
“On this sacred path of Radical Acceptance, rather than striving for perfection, we discover how to love ourselves into wholeness.”
~Tara Brach~

Beyond the dualities of life resides a unified space of Wholeness born of the endless dance of awakening that we share. The mystical union of grace and strength comes from walking through our challenges with conscious awareness… always seeking to discover the lesson and blend it into our unique way of experiencing the world.

Repeating patterns will always show you the aspects within you that are ready to be healed. Step into the role of observer – detached, clear and calm – and be a loving witness to your own growth. You have the ability to stop playing the tape of limiting thought and recognize that those feelings of doubt are lingering baggage from the past.

The only way to blend all the sparkling facets of who you truly are is to go inward. At the center of your being lies an infinite and powerful connection that can only be rediscovered after experiencing the illusion of separation. Integration of all that you have learned allows you to reach new levels in your own awakening. And the best part of playing in a Universe of infinite possibility? We are always at the beginning with limitless potential to explore.

Mindful Silence

“Silence is not the absence of something but the presence of everything.”

~Gorden Hempton~

Silence is more than the absence of noise. A living presence, it allows us to enter the temple of the Divine by journeying deep within ourselves. Very few people are comfortable in the space of infinite possibility. They seek diversion and distraction and become lost within the echos and mechanisms of the mind.


Mindful silence will connect you to all of existence. This moment is beautiful, fulfilling and poignant. When you immerse yourself within it, it becomes apparent that all you need is already here. Cease striving for a particular end result. Instead, find the completeness in the Now. Whatever you choose to do, however you choose to feel, do it completely and patiently. This immersion will bring about transcendence. Live every moment as if there is no other moment to come.

It is the space between the notes which creates beauty in music. Without the space and intent, there is only noise. Learn to be the space in the symphony of your life. Embody compassion and stillness and purposely align yourself with love. In the stillness you’ll discover that everything is possible, yet nothing is required.

Open To Receive

“The earth isn’t solid. It is made of molecules and atoms, tiny universes filled with space. It is a place of mystery, light, and magic, if you only open your eyes.”
~Dan Millman~
You are meant to thrive. Part of awakening is learning how to drop whatever blocks you from living with an open heart. Engage life’s magic by seeing yourself as a vibrant, empowered co-creator of your own experience. You can cultivate the ability to see things differently, and with that vision, you will create a new reality.
Energy follows attention. One simple practice is to stand outside with your feet shoulder-width apart. Extend your arms outward, bend the knees slightly and lean back to receive the sunlight. Do this three times in a state of Presence and Stillness. This infuses new energy within the heart chakra.
This is the realm of infinite possibility. Do not limit the flow with thought; instead, reside quietly within the gap of the eternal Now and discover the “I Am” of consciousness as your perception expands.
Immerse yourself in the miracle of your being. See through the perceived limitation to the truth of who you are – a master in the process of awakening.