The Power of Acceptance

“Accept – then act. Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it not against it… this will miraculously transform your whole life.”   
~Eckhart Tolle~   

Life is constantly unfolding in unexpected ways. The human condition often prompts a response filled with resistance. We have plans and goals and tend to fight against anything that appears to block the path; however, it’s the journey that is important, not the destination. Acceptance and awareness walk hand in hand, opening doors of new perception and sparking creativity. Honor the sacredness of the present moment through the realization that everything unfolds in the way that is most beneficial for all involved.

How we respond to the events of our lives dictates how much joy we are willing to experience. Begin by mastering your state of consciousness – consistently observe yourself with kindness, face your fears, trust the processes of your growth and know that everything has a purpose on this sacred journey of yours.
Miracles happen with you create space and allow the Divine to surprise you. New people, changes in perception and conscious interactions can alter your life in amazing ways. As we incorporate the lessons, we can flow with changes with incredible grace and faith knowing that all will unfold perfectly.

The Gifts We Give

“Your own Self-realization is the greatest service you can render the world.”

~Ramana Maharshi~

Those who have manifested you into their lives need you to be exactly who you are. Being authentic and allowing others to bear witness to your growth and changes allows you to play your part perfectly. Act with integrity, do your best and accept what is. When you miss the mark, own it. When you can offer kindness, do so. Should you walk blindly into a karmic contract, navigate to the best of your ability.

We are all in the process of awakening. The only difference between us is where we are in that process. Ultimately, we walk one another home. Should you ever feel confused, take the time to tend to your own state of consciousness. This will allow you to bring the best version of yourself to the present moment and your actions (or conscious inaction) will have a higher foundational quality.

Whether we walk with someone for a moment or for a lifetime, the gifts we give are innumerable. This moment is precious – how will you choose to use it?

Repeating Patterns

“Constantly focusing on the limitations, instead of all the possibilities, is how people become stuck in their lives. It only serves to recreate the same old reality from day to day. And soon the days turn into years, and lifetimes.”
~Anthon St. Maarten~

Everyone has a filter through which they view the world. Their energetic vibration and long-held beliefs are displayed again and again until they are recognized. Whenever you notice a repeating pattern that limits joy in your experience, realize that the first step is becoming aware of it. From a space of awareness, you can consciously choose to break free from outmoded patterns of behavior and leave them behind.

For many, intense emotional/mental/physical/spiritual disruption is the only thing that awakens them from the dreams created by the projections of the mind; however, we can circumvent this process by consciously continuing to do our spiritual work in times of relative peace. This is the moment of transformation. No matter what comes into your experience, you have the courage and fortitude to face it with faith… and while nothing is guaranteed on this journey of the soul, the changes you create within will surely play out in your daily experiences.

When you reach toward the light, it also reaches out to you. Love will always meet you where you are and walk forward with you from there. Seek to constantly clear limiting patterns that sabotage your happiness. One tool is to step back from the situation and observe the thought – perhaps saying, “The ego is in fear mode” or “Anxiety is arising”. Rather than absorbing the limiting thought or emotion, just see it and experience it as the observer knowing that the infinite, Divine truth of who you are is not defined by these fleeting ideas of insecurity or doubt. Something greater is waiting to break through, shattering the patterns of limitation and opening the door to a life of empowerment.

Just Be

“Don’t be so hard on yourself
‘Cause you can’t change the world
You can’t change the world alone
Just be”

~Tommy Shaw~

Acceptance is the pathway to peace. When challenges unfold and the unexpected enters, fear often arises. This is the moment to turn inward and access your true divine nature. You can’t fix the world alone, but you can bring love and grace to whatever is in front of you in this moment.

Should you need to take action or make decisions, go inward first. Check your state of consciousness without resistance or criticism. Find your way into the power the present moment. This brief, mindful interlude of stillness brings empowerment to all that you do. In times of crisis, change, illness, or events beyond your control, realize that you have the ability to face whatever arises with a calm heart and mind.

Whatever unfolds in your experience is exactly what is needed for your spiritual growth. Life is filled with contrast and it is there we discover strength, ingenuity, the ability to forgive, compassion and tenacity of spirit. Your Presence is transformative. Love can be expressed in many, many ways and we can discover them together.

Spiritual Gardening

Recently I spent some time communing with sacred mother earth – tending the trees and flowers, watching the interplay of bees, butterflies and hummingbirds, receiving loving messages from the Divine. Our yard had been left untended for a few months and I was delighted to rediscover the joys of weeding.

Everything we do mirrors our state of consciousness… the microcosm reflecting the macrocosm. I realized that weeds too serve a purpose as teachers. Much like the mechanisms of the ego, if one takes the time to remove them consciously, getting the root, the clearing is complete. Others, not yet willing to let go of their hold (either through their own strength or my impatience), broke off and will likely return to provide another opportunity to attempt removal.

As we clear away unhelpful patterns and energies, we too have a choice. We can allow them to grow untended until they attach to the various aspects of our experience and personality, taking over and absorbing valuable life force from the areas that long to thrive, or we can set ourselves the task of removing them. Sometimes easy to accomplish, sometimes challenging, but always rewarding.

