Mastery and Miracles

“When I see someone smile, I know immediately that he or she is dwelling in awareness.” 
~Thich Nhat Hanh~

One of the most important aspects of mastery is being willing to take responsibility for your own state of consciousness. What would your experiences be like if you viewed everything as a miracle? Each moment would simply become a loving conversation between you and the Divine.

This connectedness shifts our perceptions in a profound way. In order to remain aware, we must learn to rise above the mechanisms of the mind, which seeks only to remove the magic and mystery from life.

Choosing to see the magical is the difference between viewing a tree while quoting all the facts that you may know about it, or conversely, quietly opening your heart to it in order to experience its essence, patience and wisdom. Each approach comes from a different level of consciousness. The latter, more expanding experience brings a sense of awe, sacredness and respect into the equation.

Practice experiencing the mysterious in nature. Move gently through the world and allow your vision to transform the mundane into the miraculous. Life is not happening to you. Life is responding to you.

Go Within

“We all have the same root, and are connected… To tap into this connectedness we must go within.”

~Summerlyn Guthrie~

The greatest gift that you can give another is non-reactivity. It has been said that we must be the change we wish to see. Each of us is a microcosm of our collective energy; therefore, instead of projecting blame or frustration at the disharmony we observe, we instead seek to heal any hidden wounds that we carry.

With so many people awakening, the tiny ripples of transformation merge and multiply and thus, the world is transformed. By going within and placing our focus inward, we are actively addressing the one thing over which we have any control. As consciousness expands we become less reactive. When enough people step out of ego-driven drama, something new will emerge.

Some express higher energy through creativity, others through leadership or building, some join spiritual communities to experience a different type of group dynamic and many become frequency holders who anchor the new energy we are bringing to the planet. Whether you are drawn to be a creator, a builder, a reformer or a frequency holder, you are a living expression of the sacred and thus, play a significant (though often unseen) role in our collective awakening.

Love is the Absence of Judgment

Love and judgment cannot coexist in the same space. In our spiritual work, everything offers an opportunity to awaken; therefore, it’s imperative to release all resistance.

Judgment, whether directed at others or internalized, is a rejection of what is. It creates a filter that blocks us from experiencing love and balance and adds additional layers of conflict into our life situation.

To truly awaken, we must be willing to experience oneness in a world of difference. When we allow love to guide our interactions, it helps us see beyond the mechanisms of the ego to the commonality that connects us to one another.

What are your most cherished beliefs? These are often the very things we need to examine the most. If resistance arises around changing a viewpoint or expectation, then change is typically what is required. Love yourself enough to open to the power of transformation.