
“Each friend represents a world in us, a world not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.”

~Anais Nin~

Sometimes we meet others and feel an instant connection. From the moment of ‘hello’ there is a feeling of safety and warmth and this person brings something special to your life experience. These are typically reunions of two souls who have played together in many lifetimes. The ease you feel is the natural result of the many interactions and karmic agreements you two have shared.

Often it seems there are an amazing number of synchronistic occurrences that have to fall into place in order for two souls to cross paths. Then, recognizing a kindred spirit – or perhaps a karmic contract – they choose to embark upon a segment of the journey together.

As an older soul, you may have this feeling often. Your long history on the planet has likely included many members of your soul group. This is why we must be accepting and grateful for those who grace our lives. Whether you share the journey for a moment or for a lifetime, the feeling is always one of coming home.

The extent to which you are willing to be supported is an indication of the love you have for yourself. The supporting characters of your life provide a springboard for the discovery of new experiences, thoughts, opportunities and perceptions. Friendship is the highest form of love.

Using Relationships As Spiritual Growth

“We often look to our relationships to mask an anxious quiver of being that cries out for relief. Yet another person can never heal our anxiety; we can only do that for ourselves. But that doesn’t keep us from asking others to do it.”
~Ezra Bayda

Some relationships seem to cause a lot of pain once the honeymoon period is over. Relationships do not cause pain – they awaken and show the wound that is already carried within, and do so for the sole purpose of healing.

Many become confused and feel they may have chosen poorly. That is the voice of ego saying “Run!” When one turns from a challenging situation without attempting to learn the lessons it has to offer, there may be moment of temporary peace; however, the exact same issue will then be recreated with the next person… and the next… until the lesson is no longer needed.

You can consciously shorten this process of discomfort by consciously turning into the karma and looking within to determine the true source of the trigger. Whether your inner work is focused on worthiness, self-love, finding your strength or choosing joy, your role is to explore and celebrate the sacredness of your true infinite nature.
Once healing has occurred, you will see it reflected in all of your relationships. Once your wound was reflected, now your peace is reflected.

Exploring Lessons

“Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely.”

~Roy T. Bennett~

As we explore various lessons it’s important to remember that the situations that set them in motion will stay in place until they are no longer required. Consciousness expands through practice.

Someone working through karma around personal strength and empowerment may first explore the ego in action by forcing their opinions on others. They may build something through sheer strength of will and determination only to realize that personal relationships have suffered in their quest to create.

As the pendulum swings, the lesson flips and now, purposely moderating their ego-driven approach, they may blindly enter into a situation where they completely give away their power and the exploration into reclaiming it in a healthy way begins.

During this process the contrasts demonstrate how it feels to be on both sides of the equation: powerful and fearful, expanding and constricting, proud and ashamed. Ultimately, the soul learns how to be a empowered creator balanced with humility and kindness. Once the lesson has been fully integrated, the challenge is no longer required.

Karma is complete when the energy becomes completely neutral around a particular situation, person or experience. Have joy in the prospect of this completion. The greater the challenge, the greater the breakthrough.

Transformation and Rebirth

“To live fearlessly is to actively practice peace and non-violence, even when it seems like we’re being threatened.”
~Alberto Villodo~

Our energy has a significant impact on those around us. When we embody peace in the face of challenging situations, our Presence influences others and thus, we eventually experience a collective shift to higher levels of consciousness.

The awakened spirit cultivates the capacity to see beyond the roles and mechanisms of the ego to the infinite soul within. There is no need to create an enemy or something to fight against. Instead, we recognize opportunities to teach, to awaken and to love.

Condor inspires us to rise above. With greater awareness, our vision expands and we can gain deeper understanding. Embodied with wisdom, one can walk the way of the visionary, bringing peace and non-violence into our shared experience that is often fraught with conflict. Consider your role in our collective awakening.

There is a cyclical nature to the human experience. Karmic lessons, whether personal, mutual or collective, teach through the polarity of opposites until we find the center of neutrality. Step into compassion, be true to yourself, rise to the occasion, and honor the journey of awakening as sacred.


The Gifts We Give

“Your own Self-realization is the greatest service you can render the world.”

~Ramana Maharshi~

Those who have manifested you into their lives need you to be exactly who you are. Being authentic and allowing others to bear witness to your growth and changes allows you to play your part perfectly. Act with integrity, do your best and accept what is. When you miss the mark, own it. When you can offer kindness, do so. Should you walk blindly into a karmic contract, navigate to the best of your ability.

We are all in the process of awakening. The only difference between us is where we are in that process. Ultimately, we walk one another home. Should you ever feel confused, take the time to tend to your own state of consciousness. This will allow you to bring the best version of yourself to the present moment and your actions (or conscious inaction) will have a higher foundational quality.

Whether we walk with someone for a moment or for a lifetime, the gifts we give are innumerable. This moment is precious – how will you choose to use it?

Expansion Through Contrast

It is love that allows us to expand. It transforms our vision and interpretation of experience. It awakens the ability to heal or to hold space for another. When faced with hatred or fear, love can shine through inspiring hope in its wake. The power of connection is often learned through contrast. It doesn’t matter what you believe, or from where you receive inspiration. All that matters is your level of consciousness in this moment.

