The Divine Triangle – Part 2

“On this sacred path, the few are revered and honored because their very presence blesses those near. Their touch is healing, and their words express the music of the spheres, inspiring and lifting the weary heart.”

~Faith Javane and Dusty Bunker~

With the numerological interpretation of the Divine Triangle in mind, age 81 is an important turning point. Those who reach this age have a three-pronged choice. Some exit the planet and go on to their next adventure. Others begin to traverse their blueprint again. If the lessons have not been learned, they start anew, often needing the same type of care as they had (or maybe didn’t have) as infants. This allows the soul to revisit those experiences.

Those who have learned the lessons they intended to work with in this life will also revisit the original blueprint; however, they will experience it from a higher octave of energy. These beautiful souls are a source of grace. Their joy and peacefulness is an inspiration. These are the wise elders who, having witnessed all the contrasts of life, return to innocence. With wisdom and acceptance, they can embrace the wonder of life in a way that is beautiful, healthy and balanced.