Ruthless Acceptance

“Intimacy is a totally different dimension. It is allowing the other to come into you, to see you as you see yourself, to allow the other to see you from the inside, to invite somebody to that deepest core of your being.” 

When you love and accept yourself, there is no fear. You allow others to experience the truth of who you are. You share your light with the world without seeking outside validation, for there is no need. You are safe in your expression of the Divine.

It’s easy to be open with someone who accepts and understands you. It becomes a little more challenging with those who judge or even attack you, and harder yet with those who trigger old wounds. However, each of these situations teaches something different. Every moment is an opportunity to bring the best version of yourself to your life situation. Act with integrity, do your best, accept what is.

Love has nothing to do with desire or neediness, only giving. It is a powerful flow of energy that attaches to nothing but resides openly within the present moment. It does not fluctuate based upon events because it isn’t dependent upon external factors. It has the capacity to create dramatic change due to the purity of the energy.

Life is a dance of contrasts, experience and expansion. There is nothing more beautiful than seeing the mystery of ruthless acceptance in motion.

Conscious Transformation

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”
~George Bernard Shaw~
Contrast helps us to create change in our experience. It’s important to recognize the value of accepting things that we traditionally avoid. Lack can bring greater abundance. Illness can prompt us into healthier choices. Hatred teaches the power of love. The nuances of life can only be seen and appreciated through acceptance; therefore, acceptance is the key component to conscious transformation.
Become a loving witness and cultivate the art of living without attachment. Empowerment is possible when we can be objective and make choices that support healthy transformation. Many times this is simply achieved by releasing things that no longer serve you. Baby steps spark miracles.
All change begins with a vision. Keeping the end result in mind, taking conscious action in the present moment and celebrating the new as it appears is all that is required. Create space in your experience and allow the Universe to surprise you.
Take some time to celebrate your journey today. Dance as you cleanse your home. Play some music that uplifts your soul. Cook a meal with loving intention… You are alive, an exquisite spark of infinity looking to create a new experience… and no one does it quite like you.


“Detachment does not mean non-involvement.
You can be deeply involved but not entangled.”
~Jaggi Vasudev~

Love, whether expressed through romance, friendship, our relationship to the planet or to ourselves, requires the gift of space. When we drop expectation and neediness, what remains is authentic compassion and kindness. We learn to honor every path as sacred, thriving during moments together as well as those spent in solitude, and consistently tend to our own healing. In this manner, loving relationships are based upon mutual respect rather than excessive drama and there is no desire that anything be other than what it is.

Many people believe that emotional reactivity and conflict proves that someone cares. This is an ego-driven concept that measures worth by how much energy we absorb from one another. When you notice that you are no longer interested in participating in drama, love becomes a higher, more accepting quality that is born from the culmination of experience. From there, we enter the realm of detached compassion.

Allow those in your life to learn their own lessons in their own time-frame and in their own way. Let the winds of heaven dance in between you. This is a gift of love.

The Key of Awareness

“If you understand it, the world is a great device to make you conscious. Your enemy is your friend, and the curses are blessings, and the misfortunes can be turned into fortunes. It depends only on one thing: if you know the key of awareness.”

Happiness is your divine right. All too often, people live with the limiting belief that life is hard and that one must suffer in order to get ahead. We suffer until we realize that there is no need to suffer.

Practice finding joy in the little things: an inspiring piece of music that makes your heart come alive, the way sunlight spills through the trees creating unique patterns on the earth, respond to the smile of a dogs loving eyes… Once you master happiness in the Now, expand it outward. Feel it guide you throughout the day. Discover the power of choosing joy even in the midst of challenging moments.

When you maintain an undercurrent of satisfaction and peace as the foundation of your journey, you step into an empowered way of being. Expecting good to come from everywhere and everything creates a magnetic effect that draws energetically aligned people and circumstances into your experience. Celebrate it! Let your life be a dance of empowerment, passion and acceptance.


“Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment.”

~Eckhart Tolle~

Prior to birth, we arrange specific karmic agreements such as birth, marriage, betrayal, support, love, inspiration, assistance or opposition, etc. Each karmic situation is meant to teach or balance energy until it is no longer required.
Self-karma is an internal experience that is based upon limiting beliefs or behaviors (addiction, self-worth, judgment, criticism). As we do our spiritual work and take a more active role in the raising of consciousness, we draw in those who can assist and support us with the goals of acceptance, unconditional love, forgiveness, peace, and clarity.
When we are ready to heal emotional wounds, our higher Self sends a request for assistance out into the universe. Those who answer the call are willing to play a role (typically adversarial) to bring the energy of the wound to the service. These loving souls are willing to risk losing our love and goodwill in this life for the specific purpose of healing. Regardless of how it may appear, everything in your experience supports your journey of awakening.

Growth is a Process

“The closer we get to the end of our present evolutionary stage, the more dysfunctional the ego becomes, in the same way that a caterpillar becomes dysfunctional just before it transforms into a butterfly. But the new consciousness is arising even as the old dissolves.”

