Creating Space

“There’s a world of difference between insisting on someone’s doing something and establishing an atmosphere in which that person can grow into wanting to do it.”


One role of the awakening spirit is to inspire change. By being a living example of consciousness in motion, we can demonstrate how love appears in the world of form. Like water eroding rock, this approach is often slow, yet yields permanent results. Forcing change is more akin to a flash flood that momentarily shifts and destroys. In order to help others to awaken, we must first create space in which transformation can occur.

Let your life be your message. Be gentle and consistent, and above all,  be authentic. The human experience is often a dance between the spiritual and the mundane, and discovering the joy of living betwixt the two. When others seem lost in ego and illusion, be the light that illuminates truth. Those seeking peacefulness and connection will emulate what you share.

You have chosen to be here now for a specific purpose. The easiest way to find that purpose is to simply reside in the fullness of who you are. Continue to explore, embrace change and be an inspiration.


“You know someone is truly special when the most beautiful thing they have on is a kind soul.”
~Matshona Dhliwayo~

You are a multi-faceted being of light and wonder. Periodically, take time to appreciate all that has brought you here. With each challenge you discovered new aspects of your strength, each wound became a doorway to enlightenment and consciousness awakened within you.

This lifelong process of discovery keeps things interesting. We revisit old patterns or circumstances and find ourselves interpreting them with greater awareness. Each new level of understanding expands our perception until we become love – the vibrancy of compassion and light playing in the world of form.

There’s nothing to do, say or accomplish. Let your life be your message. By embracing the Now and choosing to allow light to shine through, you may discover that all you need is already here. The light you share transforms the world around you because you are an inspiration. Those who are ready to awaken may find themselves in your reflection and embark upon a journey of their own.