The human condition is a plethora of contradiction. Our multi-faceted experiences keep the journey full of surprises and possibility. No matter what one seeks to experience, they have the ability to create it. It often seems that things are getting both worse and better; however, I would imagine that every culture and era has felt the same. When I read ancient writings, they seem to speak directly to our current challenges. Others have left behind gifts of wisdom in their words, art, music and oral traditions.

Always, some actively seek enlightenment while others are completely resistant to change. The drama of the world continues with billions of unique stories playing out simultaneously and the overload of information is sometimes overwhelming. With so many in pain, how can we immerse ourselves in love? That is the paradox of experience. If you seek to expand consciousness, bring love to all that you do. Create a filter through which you can interpret what you see and let that perception guide your actions. With love, we can rise above.

Soul Circle

“A ‘heart-link’ describes the relationship between two persons who have known each other for many lifetimes and who have developed a deep and loving understanding of each other on an essence level.”
~Jose Stevens~   
We are constantly planting seeds of experience. Our soul group comes to participate throughout our lifetime, each person playing their part in the expansion of consciousness. On unseen levels, our spirit guides, angels, healing masters and helpers coordinate encounters and coincidences to assist along the way.
Sometimes, things on the physical plane appear to be the opposite of what is actually occurring – losses turn into new beginnings, friendships implode teaching us to become more authentic and intimate, blockages force us to change our plans and unexpected beauty flows into our lives. It’s important not to create limitation by demanding that things unfold in a particular way.

When you meet someone with whom you have an immediate connection, chances are that you’ve interacted many, many times. These relationships can often be confusing until one understands the feeling of Oneness is due to past soul work rather than the traditional karmic agreements.


Sometimes these beautiful souls come in to offer support, pivot your direction or remind you of what you’re here to accomplish. Follow your intuition and see what unfolds in your experience.


Some people grace your life for a moment, others for a lifetime… and everything possible in between.
Accept whatever unfolds in your experience. People enter our lives to offer new insights, ideas, feelings and lessons, staying as long as our soul requires. For those with whom we share karmic contracts, interactions may be filled with the emotional highs and lows of human connection; however, they always offer opportunities to expand our consciousness and grow in ways that we’ve never imagined. When emotions become more neutral it is an indication that the contract is complete. Bless those who have graced your life. See them as the loving teachers that they are and send them on their way with encouragement and gratitude. The time spent apart is infinitesimal compared to the bond of eternity, wholeness and Oneness that we share.


When you choose to live in acceptance rather than spend your vital and precious energy clinging to the past, you are free to live life empowered, joyful and fully anchored in the Now. At the deepest level, all things are one. There is no separation and our purpose is simply to awaken to this knowledge while helping one another along the way.

The Beauty of Acceptance

There’s something inherently beautiful about living in a state of acceptance. When experienced as an authentic state of being, all drama is removed and we can flow through any situation with empowerment and peace.

Last night, my mother and I moved into a new phase of our relationship. I realized that much of my natural Presence was something that I learned from her along with my love of reading, creating a sacred space and the ability to be comfortable in solitude.

For the last few years she’s lived in a cottage in my backyard. After a tumultuous childhood and the weaving of karmic experiences that firmly set me on this path of healing, it was interesting to discover that many of the old wounds would be healed by helping my parents with their end of life work. Having them so close on a daily basis allowed for healthy shifts in our relationship.

During my last session yesterday, I received a simple, calm voice message. “I’m not doing so well and I need help.” I went to her cottage thinking that I could lift something or perform some small task. Immediately, I could see that she was off, and simply sitting in the darkening living room. It turned out that she had had a minor stroke which doubled her vision enough to impact her sense of balance and ability to walk safely.

So we did what many parents and children do – worked with medical care, a lengthy emergency room visit and ultimately appreciating the competence of the workers at a nearby hospital. While not fatal or insurmountable, this moment ushered us into a place of transition where we can both learn new things. I awoke this morning feeling only gratitude for my journey, the people in it, and the ways that we can explore love.

Friendship as the Highest Form of Love

“Just be friendly. Rather than creating friendship, create friendliness. Let it become a quality of your being, a climate that surrounds you, so you are friendly with whomever you come in contact.”

Sometimes we meet others and feel an instant connection. From the moment of ‘hello’ there is a feeling of safety and warmth and this person brings something special to your life experience. These are typically reunions of two souls who have played together in many lifetimes. The ease you feel is the natural result of the many interactions and karmic agreements you two have shared.
As an older soul, you may have this feeling often. Your long history on the planet has likely included many members of your soul group. This is why we must be accepting and grateful for those who grace our lives. It might be a brief re-connection or you may share the journey for a while but the feeling is one of coming home.
And when someone leaves your life, know this: you will ultimately spend far, far more time together in eternity that the few moments here in this lifetime that you spend apart.
Let friendliness become your true nature. Your kindness and friendship is simply an abundance which must be shared.