Inner Light

“Nothing can dim the light which shines from within.” 
~Maya Angelou~

Do you ever forget that you are a magnificent, abundant, infinite being of light playing a game of discovery…?

The game we play is not about winning. It is learning to consistently bring clarity and insight to the present moment. Rather than blindly responding to the events of life, we discover they are purposeful, constantly evolving and unfolding opportunities meant to facilitate soul growth and understanding.

The most important aspect of awakening is personal responsibility. Seek to bring mastery to all that you do. Watch how you choose to interact with others. Pay attention to how you choose to experience the present moment. Observe yourself without judgment or condemnation. Use these moments of insight to tend your inner light. The goal is to stay balanced in the midst of whatever life has to offer.

There is only consciousness or unconsciousness. One brings peace, the other conflict. As your inner light begins to express itself through the various events of your experience, realize that nothing can ever dim the infinite beauty of the Divine. It seeks only to experience the present moment through you. You bring something beautiful to the world.

Insight Through Contrast

“The true miracle lies in our eagerness to allow, appreciate, and honor the uniqueness, and freedom of each sentient being to sing the song of their heart.”
~Amit Ray~

Spiritual awakening is a constant process of forgiveness. As long as there is still one person, government entity, business or circumstance that you can’t forgive, there is still work to be done.What if you chose to find one thing to appreciate about each person who has ever been a challenge in your life? What if you chose only to speak about that positive thing when prompted to discuss him or her. What do you think would happen?

Life is a blend of dark and light. The contrasts we experience provide insight and wisdom we could never access from a one dimensional vantage point. Everything is multi-faceted; therefore, there is always an opportunity to find the good, assimilate the lesson or cultivate new strength, no matter what the circumstance.

Love who you are at this moment with the understanding that you are a culmination of all that you have ever experienced. When we rise above the need to blame we free ourselves to consciously explore Oneness, love and connection.

Exploring the Depths of Emotion

“Experiencing our emotions fully, without wallowing in them or turning away, allows us to break through the layers of protective armor and connect with the heart. Fully felt, our emotions can clear the path to the deep well of compassionate love that is the essence of our being… and we are free to receive all the world.”   
~ Ezra Bayda~   
Just a little bit of insight and awareness can transform your entire life. You can only truly understand what you have experienced; therefore, it’s important to explore the depths of emotion. When emotional pain rises to the surface, it is an indicator that it is ready to be healed. These deeply buried wounds of the past are repeatedly reflected in our life experiences until they are cleared.In order to receive healing, we must choose to become vulnerable and open to the love of the Universe. Openness and acceptance create a space where we can dissolve the struggle and suffering once considered by the ego to be necessary and unavoidable… From this state of wholeness, we can help others to become whole as well.

Feel your way to freedom. Honor the emotions that arise with the knowledge that they are meant to help you break free from restrictive thoughts and beliefs. Untethered, the energies of infinite possibility feed the flames of your life purpose in a transformative and powerful way.

Living in the Paradox

“Humor and paradox are often the only ways to respond to life’s sorrow with grace.”
~Matthew Fox

As spiritual beings having a human experience, our purpose is to discover the delicate balance of grace while living within a paradox. Awakened spirituality creates a dance of evolving energies, weaving dark and light into insight, compassion and understanding.

Love creates the movement of connection. When we learn to see everything and everyone as our reflection, we bring a different response to the events of life. Wisdom calls upon us to realize how little we know. We are at the very beginning of an incredible journey, and no matter how much we learn in the physical realm, we will ultimately experience the humility that comes through the realization of how much there is left to discover. That’s the beauty of living in an infinite Universe.

Allow yourself the opportunity to flow between the frequencies of love and wisdom. See yourself as an adventurer in the midst of discovery. Bring a sense of innocence and trust to your experiences and walk the journey with faith. You are loved, supported and guided each and every step of the way.


The Dance of Discovery

“It was perhaps one of your greatest acts of love,
choosing to be alive at a time when so many are so deeply in the dark.
And already things are looking brighter.
All bow.” 
~Mike Dooley, Notes from the Universe~
Adversity can awaken you. Joy can awaken you. It’s your choice. No matter how you decide to experience life, there will be myriad opportunities to grow. Imagine your soul expanding as it opens to receive new energy, insight, healing and balance.
We learn from our interactions with one another and with our sacred mother earth. Your light transforms the darkness. When you choose to approach your life situations with a willingness to learn, anything is possible.
So, become a lifetime student of love. Know that untold gifts still await discovery. You are strong enough to face whatever unfolds in your experience, and awakened enough to utilize it in a way that is unique and empowered. No matter how far you have come, you have barely scratched the surface of your spiritual understanding.
Let your life be a dance of discovery. Everyone you encounter has the potential to teach you something new. When we can bring a sense of humility and openness to our interactions, we stand at the threshold of infinite possibility.


“I don’t mind what happens. That is the essence of inner freedom.
It is a timeless spiritual truth: release attachment to outcomes,
deep inside yourself, you’ll feel good no matter what.”
~Jiddu Krishnamurti~
Acceptance, when engaged mindfully and authentically, is a powerful tool of transformation. Saying yes to life unlocks the prisons of perception and sets us free to experience life as it is without limiting mental interference.
The journey of awakening is unique for each of us. Imagine what we can learn from one another through the sharing of our varied experiences, insights, and love without judgment. Honor each path as sacred. See everyone as your teacher and your life will be enriched beyond measure.
We are lifetime students of love. The contrasts and paradoxes of human experience teach us of the infinite ways that we can enter into the Oneness that is the true nature of our being.
Mastery calls upon us to be conscious of our state of consciousness in the present moment. Your peacefulness creates peaceful experiences. Your love creates loving experiences. When you embody grace and acceptance, your life will be easier.