Radiant Energy

“There is a radiance hidden in your heart that the world desperately needs.”
~John Eldredge~
When you have reached a place where you are at peace with what you have and what you have experienced, a sense of grace will fill your life. Others will recognize and respond to the radiant energy of innocence and joy which emanate throughout your being.
This radiance comes after many experiences have expanded your perception while allowing you to fully discover your unique talents and gifts. Then the world becomes a safer place – one in which you can commune with the Divine through everyone and everything.To get to this point, you may need to periodically break through the perceived minutia of your life. Shift existing patterns (even if you’re afraid of making a mistake) and create movement in a new direction. The key is to drop everything that you have accepted from others – perceptions, limitation, obligation or desires – and step into the newness, open and ready to receive.

When you’re willing to take a risk, you’ll be amazed at the vitality and empowerment that flows through your experience. Life’s greatest adventure is to consciously break through old patterns. You bring something unique and beautiful to the world.

The Pathway to Enlightenment

“The pathway to the state of Enlightenment is via non-attachment rather than negation. Neutrality allows for participation and the enjoyment of life because, experientially, life becomes more like play than a high-stakes involvement.”  
~David R. Hawkins~ 

Neutrality creates a flow of acceptance in your experience and allows you to genuinely be at peace no matter what unfolds. It is also a wonderful indicator when karmic agreements have been completed. The emotional intensity subsides and the person or situation no longer creates an emotional charge.

Apathy, on the other hand, is a state akin to helplessness. One sees no point in living, feels like nothing will change and the personality becomes trapped in heavy energies that suck the life out of the people around them.

To find a personal state of grace and balance, we must cultivate the ability to allow life to unfold without attachment to outcomes. The dance between dark and light opens our consciousness to explore the space in between, a resting place, which allows healing to take place.

After this time of peace, we embark upon the next level of consciousness which is Willingness. The journey proceeds with a new understanding of hope, optimism and intention… and from there, anything is possible.