
Intuition is like a muscle. We all have it, but not everyone chooses to develop it. People often ask how to differentiate between the inner voice of wisdom and the voice of the ego. The intuition typically comes through quietly and speaks once while the ego is loud and repetitive.

The quieter the mind, the more you can hear. Intuition is a tool that we can utilize as an powerful aspect of spiritual growth. Integrating the spiritual and the mundane awakens true mastery. As we evolve, we bring a different viewpoint to our life circumstances and learn to trust our inner wisdom.
You will discover your own unique way of deciphering the messages from your higher Self. Be patient with this process. Practice different approaches and see what works best. As you play with this energy, you’ll learn to differentiate intuition from ego-generated thought. Always,  ego creates anxiety while intuition (even when forewarning of a potential challenge) brings empowerment.

Whatever you place your focus upon grows stronger. You also may experience accompanying physical indicators, such as goosebumps, tummy flutters or tears. The more you trust your inner wisdom, the more clearly these indicators will be felt. This process of connection eventually transforms your experience into a life that is awake and connected to the energy of the Now.