A Rose By Any Other Name

“Witches call it spells. Christians call it prayer. Spiritualists call it manifestation. Atheists call it the placebo effect. Scientists call it quantum physics. Everyone’s arguing over its name. No is denying its existence.”

~Kim Dunn~

All over the world various cultures have interpreted the same energy in myriad ways. This aspect of discovery and playfulness centered around how to define the infinite; however, over time our collective ego got ever more attached to being right and thus these interpretations often came to divide us.

It’s empowering to honor every pathway as sacred. All have value at differing levels of consciousness and often overlap. Paradoxical as it may seem, we can nurture the seeds of Oneness through understanding how others experience the world.

Old souls tend to study various belief systems and adopt whatever pieces spark awareness and joy. This combination of ideas creates a unique approach for each soul and we eventually drop all labels and the need to be validated or seen as right. It really doesn’t matter what you believe. All that matters is your level of consciousness and the energy you bring into your experience. Approach the journey with humility, mindfulness and compassion. There is always something new to discover.


“Look at a tree, a flower, a plant. Let your awareness rest upon it. How still they are, how deeply rooted in Being. Allow nature to teach you stillness.”  
~Eckhart Tolle~ 

Practice listening. Observe without mentally labeling what you see. Choose to experience the sacred energy which flows through all life. It sounds simple, but active listening and observation call upon us to break free of thousands of years of human conditioning. When you strip away the cacophony, love is speaking through the stillness.

We have a role to play in the transformation of our collective consciousness. The moment you choose to approach situations differently, you create an opportunity for growth. This can only be accomplished by being present. If your mind is elsewhere – worrying about the future or carrying the past – you’ll be too distracted to see clearly.

Each of us is responsible for our own state of consciousness. In this moment, how peaceful are you? Resistance creates anxiety while acceptance opens us to receive grace. Cultivate your ability to accept what is and respond to life with inner awareness. Enlightenment is not something that you’ll experience at some point in the future. It is here Now.