Transformation and Rebirth

“To live fearlessly is to actively practice peace and non-violence, even when it seems like we’re being threatened.”
~Alberto Villodo~

Our energy has a significant impact on those around us. When we embody peace in the face of challenging situations, our Presence influences others and thus, we eventually experience a collective shift to higher levels of consciousness.

The awakened spirit cultivates the capacity to see beyond the roles and mechanisms of the ego to the infinite soul within. There is no need to create an enemy or something to fight against. Instead, we recognize opportunities to teach, to awaken and to love.

Condor inspires us to rise above. With greater awareness, our vision expands and we can gain deeper understanding. Embodied with wisdom, one can walk the way of the visionary, bringing peace and non-violence into our shared experience that is often fraught with conflict. Consider your role in our collective awakening.

There is a cyclical nature to the human experience. Karmic lessons, whether personal, mutual or collective, teach through the polarity of opposites until we find the center of neutrality. Step into compassion, be true to yourself, rise to the occasion, and honor the journey of awakening as sacred.


Just Be

“Don’t be so hard on yourself
‘Cause you can’t change the world
You can’t change the world alone
Just be”

~Tommy Shaw~

Acceptance is the pathway to peace. When challenges unfold and the unexpected enters, fear often arises. This is the moment to turn inward and access your true divine nature. You can’t fix the world alone, but you can bring love and grace to whatever is in front of you in this moment.

Should you need to take action or make decisions, go inward first. Check your state of consciousness without resistance or criticism. Find your way into the power the present moment. This brief, mindful interlude of stillness brings empowerment to all that you do. In times of crisis, change, illness, or events beyond your control, realize that you have the ability to face whatever arises with a calm heart and mind.

Whatever unfolds in your experience is exactly what is needed for your spiritual growth. Life is filled with contrast and it is there we discover strength, ingenuity, the ability to forgive, compassion and tenacity of spirit. Your Presence is transformative. Love can be expressed in many, many ways and we can discover them together.

The Veil of Illusion

“I do not exist to impress the world. I exist to live my life in a way that will make me happy. ”
~Richard Bach~

The Divine seeks to experience life in its many forms through each of us. When we choose to embrace one another as an expression of infinite energy, we begin to witness our interactions from a higher perspective. All that is required is the willingness to see through the chosen roles we play and the dramas we create. The awakening soul recognizes the miraculous in the mundane and these sparks become the flame of awareness.

Existence is overflowing with opportunities for our collective expansion. The ideas of poverty, comparison, lack and fear are man-made concepts. Abundance is everywhere – watch nature in motion, try to count the stars, measure the gifts of sunlight. To live is to create a joyful existence. To be abundant is to honor life in motion, see through the illusions and find beauty in the layers and contrasts of experience.
The light of your consciousness transforms all that it shines upon. Purposely turn your focus inward and illuminate higher aspects of the Self. This attention cultivates the ability to see past mind-made illusion to the truth of who you are – a master in the process of awakening.

Expansion Through Contrast

It is love that allows us to expand. It transforms our vision and interpretation of experience. It awakens the ability to heal or to hold space for another. When faced with hatred or fear, love can shine through inspiring hope in its wake. The power of connection is often learned through contrast. It doesn’t matter what you believe, or from where you receive inspiration. All that matters is your level of consciousness in this moment.

The human condition is a plethora of contradiction. Our multi-faceted experiences keep the journey full of surprises and possibility. No matter what one seeks to experience, they have the ability to create it. It often seems that things are getting both worse and better; however, I would imagine that every culture and era has felt the same. When I read ancient writings, they seem to speak directly to our current challenges. Others have left behind gifts of wisdom in their words, art, music and oral traditions.

Always, some actively seek enlightenment while others are completely resistant to change. The drama of the world continues with billions of unique stories playing out simultaneously and the overload of information is sometimes overwhelming. With so many in pain, how can we immerse ourselves in love? That is the paradox of experience. If you seek to expand consciousness, bring love to all that you do. Create a filter through which you can interpret what you see and let that perception guide your actions. With love, we can rise above.

Playing in the Field of Consciousness

“This is the real secret of life — to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.”
~Alan Watts~
Often the only difference between work and play is attitude. As we awaken, the field of consciousness takes on new meaning. Rather than plodding along through life tolerating work, waiting for the weekend or the next vacation, we find joy in the present moment. This playful attitude then creates a difference experience – a vibrancy that is stimulating and smile inducing.
The choice to see spiritual exploration as play rather than work brings out childlike innocence and wonder. It expands our ability to maintain humor in the face of challenges and reminds us to celebrate the ridiculous rather than fall prey to self-criticism. The old adage “he who can laugh at himself will never cease to be amused” comes to mind.
Since the world is built on contrast, every situation offers an opportunity to find and maintain a healthy balance betwixt two polarities. When you choose to utilize playfulness as a powerful aspect of your awakening you demonstrate a willingness to be responsible for your own joy. This is empowerment.


