Growth is a Process

“The closer we get to the end of our present evolutionary stage, the more dysfunctional the ego becomes, in the same way that a caterpillar becomes dysfunctional just before it transforms into a butterfly. But the new consciousness is arising even as the old dissolves.”

~Eckhart Tolle~

Butterflies are often seen as a symbol of complete and profound transformation. They spark childlike wonder as they delight in flowering gardens and bask in the warmth of the sun.

But the journey is hard. When it’s time for the caterpillar to change, it naturally feels compelled to create a chrysalis or a cocoon. These protective layers not only shield it from the elements, but also provide a safe space for the transformation. Enzymes are released that begin to break down the old form, leaving only liquid. One can imagine that this could be very disconcerting for the caterpillar, but it’s a necessary part of the process.

Once the old form has been completely destroyed, imaginal discs that have long laid dormant turn on and begin to create the new. When the transformation is complete, the butterfly must chew its way out of the protective shell. No one can help with this aspect of growth. If one were to open the cocoon or chrysalis, the butterfly would die. The struggle is very important.

Finally, the butterfly must get used to the new form. Awkwardness turns into beauty and they are free to fly and explore. Thus it is with us. Each stage of growth is vitally important and cannot be rushed. Trust the processes of your own transformation.


“Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.”
~Eckhart Tolle~

When you bring the best version of yourself to this moment, the future will take care of itself. Plans are best utilized to set a new energy in motion, for they encompass expanded vision, desire, expression and joy. Many falter when attachment to the initial concept and plan supersedes the original inspiration. When faced with a blockage or unexpected transition, if you observe the ego becoming more active, ask “Is _____ more important than my state of consciousness?” The answer is likely going to be no.

Energy is fluid, ever-changing and light. Dance within the vibrancy of this moment knowing that something beautiful is in motion. It is our nature to be limited in perception and vision; therefore, trust that your soul knows exactly what it is doing. As we awaken, we release layers of outmoded beliefs, energetic blockages and attachments. With each conscious step forward we discover that the joy is in the doing. This is the moment of your transformation.

Express yourself, find your flow and step into the fullness of who you are. Life will respond accordingly.

Personal Transformation

“As far as inner transformation is concerned, there is nothing you can do about it. You cannot transform yourself, and you certainly cannot transform your partner or anybody else. All you can do is create a space for transformation to happen, for grace and love to enter.”

~Eckhart Tolle~

You are a beautiful, multi-faceted soul who should take delight in the various expressions of who you are. As we traverse the path of transformation we explore different ways of being. Our varied experiences leave an indelible mark on us. It’s empowering to see every situation as an opportunity to learn something new.

You can create space in which transformation can occur. When we appreciate the richness of other cultures and viewpoints, we cultivate compassion while recognizing the commonalities betwixt us. But more than that… we are personally transformed by the new energy that shifts our auric field.

Whether changes are subtle or dramatic, the journey is one of discovery. Expansion is very literally what happens as you become more conscious. Your perception broadens as does the expression of who you are. One characteristic of awakening is the ability to look at situations (and yourself) with greater clarity. Keep changing, learning and expanding. This infinite universe has secrets to share.


“The ego relies on the familiar. It is reluctant to experience the unknown, which is they very essence of life.”
~Deepak Chopra~

There are times when we need to remind ourselves to be light, playful and accepting. To be lost in the illusion of control is to be stressed and judgmental. The ego projects it’s idea of what is acceptable and then attaches to it, often to the determent of joyful, meaningful interactions.

There is nothing wrong with having preferences; however, suffering ensues when preferences solidify into absolute requirements. Attachment causes pain.

If you can set the stage for a balanced life, you can enjoy the unfoldment of the day. Rather than seeking to control, seek to experience. Be open to following the flow of energy wherever it may lead. Life may present new friends or encounters that enrich your soul. When we are comfortable with the unknown and the unexpected, life becomes an empowering journey of discovery.

Releasing control is a conscious way to enter the joy of being. This moment  is the doorway to enlightenment – when you step into the fullness of who you are, worry and control become antithetical to your natural state of balance and Presence.



“No matter how long your journey appears to be, there is never more than this: one step, one breath, one moment… Now.”

~Eckhart Tolle~

This moment is the creative spark of life. Rather than allow the past to define your present, change your thinking so the present transforms the past. When you choose to take ownership of your state of consciousness in the Now, you open a world of possibility. Challenges become gifts and enemies become healing angels, perceived missteps become adventures, and you may just discover that you are right where you need to be.

If one’s perception is focused deeply on the Now, the troubles of the past or worries about the future are seen for what they are: thought patterns. When you rise above thought, you can dance in the fullness of who you are.

Seek only to be Present. Notice when the mind becomes a distraction. Observe without resistance and choose instead to be still for a moment. Your acceptance of the Now removes drama and intensity from your life experience. You have the ability to face what is right in front of you and consciously utilize it as the next step of your transformative journey.

