Constructive Action

The challenges that we face bring us into greater awareness. As one navigates disruption, it’s helpful to remember that your soul has agreed to participate for a specific purpose such as a karmic contract, personal test/initiation, the opportunity to see a new facet of growth in motion, teaching by example or facilitating a significant pivot in the life path.

When things feel overwhelming, step into the power of the present moment and keep things simple. Is the action you are taking constructive or restrictive? Feeding energy into the challenge by talking about it to those who are not in a position to change or help is an example of being stuck in a pattern. Speaking about possible solutions and taking baby steps toward them is constructive.

Nothing is more important than your state of consciousness in this moment. Part of your soul work is to share your gifts with the world. No matter where you reside on the journey of awakening, there is always someone coming along behind who can learn from your experiences and inspiration. You are right where you need to be – embrace your unique talents and be gentle with yourself. This is the moment of transformation.