. No matter what you are prompted to do, find a way to bring the light of consciousness to the forefront of your experience.
  • Facing Your Shadows


    \”Call to mind the deepest, darkest most negative truth about yourself – and know that this \”truth\” is a lie.

    ~Ezra Bayda~

    Consider the many uses of adversity; our challenges often force us to turn inward and face our shadows. When you understand that many problems are self-imposed, you can, with loving intention, transform fear into empowerment. Should you experience inner resistance, see it as an indicator that you are on the right track. The ego-mind will often attempt to divert energy through blame, judgment and anger. Observe the tendency to get lost in discussion or drama rather than taking ownership.

    The ego amplifies limiting stories created by the shadow-mind. Perceived problems provide an opportunity to explore new facets of your unique potential. In the midst of depression, anger, fear, doubt or anxiety, revisit old wounds or patterns that are ready to be cleared. You may feel prompted to begin soul-searching, only to discover new teachers, ideas and tools to utilize in your quest for wholeness. Sometimes you may have to traverse the dark corners of your psyche. Do not reject your shadows. Instead, choose to see them as teachers and you will emerge transformed by the light of consciousness.

  • Words Have Power

    \”People often ask me what is the most effective technique for transforming their life. It is a little embarrassing that after years and years of research and experimentation, I have to say that the best answer is – just be a little kinder.\”
    ~Aldous Huxley~
    Your words have power. How often do you hear yourself or others say things like:

    It’s too hard
    There’s never enough time
    I’m broke
    I always get sick this time of year
    Life isn’t fair

    …and then you witness it play out again and again?

    Words are habitual and it can be challenging to recognize where these mantras of limitation began – we often pick them up from others around us. It’s important to remember that form follows energy.

    Be aware of what you send out into the Universe. Transformation begins when we keep our words, thoughts and actions aligned with what we want to occur rather than putting precious energy into creating blockages and limitation.

    So, make empowering choices when you speak:

    Everything flows together perfectly
    There’s more than enough time

    Let your life be a series of kindnesses. Over tip others and treat yourself well. Be joyful and recognize your abundance. Be willing to engage life’s magic and live the life of your dreams now.