Find Your Inspiration

“I always say, don’t be a Christian, be Christ-like. Don’t be a Muslim, be Mohammed-like. Be Buddha-like. Emulate these great spiritual Masters and what they were teaching.”
~Wayne Dyer~

What is the driving force of your life? You can choose to be inspired. Your birthright is to thrive, to be joyous, to discover how to live balanced and peacefully.

From a young age, we absorb conditioning that blinds us to life’s beauty. We are bombarded with violence and fear in our art, sports and news reporting. Is it any wonder that it is now rising to the surface? I believe we are collectively engaged in the process of facing our shadow so that it can be healed.
Many people believe that hatred is a necessary part of life. They fear people and things that are different and see any challenge to the status quo as something to be conquered. The only danger we face is the danger of losing compassion for one another.
Love resides at the core of all things – love, or a call to love. Seek to remove low energy vibrations from your personal experience. Cultivate a sacred space and consciously be aware of what you’ll allow there. You can choose to be inspired, enchanted and authentic.

Compassion and Enlightenment

Kindness and awareness work together. Through awareness we understand the underlying beauty of everything and every being”
~Amit Ray~

Imagine having the ability to walk through the world untroubled, to tend to those in need while holding a higher frequency of love. Compassion sows the seeds of enlightenment and enlightenment brings greater compassion. The amplification of energy between these two forces allows us to explore life in a unique, empowered, and loving way.

The mantra Oṃ maṇi padme hūṃ is used to transform and awaken. It is said that this chant holds all the elements of Buddhist teaching. When you’re ready to release limitation and expand your awareness, this is a wonderful tool.

Awaken the love that is your infinite, true nature. Visualize it expanding outward with each breath. Allow it to create an atmosphere of peacefulness and harmony in your experience. Your Presence awakens the Presence in others.

We are the bridge between the mundane and the sacred. As we cultivate the ability to see through the illusions of separation we come to recognize the Oneness that connects us. Practice being aware of your state of consciousness and consciously send love outward whenever possible. It is always possible.


Inner Peace

Peace is inner joy, tranquility, nonjudgmental love and universal compassion.
~Debasish Mridha~
Life happens. The stillness of infinite potential resides beneath egoic judgments and interpretation of the world around us. As we release the need to create a running commentary of opinion, we discover the ability to consciously choose how to respond in alignment with our soul’s purpose rather than distracting from it.

You are here to awaken. Everything that you choose to do and all that unfolds in your experience simply provides the playground in which you explore. See how accepting and neutral you can remain within polarizing situations. Eventually, this sense of peace will become the bedrock of your life.

More and more you may notice yourself in the role of observer – untainted by reactivity and at ease within the present moment. When you do choose to take action, your approach will be clear and empowered. Awareness calls upon us to be consistently mindful. As you awaken, your movement through the world takes on a new quality.

Challenges provide an opportunity to rise above. How else will you cultivate and strengthen your best qualities? Honor those who play roles in the development of your emerging strength and self-mastery. Those who challenge you the most on the physical plane, love you the most on the spiritual plane. These amazing souls have agreed to assist your souls evolution and play their part to perfection.


Be Kind

“Life is a balance of holding on and letting go.”
Every moment offers opportunities to be kind to yourself, to one another, animals, the planet, and future generations. When we bring the practice of compassion to the forefront of our life situation, we become integral aspects in the dance of creation.
Sometimes the ego seeks immediate gratification through reminding another of their shortfalls (as we perceive them), getting in a snarky comeback or simply expounding opinions. That sort of response feeds more negativity into a situation and is a missed opportunity to bring a higher level of consciousness to the present moment.
We are called upon to be channels for Divine energy. Release the need to blame anyone and instead, choose to accept people as they are. There are no enemies – simply souls playing various roles in our collective awakening. Those who are still asleep need your love, not your judgment.
See every experience as an opportunity to cultivate a greater understanding of your life’s purpose. Kindness is never wasted.


“What greater thing is there for two human souls than to feel that they are joined to strengthen each other?”
~George Eliot~

As we mature, love begins to transform from sexual or ego-based neediness into honoring the unique individuality of another. We learn to accept rather than attach. We find wholeness within instead of looking to someone or something else to make us feel complete. We begin to realize that those who grace our lives (whether for a moment or for a lifetime) act as mirrors, supporting us in our quest to awaken.

Picture how life would unfold if you were never disappointed by anyone’s choices or behavior. The light of acceptance would shine brilliantly through any moments of darkness of the soul. Consider that the only way to live without disappointment is to approach each moment without attachment to a particular outcome. Therefore, as you cultivate absolute acceptance as a way of relating, disappointment will disappear from your experience.

