
“Detachment does not mean non-involvement.
You can be deeply involved but not entangled.”
~Jaggi Vasudev~

Love, whether expressed through romance, friendship, our relationship to the planet or to ourselves, requires the gift of space. When we drop expectation and neediness, what remains is authentic compassion and kindness. We learn to honor every path as sacred, thriving during moments together as well as those spent in solitude, and consistently tend to our own healing. In this manner, loving relationships are based upon mutual respect rather than excessive drama and there is no desire that anything be other than what it is.

Many people believe that emotional reactivity and conflict proves that someone cares. This is an ego-driven concept that measures worth by how much energy we absorb from one another. When you notice that you are no longer interested in participating in drama, love becomes a higher, more accepting quality that is born from the culmination of experience. From there, we enter the realm of detached compassion.

Allow those in your life to learn their own lessons in their own time-frame and in their own way. Let the winds of heaven dance in between you. This is a gift of love.

Be Love

When you feel the brunt of someone’s anger, be compassionate instead of defensive.
When you are triggered and the ego wants to withhold, consciously move forward with kindness instead.
When you are judged… Be love.
Acceptance, unconditional love, honoring all life as sacred, being the peace you wish to see, Radical Forgiveness… all these concepts inspire us to be better; however, it’s important to remember that we require opposition in order for us to cultivate these amazing qualities.
Be grateful for those who challenge you. Personally or globally, each of us is playing the role that is best for the collective growth of all. When you choose to drop judgment, limiting beliefs or hatred, and purposely see beyond the physical, everything is love. Life provides the perfect experience needed for our awakening.
Happiness is your own responsibility. Don’t allow yourself to become distracted by the drama or unconscious behavior to which you might be subjected. The moment you view yourself as a victim, you lose sight of your power.
Cultivate the ability to live open-heartedly in spite of the shocks of life. Anything that shakes you up is an opportunity to awaken to the most beautiful and empowered aspects of your true nature.