The Intuitive Mind

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

~Albert Einstein~

In a world filled with overwhelming sensations and distractions, the ego-mind has cultivated a collective script that results in continued conflict and dysfunction. As we awaken, we begin to break free from the overwhelming cacophony to once again enter the stillness of being.

In that space of stillness, we can access inner wisdom. Rather than being reactive, we are able to consciously respond to life from a higher level of consciousness. The ability to slow down and go within creates a secure foundation which supports the journey of awakening.

Strengthen the intuitive aspect of your experience by trusting your instincts. When the voice of ego begins its repetitive mantra of fearful “what ifs?” simply recognize it, observe it and slow down. Ask how you can bring Presence, mindfulness or love to the situation. Most often you’ll discover that the voice of your heart directs you to do the exact opposite of what the ego insists is the right course of action.

Acting on your instincts builds a pathway of energy that grows stronger over time. The great miracle of awareness is that it transforms the mundane into the sacred.


Intuition is like a muscle. We all have it, but not everyone chooses to develop it. People often ask how to differentiate between the inner voice of wisdom and the voice of the ego. The intuition typically comes through quietly and speaks once while the ego is loud and repetitive.

The quieter the mind, the more you can hear. Intuition is a tool that we can utilize as an powerful aspect of spiritual growth. Integrating the spiritual and the mundane awakens true mastery. As we evolve, we bring a different viewpoint to our life circumstances and learn to trust our inner wisdom.
You will discover your own unique way of deciphering the messages from your higher Self. Be patient with this process. Practice different approaches and see what works best. As you play with this energy, you’ll learn to differentiate intuition from ego-generated thought. Always,  ego creates anxiety while intuition (even when forewarning of a potential challenge) brings empowerment.

Whatever you place your focus upon grows stronger. You also may experience accompanying physical indicators, such as goosebumps, tummy flutters or tears. The more you trust your inner wisdom, the more clearly these indicators will be felt. This process of connection eventually transforms your experience into a life that is awake and connected to the energy of the Now.

The Wise Passage

You can embody the love, presence and freedom that is the essence of your true nature by finding simple ways to quiet the mind and open the heart.

There is a wise passage through life… one that calls the awakened to walk its journey. As we cultivate awareness that is found through mindfulness, generosity, loving-kindness and integrity, our lives become living examples of how to create an atmosphere of safety and trust in an all-too-often frightened world.

The human experience is meant to connect each one of us in compassion that is learned through commonality of our experiences. At some point, all of us have known love and loss, joys and sorrow, life and death, hopes and fears, and ultimately we will discover the thread of understanding that connects us. This takes lifetimes to achieve and leads to freedom and liberation.

When you can seek for the joy within the sorrow, the beauty within the challenge and the light of the Divine in your interactions, then you are playing within the paradox of being a spiritually awakened human. Trust your intuition and begin with actions that best serve your heart. As your perspective expands, the world around you is transformed.

Flowing With Change

“It’s amazing the synchronicities that can happen when we embark on a journey with open hearts, with supportive friends by our side, ready for adventure.”

~Laurie E. Smith~

Our grandest adventures often begin with an intuitive whisper. Something calls us to embark upon a new phase and often we begin without knowing exactly how everything will pull together. These first steps may be tentative; however, each step sparks new energy in motion. Coincidences, synchronicities, and creativity come together, allowing us to discover some new skill or passion as we experiment with various ideas.

We become more proficient with change when we hold no cherished outcome. Allow your vision to adjust as you learn more about yourself. This approach creates an ego-free mental environment where exploration can combine with inspiration. As a conscious creator, you will discover new ways to enjoy utilizing your talents. Aristotle once said, “Where your talents and the needs of the world cross, there lies your vocation.” You bring something to the world that no one else can.

It matters not whether you find your gifts early or late in life. The joy is in the discovery. Follow the flow and heed the calling of your heart.

Trust Your Inner Wisdom

It’s likely that you are closer to divine wisdom than you realize. On those occasions the Universe tends to send confirmation – the perfect book falls into your hands, you hear the same message repeatedly, knowledge makes itself known to you – it can be a delight to watch the synchronicities unfold.

Our conditioning often leads us to place more faith in others than in ourselves. Loving messages are meant to strengthen your knowledge of your unique path so that you can follow the inner prompting of your heart.

Your journey will lead you forward in the way which is most appropriate for you. Learn to trust yourself. All that is required is one conscious step forward, one conscious choice, one break from old ways of being… and then another. Your Presence ensures that you will have the necessary strength to rise up to meet whatever life offers, and, more quickly than you think, changes will come.

