
“I don’t mind what happens. That is the essence of inner freedom.
It is a timeless spiritual truth: release attachment to outcomes,
deep inside yourself, you’ll feel good no matter what.”
~Jiddu Krishnamurti~

This lifelong process of discovery is a dance of love with the Divine. Every circumstance offers something of value and when we trust our inner wisdom enough to drop reactivity and fear, we cross a threshold into a different type of experience. Periodically access your emotional temperament. It’s quite likely that you interpret and respond to life quite differently than you did 5, 10 or 20 years ago.

We share this slow and transformative process of awakening. Don’t wait for life to fall into place before you choose to be happy. Let your happiness inform your experience. Approach the infinite energy of limitless possibility with awareness, faith and openness and there you may discover a sense a peaceful self-love and acceptance that sets you free.

The light of your consciousness transforms whatever it shines upon. Periodically take a moment to bring your attention to the Now and reside fully within it. Even the most mundane aspects of life will sparkle with brilliance and you will be able to recognize the sacredness of your own divinity.

Be Attentive to the Mystery

Each time you choose to celebrate life, you honor the present moment as sacred. In essence, celebration allows the Divine to recognize itself as it flows through you experiencing the world of form.

No matter what you choose to do, do it mindfully. Take a moment to enjoy the uniqueness of your journey, your preferences, those who grace your life with their presence and all that you’ve discovered thus far. We have much to learn from these simple moments of connection.

The expansion of consciousness is a process. It can come bursting through your experience as an insight or revelation or manifest as a gentle, subtle flow that goes unnoticed until life presents a situation that demonstrates how far you’ve come.

You are here to bring peacefulness into the space you inhabit, to awaken and share your gifts. Your life is meant to be one of discovery – a book upon which you write the story of your choosing. Eventually, you’ll find yourself living outside the cycle of story and drama, treasuring the connection of Oneness within your experience. Then life opens up into new dimensions. Put down the burdens that you have carried and become attentive to the mystery.

Live in Wonder

Choose to live in a world filled with wonder. Life has tremendous meaning if you look at it as a game and don’t take it too seriously. Bring a childlike innocence and simple joy to all that unfolds in your experience and you will learn many, many things.

Everything and everyone is your teacher. There are never-ending lessons to explore and nuances to discover – each designed in love with the evolution of your consciousness in mind. The more awareness you bring to your journey, the more value you will get from the process.

The playful soul fears nothing. He or she can live authentically and simply accept what unfolds. After a lifetime of dreams, challenges, losses, disappointments, successes and transitions, choosing to be childlike and innocent while trusting the processes of awakening is a form of inner mastery. Only then can you become a living flame of awareness.

Set an intention to look past the illusions created by the mind – the seriousness, judgments and opinions – and allow the love, light and laughter of the Universe to express itself through you.


“The most beautiful world is always entered through imagination.”

~Helen Keller~

Within the present moment there are infinite levels of perception to explore. Stillness creates space within the intensity of life and in that space resides the wisdom of your soul. Imagine cultivating the ability to walk through changes with a sense of inner grace, balance and peace. This aura of empowerment is yours to claim.

New ideas bring inspiration. Willingness to explore adds nuance and potential to the movement of awareness which is rising within you. Utilize your gifts and trust the intuitive longing of your soul. There are no mistakes, only avenues of experience to explore. This world is your playground. Every circumstance provides an opportunity to learn, and as you are transformed, the world around you is changed as well.

Thankfully, there is no end to this process. We are in a constant dance of discovery. Watch the energy as it ebbs and flows. Quiet moments happen for a reason. Take a moment to go inward, reflect and appreciate. There is far more to life than meets the eye.

Find Your Bliss

“Being spiritual has nothing to do with what you believe and everything to do with your state of consciousness.” 
~Eckhart Tolle~
In the middle of a soundbath yesterday, my kitty decided to bliss out. She appeared to completely relax, receive and be at peace and it was sweet to see her demonstrate a feeling of safety. This was a gentle reminder that openness allows love to flow. Periodically remind yourself to just be in the Now – no desire, no thought, nothing to prove, no one special to be – and feel the peace that is your true birthright.
Life will always show a reflection of your deepest beliefs. As consciousness expands, these moments of connection become more frequent. Seek only to bring the best version of yourself to the present moment, Should you observe any thoughts that disrupt your bliss, bring them out into the light of consciousness. Rather than fight the ego, love it as a teacher knowing that your love is transformative.
View life’s experiences as a playground of discovery. Every interaction provides an opportunity to observe your state of consciousness. Celebrate how far you’ve come, correct course when necessary and let your journey be a statement of love.