This Moment

“There is only one perpetrator of evil on the planet: human unconsciousness. That realization is true forgiveness. With forgiveness, your victim identity dissolves, and your true power emerges–the power of Presence. Instead of blaming the darkness, you bring in the light.”
~Eckhart Tolle~

When you bring the best version of yourself to the present moment, the future takes care of itself. Mastery comes from cultivating the ability to remain conscious as you address the tasks of the day. Each has the ability to awaken greater insight and awareness. Even something as simple as taking a walk can be done consciously or unconsciously. If you’re only trying to get to the next place, looking down at the phone or lost in thought, an opportunity is missed. Thankfully, there’s another. And another.

Slow down and choose to fully experience the Now. The key to your awakening lies within it. As present moment awareness becomes a habit, your life will sparkle with limitless possibility. As you change, the world around you is transformed.

You can participate without getting caught up in the drama. With awareness, passion evolves into compassion. Judgment dissolves into love and the world explodes into life. This vibrant flow of energy moves through you to play in the world of form.

Growing Beyond Limitation

“We are here not only to experience limitation, but also to grow in consciousness by going beyond limitation.”
~Eckhart Tolle~

Perceived limitations can be overcome physically (such as releasing poverty consciousness and becoming more receptive to abundance or overcoming an illness), mentally (learning to accept limitations thus transforming them into strength), or spiritually (bringing love to a situation filled with hate). The soul seeks to expand, awaken and overcome adversity.
You can access your ability to be a conscious c0-creator by moving into acceptance. Accept life as it is and take responsibility for your state of consciousness in the present moment. Release the need to blame, defend or struggle. Learn how to see perfection in the imperfection and recognize that you are right where you need to be. Whatever has arrived in your experience has a specific purpose in your soul’s growth. When you change how you think about a situation, transformation begins.
When you embrace the present moment and bring your full attention to whatever you are doing, your actions will be filled with deeper intention and empowerment. No matter what you are prompted to do, find a way to bring the light of consciousness to the forefront of your experience.

Letting Go

Why do we cling when clinging causes pain? It’s empowering to truly understand that we can utilize any situation as a vehicle for awakening. One practice is to notice attachment when it arises, consciously observe how it impacts our state of consciousness Now, and then take right action when appropriate.

If you notice yourself fighting to retain the status quo at all costs, insisting that circumstances unfold in a certain way or losing your personal integrity to placate someone else, you are giving away your power. Some people and things are bulwarks in our lives, others play their role in our awakening and depart. The question then becomes how do you know when to fight for something and when to release it?

Awareness always begins with your inner work. Why are you attached? What is the story that replays in the mind? Who would you be without that story? (thank you, Byron Katie!) Your journey is unique and, ultimately, you will find your way to enlightenment.

Act with integrity, do your best, accept what is. Letting go is easier when we have been purposeful in our actions. Sometimes seeds are planted and circumstances need time to change. Just because something doesn’t happen on your schedule, it doesn’t mean that you have failed. When you release all attachment to outcomes, you create greater peace in your experience.


“The moment that judgement stops through acceptance of what it is, you are free of the mind. You have made room for love, for joy, for peace.”
~Eckhart Tolle~

When you utilize everything in your experience as a vehicle for awakening, you step into empowerment. Acceptance has nothing to do with liking something; however, it allows you to handle any challenges you may face with grace.

Resistance causes pain. Conversely, acceptance creates a state of willingness to address the situation with a greater degree of clarity. There is nothing wrong with having preferences. We would all prefer that life flows smoothly, to see those we love thrive, to feel appreciated and understood. But when we demand that life conforms to our desire, we miss opportunities to witness consciousness in action.

As you awaken, you’ll find that you handle discomfort with greater ease and humor. While frustration may arise, it no longer takes control of the experience you are having. Observe it, work with it and it will dissipate. The way forward will make itself known. Observe how you respond to unexpected setbacks or challenges. The amount of disappointment you feel indicates the amount of attachment you held – and that is something that is in your control.

Your State of Consciousness

Yesterday, while walking through a parking lot, a lady in an electric vehicle began to pull out without noticing my husband and me. We stopped, laughed and commented that because her car was so quiet we didn’t realize that she was getting ready to back out. So we stopped for a moment, no big deal.

Just then, another person walked up on our left and began to verbally berate the driver for being oblivious. She was fairly hostile and the driver simply stopped, took the abuse quietly, looked down uncomfortably and paused before going on her way.

This was a quick example of how differing levels of consciousness impact our lives on a daily basis. One event can be experienced in myriad ways by those involved and this seemed a demonstration of several perceptions that were all accurate at varying levels. The facts were these: a driver made a minor error and no one was harmed. The flow of energy that I observed ran the gamut from humor and patience, to outrage and abuse, to shame and embarrassment.

A very basic interpretation would be that Dave and I were vibrating at the level of Neutrality, the abuser at the level of Anger and the driver at the level of Fear. Each level creates a filter through which we interpret our experiences. The lower levels might indicate that some self-karma was briefly at work.

We all seek greater awareness. This brief moment was a good reminder that we are all human. Every experience offers an opportunity to grow and learn from one another.