Conscious Faith

Like everything in our experience, faith can look vastly different depending upon ones level of consciousness. When based in Fear, Shame or Anger, faith becomes something that enslaves. The ego will fight to the death to defend the belief or force it upon others. In many cases, the personality becomes rigid and restrictive.

On the path of awakening, faith begins to take on new qualities. Still dysfunctional when filtered through the level of Pride, faith now becomes judgmental and verbose. It seeks to persuade, to show how faith and favor are intertwined and sees all others as heathen, evil or wrong.

Within healthy levels of consciousness such as Courage, Willingness, Acceptance or Love, faith sparkles with possibility. Optimism and empowerment blend with wisdom, forging it as a powerful tool in our exploration.

Consider the beliefs that guide your choices and behavior. Are they expansive or restrictive? The ultimate goal is to recognize the essence of Oneness. Faith allows us to see through illusion to the soul of a situation. We can then live utilizing intuition, transforming challenges into strength and expanding consciousness. Ones’ measure of enlightenment is demonstrated through authenticity. There is no need to prove or defend. Just be.