Transformation is a process. As we bring the light of awareness to outmoded beliefs, our walls of protection or defense mechanisms, the blockages begin to dissolve. No matter how far you have come along the path of awakening, there are infinite levels yet to explore.


May I be the medicine for those who are sick, a partner for those who are lonely, a bridge for those who need to cross over, and a light for those who are blind.
~Buddhist Prayer~

You have access to infinite wisdom and the language of the heart speaks in gentle whispers. It often comes once, creates a positive flow of energy and, if allowed to flourish, propels life into inspired and healthy directions.

The ego, on the other hand, is repetitive, fearful and clamors loudly to be heard. It can be easy for the instinctive and supportive messages of the heart to become lost in the cacophony of thought.

You have the means to transcend ego. The ability to recognize intuition and inner knowledge will grow stronger with use. Practice trusting your initial instincts so you become aware of the energy connected to Truth. This will help you to adjust course more easily when required.

Fear and anxiety are destructive flows of energy. They emerge from the illusions created by excessive thought and seeking fulfillment outside of ourselves. Travel inward. Listen to the love that flows through you – it comes directly from the Divine.


“There is a universal, intelligent life force that exists within everyone and everything. It resides within each one of us as a deep wisdom, an inner knowing. We can access this wonderful source of knowledge and wisdom through intuition, an inner sense that tells us what feels right and true for us at any given moment.”
~Shakti Gawain~

To cultivate your intuition, explore aspects of yourself that are less developed. If you are typically a person of action, practice waiting and listening. Spend time in nature or send your focus inward. If you are normally good at going with the flow while allowing the world to unfold, practice setting new things in motion. Don’t wait for your world to have an implosion before you practice new ways of being, you can grow without needing to manifest disruptive energy that forces you into new directions.

To live a passionate, awakened life, we must be willing to trust the messages we receive from the Universe. Sometimes we are called to jump into the unknown and if we stop to rationalize or plan, we may miss a window of opportunity. Utilize the rational mind as a servant rather than a master and trust that the way forward will make itself known.

Your Inner Wisdom

Each of us has access to innate wisdom cultivated through lifetimes of experience. Our angels, spirit guides, healing masters and helpers consistently offer support and insight, yet, we often feel alone and confused.

Find your own unique way of accessing your inner knowledge. Utilize gratitude, meditation, music, silence or be creative. All of life supports you on this journey. Know that you are loved every step of the way.

Your inner voice speaks through the wordless language of the heart. Stillness allows us to access the clarity which comes from transcending the dualities and paradoxes of life. You can recognize wisdom by how it makes you feel. Truth brings peace, even when the information is not exactly what you wished to hear.

Conversely, the ego speaks through the language of the mind. It is incessant, repetitive, often contradicting and seems to pull us in multiple directions at once. When you feel confused, see it as a reminder that you need to seek stillness and center yourself. Then you will access your inner wisdom.

When centered in truth, your whole life becomes a prayer, a mediation, one filled with grace and beauty that seems to flow through you from the Divine.


“There is a universal, intelligent life force that exists within everyone and everything. It resides within each one of us as a deep wisdom, an inner knowing. We can access this wonderful source of knowledge and wisdom through intuition, an inner sense that tells us what feels right and true for us at any given moment.”
~Shakti Gawain~

To cultivate your intuition, allow yourself to explore aspects of yourself that are less developed. If you are typically a person of action, practice waiting and listening. Spend time in nature or send your focus inward. If you are normally good at going with the flow while allowing the world to unfold, practice setting new things in motion. Don’t wait for your world to have an implosion before you practice new ways of being, you can grow without needing to manifest disruptive energy that forces you into new directions.

Intuition is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it becomes and the easier it is to access. Pay attention to the rhythms of your soul and trust your inner wisdom. To live a passionate, awakened life, we must be willing to act upon the messages we receive. You are safe, loved and supported each and every step of the way.


In a world filled with overwhelming sensations and distractions, the ego-mind has cultivated a collective script that results in continued conflict and dysfunction. As we awaken, we begin to break free from the overwhelming cacophony to once again enter the stillness of being.

In that space of stillness, we can access our inner wisdom. Rather than being reactive, we are able to consciously respond to life from a higher level of consciousness. Our ability to slow down and go within creates a secure foundation which supports our journey of awakening.

Strengthen the intuitive aspect of your experience by trusting your instincts. When the voice of ego begins its repetitive mantra of fearful “what ifs?” simply recognize it, observe it and slow down. Ask how you can bring light, kindness or compassion to the situation. Most often you’ll discover that the voice of your heart directs you to do the exact opposite of what the ego insists is the right course of action. Acting on your instincts builds a pathway of energy that grows stronger over time.

The great miracle of awareness is that it transforms the mundane into the sacred. There is much more to life than meets the eye.