~Eckhart Tolle~

Butterflies are often seen as a symbol of complete and profound transformation. They spark childlike wonder as they delight in flowering gardens and bask in the warmth of the sun.

But the journey is hard. When it’s time for the caterpillar to change, it naturally feels compelled to create a chrysalis or a cocoon. These protective layers not only shield it from the elements, but also provide a safe space for the transformation. Enzymes are released that begin to break down the old form, leaving only liquid. One can imagine that this could be very disconcerting for the caterpillar, but it’s a necessary part of the process.

Once the old form has been completely destroyed, imaginal discs that have long laid dormant turn on and begin to create the new. When the transformation is complete, the butterfly must chew its way out of the protective shell. No one can help with this aspect of growth. If one were to open the cocoon or chrysalis, the butterfly would die. The struggle is very important.

Finally, the butterfly must get used to the new form. Awkwardness turns into beauty and they are free to fly and explore. Thus it is with us. Each stage of growth is vitally important and cannot be rushed. Trust the processes of your own transformation.

Stillness and Gratitude

“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.”
~John Lubbock~

What happens when we immerse ourselves completely in the present moment? Everything. The world opens, healing begins and we can access the transformative joy of being. You can choose to create stillness throughout the day and intersperse Presence within the chaos. Little consciousness choices can nurture the soul in amazing ways.

Bless the frustrations that have helped you to discover the power of patience. Honor the challenges that have played their part in the formation of your character. Celebrate the friendships that bring laughter and support and love into your experience. These are the gifts that have lasting impact.

It’s enough to stop completely, close your eyes, breathe deeply three times and listen to world around you. With no words, appreciate the Now. Be present and turn your awareness inward. There you will experience the true nature of a soul in the process of awakening. Peacefulness, clarity, patience and beauty rise above the muck to welcome the sun.

The Gifts of Adversity

Those that challenge you the most on the physical plane love you the most on the spiritual place. Great gifts are discovered when we go through adversity. Consider the souls that are willing to act in a manner that tests you on many levels. They run the risk of losing your love and friendship in this lifetime while serving a higher purpose in your souls growth.

Consider the challenges of your life, the disappointments, the struggle. Acknowledge the lessons you’ve learned, the skills you’ve developed and see if you can find aspects in each situation for which you can be thankful. This is the true purpose behind the interaction.

The tapestry we weave together is one of brilliant design and mastery. Each circumstance and situation plays its part in the scheme of things. We dance in and out of one another’s awareness only to discover purpose within the chaos and receive the gifts of spirit.

Sometimes the pattern is difficult to see when we are too close to the situation. Distance lends perspective. The higher your vibration, the greater your ability to discern aspects that may have eluded you in the past. Never doubt the purpose and beauty of your experience. The greater the challenge, the greater the breakthrough.

Personal Transformation

“As far as inner transformation is concerned, there is nothing you can do about it. You cannot transform yourself, and you certainly cannot transform your partner or anybody else. All you can do is create a space for transformation to happen, for grace and love to enter.”

~Eckhart Tolle~

You are a beautiful, multi-faceted soul who should take delight in the various expressions of who you are. As we traverse the path of transformation we explore different ways of being. Our varied experiences leave an indelible mark on us. It’s empowering to see every situation as an opportunity to learn something new.

You can create space in which transformation can occur. When we appreciate the richness of other cultures and viewpoints, we cultivate compassion while recognizing the commonalities betwixt us. But more than that… we are personally transformed by the new energy that shifts our auric field.

Whether changes are subtle or dramatic, the journey is one of discovery. Expansion is very literally what happens as you become more conscious. Your perception broadens as does the expression of who you are. One characteristic of awakening is the ability to look at situations (and yourself) with greater clarity. Keep changing, learning and expanding. This infinite universe has secrets to share.

Growth and Acceptance

According to The Michael Teachings, we arrange several overleaves when planning the blueprint of a life. These set the framework for our personality type and create the perfect foundation for the lessons that we seek to learn in this lifetime. The seven goals are: Re-evaluation, Growth, Discrimination, Acceptance, Submission, Dominance or Stagnation.

This is not a rigid system of thought. One can utilize any of the goals when working through a challenge, but the primary goal is often the answer that we seek when navigating through the intensities of life. The two most commonly used are Growth and Acceptance.

If Growth is your goal it indicates that your soul seeks to expand rapidly; therefore, you’ll often have many intense situations that set the stage for moments of awakening. Someone working with that particular goal instinctively learns how to seek the lesson inherent within the challenge.

For those using Acceptance as a goal, the answer to almost every problem is that they must learn to accept what is and then work with it rather than against it. Rejection is the hardest thing they face. After several years of fighting to fix something they perceive as wrong, they ultimately learn the peace and unconditional love that Acceptance has to offer.

“Know thyself” is written at the temple of Delphi. Once you understand your purpose, strengths and foibles in this lifetime, you are well on your way to enlightenment.