Find Your Inspiration

“I always say, don’t be a Christian, be Christ-like. Don’t be a Muslim, be Mohammed-like. Be Buddha-like. Emulate these great spiritual Masters and what they were teaching.”
~Wayne Dyer~

What is the driving force of your life? You can choose to be inspired. Your birthright is to thrive, to be joyous, to discover how to live balanced and peacefully.

From a young age, we absorb conditioning that blinds us to life’s beauty. We are bombarded with violence and fear in our art, sports and news reporting. Is it any wonder that it is now rising to the surface? I believe we are collectively engaged in the process of facing our shadow so that it can be healed.
Many people believe that hatred is a necessary part of life. They fear people and things that are different and see any challenge to the status quo as something to be conquered. The only danger we face is the danger of losing compassion for one another.
Love resides at the core of all things – love, or a call to love. Seek to remove low energy vibrations from your personal experience. Cultivate a sacred space and consciously be aware of what you’ll allow there. You can choose to be inspired, enchanted and authentic.


“There is more than one road to spiritual salvation. We discover a philosophical way of living by encountering the world, culling knowledge from all available resources, and thinking reverently about life.”
~Kilroy J. Oldster~

The goal is to bring higher consciousness into your day-to-day life experiences. As you grow in awareness, you may discover that life will often provide an opportunity to see the new concepts that you have learned in motion. When you express a desire to cultivate your ability to love unconditionally, invariably  someone difficult to love will enter your life. This isn’t an obstacle, it’s a response to the awakening of your soul. Know that you already have the tools you need to navigate your life situations.

Practice allows you to strengthen your spiritual tools. The more you participate in life, the more empowered you become. Allow the give and take of energy to be your guide.

They say when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. This is because everything and everyone is your teacher. The only change is that you now have the ability to recognize the gifts that surround you. The veil that clouded your perception dissipates allowing you to see more clearly.