I Am

“I am here to serve.
I am here to inspire.
I am here to love.
I am here to live my truth.” 
~Deepak Chopra~
Your words have the power to shape your experiences. Someone who constantly says, “I’m a procrastinator…” “I’m always late…” “I can’t….” or “I’ll never be able to…” strengthens limiting mindsets that dictate how they walk through life.There is nothing more important than your state of consciousness in the present moment. Wherever you are, be there completely. Mastery is the act of taking personal responsibility for one’s own life and how we choose to experience what unfolds.

Begin with “I Am Consciousness.” Set a tone of awareness in your experience and reclaim your Divine birthright. You are here to thrive, to be joyful and to rise above limitation. Your conscious intent has the ability to transform any situation into one of empowerment.

As a conscious creator, be aware of your words and ensure that they are in alignment with your goals and desires. Your statements can support or sabotage, propel you forward or stop you in your tracks.

Consider practicing with a different “I Am” phrase each day. Journal your experiences. Your journey is ready to expand into new dimensions of expression.

Living Without Labels

“When we first meet people, we inevitably see them through the filters of all our associations, expectations, and projections. Over time, as the filters diminish, we may feel betrayed or deceived: ‘You’re not the person you were when we first met!’ Of course they’re not – in fact, they never were.”

~Ezra Bayda~

Observe how often we limit ourselves or others by adhering to narrow roles or archetypes. Often, when discovering one particular aspect of someones experience we will jump to a particular set of conclusions about them without actually discovering their unique expression of life.

The need to label is a by-product of the ego. When we reduce others to one dimensional entities, it’s easier to move into judgment about them. Work consciously to expand your vision. We, as multifaceted beings, have infinite aspects to explore and the willingness to drop limitation is required.

Some people get lost in their identities. They see themselves in a particular role and forget that infinite possibilities are always available. You might notice that you temporarily assume a role based upon the person with whom you’re interacting. Can you be the loving, expansive soul seeker with children as well as adults? With servers as well as billionaires? With someone who attacks you as well as someone who supports you?

Just notice. When you fully accept yourself and act from the heart, you may discover an authentic continuity that is far beyond any human conditioning.


“The ego relies on the familiar. It is reluctant to experience the unknown, which is they very essence of life.”
~Deepak Chopra~

There are times when we need to remind ourselves to be light, playful and accepting. To be lost in the illusion of control is to be stressed and judgmental. The ego projects it’s idea of what is acceptable and then attaches to it, often to the determent of joyful, meaningful interactions.

There is nothing wrong with having preferences; however, suffering ensues when preferences solidify into absolute requirements. Attachment causes pain.

If you can set the stage for a balanced life, you can enjoy the unfoldment of the day. Rather than seeking to control, seek to experience. Be open to following the flow of energy wherever it may lead. Life may present new friends or encounters that enrich your soul. When we are comfortable with the unknown and the unexpected, life becomes an empowering journey of discovery.

Releasing control is a conscious way to enter the joy of being. This moment  is the doorway to enlightenment – when you step into the fullness of who you are, worry and control become antithetical to your natural state of balance and Presence.


I Am

“I am here to serve.
I am here to inspire.
I am here to love.
I am here to live my truth.” 
~Deepak Chopra~

What do you choose to say after the words, “I Am?” It’s important to realize that your words are powerful. Many live in self-imposed prisons that their thoughts and words reinforce everyday.

Ask someone close to you to observe the words you say and give them permission to gently interrupt and bring your attention to anything negative or limiting. Awareness is the first step of transformation. It may be surprising to realize how often you reinforce old programming.

Empowerment is taking full responsibility for whatever unfolds in your experience. With a blend of strength and humility it becomes possible to set new intentions and consciously direct your energy in beautiful ways. Life will always reflect your beliefs and intentions back to you, and thus awareness begins the process of change.
It’s exciting to remember that no matter how much we have learned or how far we have come, that we have barely scratched the surface of what is possible. Your journey is sacred. You are sacred, and there are many levels waiting to be explored.

Turning Inward

“No matter how you may be feeling, simply sit down, experience the texture of what is happening in your body and mind – and then just let it be.”     
~Ezra Bayda~   

Once you develop conscious awareness of the ego, it is easier to observe its antics. Like watching ripples on a pond or a tangle of traffic, it becomes almost amusing to witness as it tries various ways of pulling you into the games of the mind.

Contentment is possible in the present moment – indeed that’s the only place where it can ever be found. Stop where you are, close your eyes, breathe and be present. Allow the fullness of life to be experienced as you turn inward.

Many people run from one thing to the next – physically, verbally, mentally – and it can be exhausting, not only for them but for those around them. But once the peace of stillness is discovered, we can immerse ourselves totally in the moment and bring Presence in to whatever we choose to do.

Develop the art of stillness and then purposely infuse that high-vibration energy into every interaction. Observe the antics of the mind, smile and know that you are a source of peace.

The Journey of Awakening

 “Your soul knows the geography of your destiny. Your soul alone has the map of your future, therefore you can trust this indirect, oblique side of yourself. If you do, it will take you where you need to go, but more important it will teach you a kindness of rhythm in your journey.”
~John O’Donohue~
Prior to birth we create a blueprint of what we hope to learn and experience during a lifetime. We build upon the lessons of past lives, we seek to explore new ideas and arrange meetings with others who will help us along the way. Ours is a free-will world; however, the soul will typically do its best to stick to the plan.
Trust the processes of your soul. Once we are born, our perception and knowledge become limited by design. Its helpful to remember that the choices were originally made with wisdom, love, support and expansive vision. In spite of how things sometimes appear, love is the driving force behind the growth that awaits.
Self-reflection is a powerful practice. Consider making list of all the challenges you have faced. Next to each one write one defining and empowering thing that you have learned from the experience.

Life is the Journey

“The healthiest response to life is laughter from the heart, and even in the face of global turmoil, we can cultivate an internal sense of optimism.”
~From Why is God laughing? by Deepak Chopra~

It is said that love is the destination and life is the journey… You have a unique way of being in the world. Honor it simply by being yourself. Your style, perception, grace and laughter spark a new energy in our awakening consciousness. Everything in your experience is filled with infinite potential – what will you choose to create?
Remember that what you see in the physical world is often the exact opposite of what is occurring in the spiritual world. Opportunities are often disguised as loss. Look deeper. If you ego clamors for reactive patterns or worry, strive to do the opposite. This will allow you to transform the challenges you encounter into  strength.
Gratitude will always create a flow of positive energy in your experience. It takes us from victim-hood consciousness to empowerment. You are right where you need to be. You are safe, supported, loved and guided each and every step of the way. It’s time to reclaim your freedom – the freedom to thrive.