“Let’s trade in all our judging for appreciating. Let’s lay down our righteousness and just be together.”
~Ram Dass~

What if you chose to find one thing to appreciate about each situation or person who has ever been a challenge in your life? What if you chose only to speak about that positive thing when prompted into discussion. How do you think that would impact your overall life experience?

Life is a blend of dark and light. Contrasts provide insight and wisdom we could never discover in a one-dimensional world. Everything is multi-faceted; therefore, there is always an opportunity to find the good, assimilate the lesson, or cultivate new strength – no matter the circumstance. You are a culmination of all that you have experienced.

Layer by layer we transcend the levels of consciousness, incorporating energy and lessons, broadening our vision, and setting ourselves free. For most, this is a subtle transformative process rather than an abrupt shift to a new level. Don’t worry about how fast you can awaken, for the joy is in the journey. Embrace the day and discover the secrets it has to offer. Most importantly, love yourself and appreciate those who walk by your side.

Nothing to Excess

“Your hand opens and closes, opens and closes. If it were always a fist or always stretched open, you would be paralyzed. Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and expanding, the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated as birds’ wings.”

In a world filled with contrast we learn by experiencing the highs and lows, gleaning wisdom from both sides of the equation. Within karma too, there is a delicate balance that teaches compassion and understanding through exposure to opposites. Every action, pursuit, emotion, passion or grief can swing the personality wildly into extremes and it can sometimes be challenging to follow our bliss while remaining firmly grounded.

As an “all or nothing” personality, I’ve discovered that it easier to be completely immersed or completely detached; however, the road to enlightenment calls upon us to be mindful of our choices, to listen to our bodies, to pause and to be deeply aligned with our true nature, yet forgiving of the moments when we may miss the mark.

Simply notice when excess becomes a distraction and use that, too, as a tool for growth. Gently move with the energy at hand. Without extremes, enjoy the balancing power of Presence.

The Soul of Love

“What does is matter if I am called a man?

In truth I am the very soul of love,

The entire earth is my home

And the universe my country.”

~Darshan, A tear and a star~

The human condition is to label, judge, desire and defend. As you learn to simply immerse yourself deeply within Presence, you’ll discover that under the layers of conditioning, within the quest for understanding, you are the soul of love.


Choose to honor everything in your experience as sacred and create space in which transformation can occur. See life as an opportunity to demonstrate what love looks like in action. Using silence, conscious observation and right action we become conduits for the love, light and laughter of the Universe.


As we proceed to higher levels of consciousness, it becomes easier to walk the line of neutrality within life’s paradoxes. We often experience a world of contrasts – simultaneously dealing with the loss of loved ones, falling in love, facing financial challenges, enjoying the fruits of success or appreciating the sunrise. While a variety of experiences may flow in and out of our lives, we are the soul of love, walking in the light of expanding consciousness.


The Purpose of Existence

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.”

~Eleanor Roosevelt~

All of existence participates in this sacred dance of life and awakening. Never doubt that you bring something beautiful and unique to our collective experience. Feelings of wholeness, empowerment and mastery can be expressed when you have true knowledge of your own value.

As we learn through contrast, watching the play of dark and light, we come to realize that we can transcend duality and live in a way that is expansive. Dive deeply, delve into the truths of your soul and discover that you are far greater than you the role you play. When you bring conscious awareness to your life experience, it takes on new meaning.

Light seeks to express itself through you… how you love or smile or reach out to another. Once you’ve transformed into a conduit for Divine energy, your life becomes a gift that is shared in powerful ways. This is the purpose of existence. Be courageous enough to step into the realm of pure potential. Here, in the gap between thoughts, between breaths, resides infinite possibility.

The Paradigm of Wisdom

“…sometimes you can feel that you’ve lost something… but, then at the same time you can discover you’ve actually found or gained something. Life’s untold adventures… the adventure within & without… will often begin here… in this paradigm.”

Planet earth is merely the first stop in a greater journey of discovery. This is where we explore the concept of separation and contrast. Differences spark lessons that allow us to explore the various facets of being human. You are a spiritual being having a human experience… Many people think it’s the other way around and strive to reject or deny themselves joy in the human experience as part of their spiritual awakening.

The present moment is the portal to greater wisdom and understanding. Seek to explore all that it has to offer. The joy that awaits is your spiritual journey. When you accept what is with an open heart, there is a greater possibility that you will be open to new experiences, a paradigm shift or simple grace in the Now.

You are perfect. As you evolve and change you will continue to discover layers of energy that connect us through the commonality of experience. Let love guide the way.