When fear departs, freedom remains. Give for the joy of giving. Live for the joy of living. Your passion will morph into compassion, transforming all of your relationships into stepping stones of higher consciousness.

Kindness and Awareness

“You must understand the whole of life, not just one little part of it. That is why you must read, that is why you must look at the skies, that is why you must sing, and dance, and write poems, and suffer, and understand, for all that is life.”
~Jiddu Krishnamurti~
As awareness expands we discover the beauty within life’s tapestry. Everything is connected. Ripples of energy are constantly emanating from us, impacting everything on the planet. This is why it’s important to take consistent personal responsibility for our state of consciousness in the present moment.
Once you truly experience Oneness, you will not wish to participate in the harm of another through actions, words or thoughts. The light of your soul will embrace all living beings and your journey will become one of compassion. What we do matters, whether others ever know of it or not.
When we immerse ourselves in life with kindness and awareness, others feel safe in our presence. The journey of awakening ultimately teaches the power of acceptance and how it can dissolve the boundaries that divide us. You can transcend limitation and step into a vibrant, participatory existence of remarkable unity and bliss.

Living With Compassion

“There are two things we must raise and evolve if we are to survive and thrive as a species; our consciousness and our compassion. For millennia these have barely shifted.”
~Rasheed Ogunlaru~
All the energy that we send out into the world returns ten-fold. Whether anyone is around to witness our acts of kindness or not, they send powerful reverberations throughout the web of our collective experience. We have the opportunity to live with compassion while consciously planting seeds of growth and awareness.
Recently, I visited the Cascades Raptor Center which specializes in the rehabilitation of birds of prey. With each bird was the story about their past, how they got hurt and information unique to their breed. It was interesting to see the list of companies that contribute to the well-being of the center and I was happy to see my go-to herbal company listed there (Mountain Rose Herbs). There are many people in the world who act quietly, whose lives are statements of compassion and this is where our work lies.
Acts of kindness, no matter how small, are a beautiful use of energy. Seek to leave the world changed for the better because of your sojourn here.

Expanding Consciousness

“As we grow in our consciousness, there will be more compassion and more love, and then the barriers between people, between religions, between nations will begin to fall.”
~Ram Dass~

There is a consciousness arising within you. You have chosen to be here now, to read these words, to discover new ways of being, thinking and experiencing the essence of life.

The path of transformation is expanding consciousness as you become more aware. This beautiful energy is constant and always a part of you. It can become lost from time to time under the seemingly never-ending stream of input from the ego; however, by being fully present you can access it in any moment.

It’s one thing to look for enlightenment and peace within challenging situations; however, even greater depth can be achieved when you look to raising your frequency when things are going well… to ask “What’s next?”

You inner purpose is to awaken – nothing more. As you bring a constant spiritual approach to all that you do – looking for ways to connect with your own inner sense of joy, peace and delight – everything else will fall into place perfectly.


“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
~Leo Buscaglia~

The transformative power of compassion is awakened when we choose to truly hear one another. Being fully present calls upon us to drop our preconceived ideas, cease out internal commentary and listen with the heart. Spiritual practice calls upon us to cultivate the awareness of the bond we share with all beings. Our role is to care for the earth and all the creatures with whom we share this amazing planet.

Authentic relationships are possible only when we have an awareness of who we truly are. When we can see through the mechanisms of the ego to the true spirit of another, we can dance within the paradox of human compassion and higher awareness while holding space. In this manner, we create space in which transformation can occur.

Holding space is far different from fixing someone else’s problems or seeking to ensure that they avoid pain. By honoring all paths as sacred, we operate from the premise of love and acceptance – allowing the lesson, offering support and sowing seeds of compassion.

Sacred Gifts

“You are on a soulful path that asks you to step into the greatest version of yourself. It is a sacred gift to shine your brightest light, not just in your moments of glory, but each day.”
~Debbie Ford~

Awaken the heart of compassion. Scatter seeds of joy throughout your day, pausing to appreciate the uniqueness of it, the beauty of it. Remind yourself often to be aware of the gifts that are all around you.

It is easy to get caught up in the drama of daily living. We live in a world filled with distraction but also one of inspiration. Each of us has an opportunity to choose how we wish to experience the present moment. When you begin the day with mindfulness and gratitude, you step out of reactivity and into empowerment.

You can create a mindful life by seeing the physical world as a spiritual experience, by experiencing this moment as sacred, by allowing kindness and compassion to guide your decisions.

Be open to change and willing to receive the unexpected. Give up the illusion of control and simply ask, “How can I bring the best version of myself to this situation?” Your awareness is a sacred gift that you can share with the world.