
“Perhaps the most “spiritual” thing any of us can do is simply to look through our own eyes, see with eyes of wholeness, and act with integrity and kindness.”
~Jon Kabat-Zinn~
Throughout the process of awakening we examine various beliefs, commune with teachings of the ancient masters and find inspiration from those with whom we are aligned.
Once you find your path, live it fully. To be in ones integrity is simply to be authentic and consistent with a soupçon of laughter and humility. Through exploration we discover spiritual insights which ultimately create the foundation of our unique journey.
This is a planet of contrasts. Often we choose to be who we aren’t in order to discover who we are. The past does not define you, but it does inform you. Each experience teaches the importance of integrity, and while the expression may be different from person to person, the lesson is the same.
Your life is an reflection of who you are… an ever evolving child of light, a master in the process of awakening, a vibrant energy of limitless potential. Honor yourself by living in your integrity. Your path is sacred. You are Love seeking expression in the world of form.

The Dance of Change

“Don’t let your mind stop you from having a good time.”
~Jason Mraz~

Could it be that the weight of all your beliefs, memories and old expectations holds you back from the freedom that your soul requires? It’s healthy to consciously explore the nuances of your unique path. Appreciate the support you have, the joy you create and the infinite possibilities that await discovery.

Release everything that blocks you from experiencing love, light and laughter. The human experience is filled with death and life, endings and beginnings, pivots in our planned direction, surprises and coincidences that spice up the dance of being. We cannot fully experience the present moment and all that is has to offer unless we are unencumbered by thought. Free yourself to accept the gifts of the Divine – undoubtedly, they are outside of the known parameters of your expectation.

You stand at the gateway of transformation. Plant seeds of change in the world by focusing on your own state of consciousness. Take the time to create a sense of gratitude, grace, peace and balance so that you are at ease in the present moment. Your loving presence will teach others that alternative perceptions and responses are available.

The Flow of Experience

This too shall pass… whether you are enjoying expansion and joyous transition or facing significant challenges, this truth remains. It’s a delight to fully celebrate moments of breakthrough while riding the waves of positive energy; however, it’s also important to understand that everything is cyclical. Beyond the perception of good and bad, there is simply soul-enriching experience.

Share your joy with others and participate fully in whatever the present moment requires. Too often we try to hold on to that which is fluid instead of experiencing what is. Whether we are celebrating or learning, consciously remember, this too shall pass.

The only constant in life is change. We live magnificently within the ebb and flow of experience – living, dying, rebirth, expansion. All contrasts and apparent opposites have their part to play and it can be exceedingly helpful to observe the patterns we encounter. Learn to flow with what is without clinging and embrace your transformation.

Quiet pauses allow us to gather our energy for the next moment of movement. Much like the tidal flow of the ocean, the power and healing lies within the highs and the lows, blending together to form the natural, evolving and mysterious playground of life.

Embracing the Experience

“Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it.”

~Eckhart Tolle~

In the face of infinity, our lives here are but an instant. Nowhere else can we experience tasting a strawberry or the joy of watching a sunrise. In this realm of separation we dance between polarities of light and dark, learning from contrasts. The human experience is a beautiful blend of challenge and success, love and loss, confusion and strength. We learn from one another.

Embrace whatever life offers. When we drop the narrative that certain experiences are right and others are wrong, we discover the threads of light woven through the heart and mind that create the nuance and depths of humanness.

Cultivate the ability to see through the distractions of the mind. Notice how often you get lost in thought and counteract that very human tendency by purposely going deeper into the Now. Consider utilizing a playful approach by seeking the gift that is inherent in every situation. You may come away with a deeper understanding of compassion and peacefulness.

Enjoy the little things. Savor the flavors that make your taste buds come alive. Appreciate the scents that travel on the winds to find you. See through the eyes of love. This moment is fleeting, yet it is eternity.

Limitless Possibility

Every moment is a new beginning filled with limitless possibility. You are not defined by past experiences or perceptions and, knowing this, you can consciously take one joyful step forward.
A world of possibility is open to you. As a spiritual being who longed for the human experience, you are now in the process of discovering that limitation can be released. There is no need to fight when you can simply rise above the blockages created by the mind into the realm of infinite possibility. The more loving you are to yourself, the easier it is to interact with others. It’s time to celebrate the wonders of your life.
This moment is all there is. The transformation that is happening within you opens dimensions of energy in which to play. All the events of your life are meant to bring more clarity, awaken your divinity and allow expansion into new directions. There is nothing more important than your state of consciousness in this moment – what are you choosing to experience?
Freedom is found when we release all judgment and attachment; therefore, learn to accept whatever unfolds in the Now as a blessing. In every moment, we are learning, sharing, healing, celebrating, releasing and becoming more aware of our true connection to the Divine. We are spiritual beings who chose to have a human experience in order to rediscover the infinite nature of love.