The Art of Friendship

“A friend is one to whom one may pour out all the contents of one’s heart, chaff and grain together knowing that the gentlest of hands will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away.”
~Arabian Proverb~

If you approach life with a loving heart, you will always create something beautiful in the world. Allow your explorations to teach you the art of friendship – giving from a space of joy, loving gently through the awkwardness of healing old wounds, honoring each other’s path as sacred, finding deeper connection within the silences.
Many threads of energy connect us to one another. Little sparkles of affection traverse time and space on waves of thought, propelled by intention and amplified by loving action. I often find myself smiling with tears of memory on my gratitude walk as I express thanks to those who have passed. It seems I can feel them in the breeze that walks with me. Celebrate those who grace your life.
These beautiful souls support our awakening. The Gaelic term for this type of connection is Anam Cara, and together we walk the path of awakening. When you can be comfortable with life’s mysteries in your solitude, your relationships will reflect this sense of warmth and adventure.


Journey to Yourself

“…every path toward self-discovery is a valid one.”
~Efrat Cybulkiewicz~

No matter what path you choose, challenges you face, or friends you discover along the way… all eventually lead you on an amazing journey of discovery. Perceived wrong turns or mistakes can be transformed into adventures. Blockages unlock ingenuity and inner strength. The resilience of your soul is ready to shine.

Rather than getting lost in the stories of old wounds or limited programming, use them as the impetus for change. Consider that your soul set itself upon this journey and that it plays a vital purpose in your development. When you begin utilizing tools at your disposal, you’ll discover the perfection that resides within the foundational energy of your life.

Each piece of wisdom we uncover becomes a stepping-stone to the next, and the next. The journey of awakening is unique and beautiful. Find your passions, walk forward with courage and integrity and see what you discover. The tendency of an old soul is to explore all sorts of belief systems, teachers, experiences and ideas, gathering nuggets of inspiration along the way. Be led by joy. The journey of self discovery is more beautiful than you can possibly imagine.

Celebrate the Day

“Wisdom is knowing I am nothing, love is knowing that I am everything, and between the two my life moves.”


You bring something beautiful to the world that will never be seen again.

When you are able to share your gifts with the world, something amazing happens… People respond to your authenticity. They seek to interact because your energy is uplifting and together, you become part of the dance of awakening.

In every moment we have a choice: to participate or to be the observer. Participation allows you to discover the various nuances of life in a way that observation cannot. Taste, see, touch, feel, hear. Immerse yourself in the beautiful experience of rising consciousness. Your loving energy is an integral aspect of our collective awakening.

There will be moments when you choose to rest in the stillness of infinite possibility. These pauses are also necessary and help to keep you balanced. Peacefulness, when combined with a sense of adventure and humor, provides the foundation for your spirit to thrive throughout your human experience.

See yourself as an explorer in the midst of discovery. Rather than wishing others would awaken, help them to awaken. Your life is your message.

Open Mind, Open Heart

“Until the mind is open, the heart stays closed. The open mind is the key to the open heart.”
~Byron Katie~

When you open your heart in the midst of life, miraculous things happen. Many fear vulnerability; however, it is a necessary component of spiritual growth. Life is a mystery to be lived, not a job to be managed or a game to win. Our life experiences teach simultaneously on several levels and as you integrate the new energy of your discoveries, results are seen within your mind, body and spirit.

Open your heart to the mystery. Allow your light to shine and respond to the present moment from a space of confidence and balance. Empowerment comes from taking little trips into uncharted areas while expanding your perception and understanding.

Spiritual awakening is a process so it’s important to be patient with yourself. Often changes are happening just under the surface and they manifest into your reality all at once. The openness and willingness to flow with what is will prepare you to step into this new dimension when the opportunity arises. All the seeds you have planted come to fruition in their own perfect time.


May you allow the wild beauty of the invisible world to gather you, mind you, and embrace you in belonging.
~John O’Donohue~


Everything that we put out into the world takes on a life of it’s own and returns to us in amazing ways. Let kindness be your guide. Consciously choose self talk that is supportive, imaginative, expansive and joyful. Know that you can never lose. There will be moments of success and moments where you learn something new about yourself and your infinite potential. Every situation and everyone you encounter plays a specific role in your awakening.
Love is a form of giving that breathes life into your experience. With each new level of discovery, expand your vision and choose to see beyond the illusions of the mind. Layer by layer, as we release things which no longer serve our growth, we step into the realm of limitless possibility. Choose to be one who brings lovely energy to the planet. Whether you rescue a spider, listen to a stranger, hold space for your child or help another to see their own beauty, walk gently upon the earth. Your interpretation of life is a direct reflection of your self love.