A Higher Perspective

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
~Wayne Dyer~

Something magical happens when we view life from a higher perspective. Beyond the mechanisms of the mind – thoughts, opinions, confusion, stories, histories and other facades – there is great potential and power; however, the ego often distracts us from seeing clearly.

You have the ability to interpret life from many different perspectives. As your vibration increases, new viewpoints become available. Periodically bring your awareness to your own state of consciousness. Are you fully present? Can you purposely shift your thoughts in ways that are empowering? How often do you show yourself love and compassion?

Consciousness is the journey of expansion into all dimensions, the discovery of broader perspectives and the integration of all that we have learned. It seeks to express itself through our interactions and provides an opportunity to see life differently.

Life is a tapestry of dark and light, a blending of dimensions from the depths of lower consciousness to the heights of love and communion. They exist together and when we cultivate the understanding that all are required in this dance of awakening, we begin to have a very different perspective of the world.


“On this sacred path of Radical Acceptance, rather than striving for perfection, we discover how to love ourselves into wholeness.”
~Tara Brach~

Beyond the dualities of life resides a unified space of Wholeness born of the endless dance of awakening that we share. The mystical union of grace and strength comes from walking through our challenges with conscious awareness… always seeking to discover the lesson and blend it into our unique way of experiencing the world.

Repeating patterns will always show you the aspects within you that are ready to be healed. Step into the role of observer – detached, clear and calm – and be a loving witness to your own growth. You have the ability to stop playing the tape of limiting thought and recognize that those feelings of doubt are lingering baggage from the past.

The only way to blend all the sparkling facets of who you truly are is to go inward. At the center of your being lies an infinite and powerful connection that can only be rediscovered after experiencing the illusion of separation. Integration of all that you have learned allows you to reach new levels in your own awakening. And the best part of playing in a Universe of infinite possibility? We are always at the beginning with limitless potential to explore.

Integration and Wholeness

So love is the recognition of oneness in a world of duality. This is the birth of God into the world of form. Love makes the world less worldly, less dense, more transparent to the divine dimension, the light of consciousness itself.
~Eckhart Tolle~

Acceptance brings about the integration of apparent opposites. Night doesn’t oppose day, dark doesn’t suppress the light; rather, they work together to create a balance of contrast that represents wholeness.

Seek to integrate the various aspects of your personality. Like myriad facets of a beautiful diamond, your energy shimmers with power which reflects the light of the Divine. The mystical union of opposites of what Gurdieff called “the crystallization of being” – integration that leads to balance, understanding and joy.

You are so much more than the sum of your experiences and beliefs. Beyond the physical, radiant layers of energy emanate from you sending waves of love and information throughout the Universe.

Compassion is the natural response when we reach levels of higher consciousness. We seek to heal, to release judgment, to share our gifts and relax into our deepest truth. You can choose to live beyond the illusion and reside here as a conscious, loving witness.


Integrating the Self

This is the moment of tremendous healing and transformation. The only moment that truly exists is the Now and there is no need to delay the evolution of your spirit. There is great power in honoring the awakenings which have sprung from walking in darkness and we find that sometimes we need to be who we aren’t in order to discover who we are; thus, all paths are sacred journeys which lead us to the light of awareness.

Judgment of others is the quickest way to bring our attention to something within us which is ready to be healed. Since we all act as mirrors for one another, utilize those moments of ego related thought and response to address the shadows aspects of the Self that are ready to be integrated and expressed in positive ways. Often, the result is an expansion of compassion and acceptance.

There are many wonders within you waiting to be discovered. The myriad facets of your unique expression of life sparkle by reflecting the light around you. Remember to be patient and gentle with yourself and allow the joy of the journey to be your guide. There is much more to life than meets the eye and the best is yet to come.


“Having preferences is not a problem, nor is enjoying them. But when preferences crystallize into requirements, we suffer.”     
~Ezra Bayda~

Attachment creates suffering. When we utilize daily gratitude and acceptance as the foundation for creating peace in the present moment, we discover that ultimately, everything we experience is transformed. It’s important to enjoy all the various aspects of your unique journey; however, seek to do so with a fluidity that allows room for miracles to unfold.

Part of the human experience is immersing ourselves in life. Rather than seeking to shun the physical aspects of the world and meditate on a mountaintop, we integrate our spirituality into the mundane and learn that detachment is the key to happiness.

When we attach to a specific outcome, item, person, goal or self-concept, we create barriers that disrupt the free flow of energy and experience. The moment the unexpected occurs we have a choice to either accept or reject what is unfolding.

If suffering ensues, realize the amount of distress you feel is an indicator of your level of attachment. Should you notice excessive disappointment or sadness arising, go within and observe how previous expectations have dictated your current emotional reaction. This is the moment to remind yourself to create space in your experience for something new to emerge. Loss teaches us how to live and love with authenticity in the present moment.


“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. The latter procedure, however, is disagreeable and therefore not popular.”
~C.G. Jung~

This lifetime is the culmination of all the experience and knowledge you have gathered throughout many incarnations on this planet. The higher self seeks to integrate the wisdom it has accumulated and thus you will attract the teachers and circumstances which allow you to do so. Be patient, open and trusting throughout your exploration.

Our sojourn here is a continuing exploration into the expansion of the heart chakra – expansion which leads to greater compassion, more peace and infinite possibilities. Ultimately, the process of your awakening is to honor, forgive, accept and love all that you have ever been.

One of my favorite ways to nurture the seeds of inner growth is to light a candle. Sit a few moments contemplating the flame, perhaps even losing yourself in the flickering light. Gently draw the energy from the flame into your heart chakra with both hands and then visualize your soul light expanding outward. Touch the world in love, sending light and compassion to those who have walked the journey with you.