Stillness and Sanctuary

“Learning how to be still, to really be still and let life happen – that stillness becomes a radiance.”

~Morgan Freeman~

There is a quiet sense of being that holds the deepest truth of who you are. It resides underneath the mechanisms of the ego – the calmness beneath the turbulence – accessible at any moment.

The inner strength that comes from quieting the mind is unfathomable. All anger, stress, anxiety or discomfort can be traced back to a thought that has taken up residence; therefore, observing thought is a powerful tool of transformation.

Many speak of waking from the dream or seeing through the illusion as part of the process of awakening. To forget ones-Self is to become lost in the dream. Whether one wakes from the dream gently, rising to the surface of consciousness, or abruptly due the shock of an intense challenge or unexpected life transition, waking still ultimately occurs.

Rather than avoiding the obstacle in the path, address it head on and you will discover a great deal about the strength, wisdom, peacefulness and love of your soul in the process. The vastness of the universe resides within you. Without distraction, what might you discover?


“…for you know that soft is stronger than hard, water stronger than rock, love stronger than force.”
~Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha~

The only thing over which you have any control is how you choose to experience the present moment. It’s time to reignite life’s mystery and leap fully into the spiritual experience. The energy that we put out into the world matters. Your sense of connection matters. More than ever before, life needs peacekeepers, artisans, free thinkers, healers and creators.

Consciousness has expanded because of a willingness to journey through darkness. As we emerge from the shadows, we find ourselves transformed, and it is this strength and awareness that can now be brought out into the light. The role of the awakened soul is to demonstrate what empowerment looks like in the world of form. Gentleness, kindness, and compassion arise when we have cultivated them within.

Keep it simple. Focus only on this moment and how you can bring the best version of yourself to whatever unfolds. Even solitary, mundane tasks take on a sacred quality when you are thusly engaged. Imagine how life would feel if you consistently experienced the Now in this manner. Your peacefulness creates a true sanctuary.

Self Discovery

“I have been and still am a seeker, but I have ceased to question stars and books; I have begun to listen to the teaching my blood whispers to me.”
~Hermann Hesse~

When you learn to trust the processes of your awakening, it becomes easier to experience life as an adventure. Leaving behind the need for plans and a mapped out future, we explore with the exhilarating freedom which comes from being open and vulnerable.

Discovering your inner truth comes through experience. Nothing is guaranteed, but the search helps us to grow. Allow yourself to be insecure, to face adversity and accept the challenges that the unknown has to offer.

Any limitations in your experience are self-imposed. Life is here to offer whatever is needed in order for you to explore your unlimited potential. Taking one step at a time, giving your complete attention to the Now, can bring new passion, creativity and clarity to all that you do.

Be drawn forward by a sense of wonder. There are infinite levels within you waiting to be explored.



“I have been and still am a seeker, but I have ceased to question stars and books; I have begun to listen to the teaching my blood whispers to me.”
~Hermann Hesse~
Experience creates understanding. Those who walk through challenges emerge transformed. They have a compassion and depth of knowledge unknown to those who have played it safe. Think of the difference between someone who has studied honey extensively – it’s molecular compounds, how it’s made, uses for it – and someone who has simply paused to taste and enjoy its sweetness. While one may have more time invested and learned complex words to describe it, the second has personal experience and greater clarity.
The mind, pretending to be important, will often ask questions that delay (how? why? when?) as a form of procrastination. The heart will prompt you to conscious action based upon your newfound wisdom.
Understanding will ultimately set you free. With each experience your perception of life broadens. Immerse yourself in possibility and choose to see beyond good and bad to the love that resides at the core of everything. Armed with depth and nuance, you can trust the whispers of your heart. Taste life. Allow its sweetness to inform you. No matter what arises, your compassion will continue to expand until it encompasses all that you see.

The Way of Love

“Wherever you are, you are one with the clouds and one with the sun and the stars you see. You are one with everything. That is more true than I can say, and more true than you can hear.”
~Shunryu Suzuki~

Authentic change takes patience and consistency. While a flash flood can do some immediate damage, things tend to go back to normal once  the waters recede. The slow, constant movement of water, however, can carve through mountains, change the form of rock or ultimately lead itself onward to the sea.

Everything that you experience is multifaceted. On the surface it may prompt a quick interpretation; however, learning how to examine differing perspectives is a powerful tool. The immediate reaction is the flash flood, while mindfulness is the water that gently carves new openings through the hardest of energies.

When you choose to see yourself, the world, and all it contains as sacred, your behavior will transform. Everything pulsates with the vibrant energy of the Divine and for those who have eyes to see, all is love.