
“I will show you fear in a handful of dust.”
~T.S. Eliot~
Fear creates a fight or flight mechanism in the mind. The ego takes over, and creates a story that repeats until it is believed. At this point the personality has lived with the script for so long that it becomes a perceived reality that blocks any real joy from arising.
While it may seem that many today are lost in fear or angry reactivity, there is a balancing conscious awareness that is also coming into being. Many spiritual seekers who have cultivated the tools to rise above are bringing a new perception into focus by being living examples of peace, compassion and awareness.
Krishnamurti once said, “Do you want to know what my secret is? I don’t mind what happens.” This seemingly simplistic view of peace calls upon us to recognize that fear is a self-made condition. Our resistance, reactivity and righteous anger add energy into the illusion, keeping it alive. Choose to recognize everything and everyone in your life as a teacher. Imagine the freedom that comes from seeing all circumstances as an opportunity to love. And remember – love and fear cannot coexist in the same space.

Live in Your Magnificence

“I now choose to recognize the magnificence of my being.”
~Louise Hay~

Spiritual awakening is not like flicking on a light switch. It is a consistent process of candid self-observation, the ability to address each challenge and trigger as it arises while practicing new ways to bring the best version of yourself to each situation you encounter.

Over time we explore uncharted facets of ourselves and cultivate qualities that bring peace into our lives. One by one, we drop the limiting patterns and beliefs that cause frustration. Give yourself credit for how far you have come. When you miss the mark, forgive yourself for being human. Awakening is not about expectations of perfection or “Buddah-hood.” It is the slow, transformative process of freedom.

We teach by living our truth. Conscious actions leave a lasting imprint. Each step of the way we have an opportunity to walk our talk and speak our truth with integrity and the results can be incredibly transformative. As the soul awakens, we learn to recognize the magnificence of being. Consciousness expands by honoring the space in which life is experienced. Just be. Be the loving observer. Be the one whose only desire is to be kind. Scatter seeds of joy throughout every interaction and see what you can learn.


“The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique.”
~Walt Disney~
Your light encourages others to discover their own. Your unique vision comes from many, many lifetimes of experience and it’s understandable that you may often feel misunderstood. Part of the old soul experience is not fitting in with mainstream thought. When you embrace your way of being in the world, something beautiful begins to unfold.
Consider those who have inspired you. The fact that they stand out in your mind is indicative of their uniqueness. Rather than trying to emulate them, let their inspiration take you to new places. These untraveled roads will bring out the very best in you.
Contrasts accentuate the beauty of uncommon things. Space allows the freedom to grow and change. Joy creates the field of energy in which a transformation can occur.

Living the Mystery

“Remember, mystery isn’t something that you cannot understand—it is something that you can endlessly understand! There is no point at which you can say, “I’ve got it.” Always and forever, mystery gets you!”
~Richard Rohr~

When you view life as a mystery, new doors will open. Those who are trapped in thought become lost in the mire of projection, seeing only what they are programmed to see. The only thing that transforms this prison is silent awareness. Pay attention to your thoughts and you’ll notice that they are all ideas that have been passed down from others.

The mind is not reality; it is a limited interpretation of experience. Once you lock into an idea or a belief, you block all other possibility. Seeing life as a mystery implies that it cannot be solved or completely understood. We need to learn to become open, receptive and clear. Thoughts come and go, but the stillness of your eternal being always remains.
Cultivating an awareness of your ability to create joy brings a sense of freedom into your experience. Be present for whatever arises in the Now and live without pretense. You have nothing to prove and everything to discover.

Life is the Journey

“The healthiest response to life is laughter from the heart, and even in the face of global turmoil, we can cultivate an internal sense of optimism.”
~From Why is God laughing? by Deepak Chopra~

It is said that love is the destination and life is the journey… You have a unique way of being in the world. Honor it simply by being yourself. Your style, perception, grace and laughter spark a new energy in our awakening consciousness. Everything in your experience is filled with infinite potential – what will you choose to create?
Remember that what you see in the physical world is often the exact opposite of what is occurring in the spiritual world. Opportunities are often disguised as loss. Look deeper. If you ego clamors for reactive patterns or worry, strive to do the opposite. This will allow you to transform the challenges you encounter into  strength.
Gratitude will always create a flow of positive energy in your experience. It takes us from victim-hood consciousness to empowerment. You are right where you need to be. You are safe, supported, loved and guided each and every step of the way. It’s time to reclaim your freedom – the freedom to thrive.