Be Still

The human condition provides lessons through the perception of separation. While the soul seeks to awaken, the ego seeks to distract; therefore, it will constantly plant seeds of division. Those seeds are sown with judgment, hatred and fear and they grow into barriers that block us from seeing the sacredness of another.

Once division occurs, the next level of distraction comes from constant fighting. Whether external or internal, the ego busies the mind with stories of victimhood and blame and the personality (seeking to belong) will find others with similar fears or beliefs in order to reinforce the walls. Brick by brick, layer by layer, the illusion is woven into the fabric of the life experience.

Throughout the process of awakening we begin to dismantle the beliefs that create separation. Stillness cultivates the ability to see through illusions created by the mind. In that space, in the gap of infinite possibility, we can perceive the love that connects us. It’s amazing to observe the change as one moves from fear to enlightenment. Stillness becomes the foundation upon which we build.

Be still. Receive inspiration. Laugh often. Recognize your own sacredness and walk forward accordingly. The way will make itself known.