You are the creator of your experience. This is the time to consciously choose your thoughts, words, intentions and actions with the knowledge that the seeds you sow today become the gifts of tomorrow.

Humility Silences the Ego

“Spiritual practice is about increasingly entering into love – not personal love, but the love that is the nature of our being.”
~Ezra Bayda~

The souls only desire is to awaken. Once you have mastered a particular attribute, be willing to expand into unknown territory. As a lifetime student of love, you can interact with others knowing that they have entered your experience for a specific purpose. Life becomes layered with nuance when we discover that every aspect of it is simply a loving conversation with the Divine.

There is always something new to discover. As you expand into higher levels of consciousness, your perception changes. Old challenges or situations are experienced through a new filter that provides an opportunity to explore the lesson in a different way.

Humility silences the ego. When we recognize everyone and everything as a teacher, we become willing, open and aware. Drop your judgment, move into love and honor your own path as sacred. You are surrounded by miracles… you are a miracle.

When you live in celebration of life and love, you scatter the seeds of possibility. Everything around you expresses the harmony of that love and sparkles of energy dance in your light.


Enlightenment is a process of awakening that spans many, many lifetimes. Your current life experience is a fraction of the overall tapestry of existence that we weave.

Consider this: You will have the opportunity to be every race that this world has to offer. You will have the opportunity to embrace every religion (or no religion). You will have the opportunity to be rich, poor, healthy, diseased, understood, misunderstood, desired or shunned. The process of awakening embraces every experience as important. Each plays as integral role in the cultivation of compassion.

When you don’t understand the thought processes or actions of another, it may simply mean that you have yet to experience that type of life situation. Be patient with one another, no matter where one is in the process of awakening. Walk with a quiet stillness of understanding and compassion, realizing that we all do the best we can from where we are with what we have.

The most important thing to focus upon is your state of consciousness in the present moment. We can change the world with our love and openness while providing one another the space in which transformation can occur.

Psychic Vampirism

When someone is lost in dysfunction, they are completely unaware of their ability to connect to the Divine. Unconsciously, they replenish themselves by absorbing energy from the people around them.

This energy exchange can happen in a few ways but primarily it comes from strong reactions. Whether in the form of anger or arguments, frustration or egoic response, the action is the same. Your aura grows large (you might even feel a rush of energy at this point) and flows outward toward the other person. They absorb it and walk away from the interaction feeling much better… leaving you with the need to process and recover your balance.

You can stop this unhealthy flow through neutrality, genuine compassion or unconditional love. For most people, neutrality is the easiest place to get to quickly. When you choose not to respond or feed the energy in any way, you are protecting yourself. The people may (unknowingly) feel thwarted and try another angle, but if you can remain neutral and/or compassionate, eventually they will either move on to deal with someone more reactive or learn something from the interaction.

Choose to abstain from co-dependent energetic behavior. This gift of love allows each person to process through their own lessons and challenges while teaching you the art of compassionate detachment. When you do choose to consciously engage, you become a channel through which pure energy of the Divine can flow. This is invigorating rather than draining – uplifting and limitless – and a healthier way to assist one another on the journey.


“Detachment does not mean non-involvement.
You can be deeply involved but not entangled.”
~Jaggi Vasudev~

Love, whether expressed through romance, friendship, our relationship to the planet or to ourselves, requires the gift of space. When we drop expectation and neediness, what remains is authentic compassion and kindness. We learn to honor every path as sacred, thriving during moments together as well as those spent in solitude, and consistently tend to our own healing. In this manner, loving relationships are based upon mutual respect rather than excessive drama and there is no desire that anything be other than what it is.

Many people believe that emotional reactivity and conflict proves that someone cares. This is an ego-driven concept that measures worth by how much energy we absorb from one another. When you notice that you are no longer interested in participating in drama, love becomes a higher, more accepting quality that is born from the culmination of experience. From there, we enter the realm of detached compassion.

Allow those in your life to learn their own lessons in their own time-frame and in their own way. Let the winds of heaven dance in between you. This is a gift of love.

Teacher-Student Karmic Monad

A karmic monad is an agreement between two souls. This is widely used to help one another progress on the journey of awakening. The dance can last for years or be as brief as a conversation on an elevator. When this energy is play, one may feel compelled to literally teach another – perhaps by imparting information or acting in a way that compels the other to cultivate an important aspect that is ready to shine.

In the midst of challenging situations, seek the lesson. It’s a quick mental shift, but is one that can take you from victim-hood into empowerment. Once you have mastered that aspect of your growth, you will no longer need that particular pattern in your experience. Honor the people in your life as teachers. Every moment offers an opportunity to awaken.

Rather than taking on too much at once, consider working on one issue at a time. Bring your awareness to what is required in this moment. How can you bring peace into your experience? What conscious action will shift the energy? Keep in mind that the ego is often resistant. See this resistance as an indicator that profound change is at hand.