
Never underestimate the value of kindness.

It is said that no act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. Choose to bring this lovely energy to the planet. Whether you rescue a spider, listen to a stranger, hold space for your child or help another to see their own beauty, you can walk gently upon the earth.

We live immersed by ego-generated opinions and the contrasts of belief systems seem to be widening. Things appear chaotic. And yet… we are on the verge of tremendous growth and breakthrough. Great change is always proceeded by disruption. Most people expect (or even seek) push-back, thus allowing the ego to feed existing negative energy through debate. When others seem to want conflict, give kindness.

The goal is to see through and break free from the mechanisms of the ego. There is no need to be right. We can utilize conscious actions and insights to infuse our life situations with high vibration energy. Rather than repeating old ideas and behaviors, seek instead to embrace a new way of being. Our collective consciousness is ready for expansion. Educate others by demonstrating what authentic loving-kindness looks like and let your life be your message.

Go Within

“We all have the same root, and are connected… To tap into this connectedness we must go within.”

~Summerlyn Guthrie~

The greatest gift that you can give another is non-reactivity. It has been said that we must be the change we wish to see. Each of us is a microcosm of our collective energy; therefore, instead of projecting blame or frustration at the disharmony we observe, we instead seek to heal any hidden wounds that we carry.

With so many people awakening, the tiny ripples of transformation merge and multiply and thus, the world is transformed. By going within and placing our focus inward, we are actively addressing the one thing over which we have any control. As consciousness expands we become less reactive. When enough people step out of ego-driven drama, something new will emerge.

Some express higher energy through creativity, others through leadership or building, some join spiritual communities to experience a different type of group dynamic and many become frequency holders who anchor the new energy we are bringing to the planet. Whether you are drawn to be a creator, a builder, a reformer or a frequency holder, you are a living expression of the sacred and thus, play a significant (though often unseen) role in our collective awakening.

Higher Consciousness

“Consciousness is only possible through change; change is only possible through movement.”
~Aldous Huxley~
Everything is interconnected; therefore, your awakening sends waves of energy throughout the Universe, touching and transforming life itself.
Ones level of consciousness determines their vibrational frequency and together we form a symphony of exquisite beauty and nuance. The purpose of life is to utilize your experiences to awaken your inner wisdom and compassion. The spiritual seeker pays attention to the underlying energy that is inherent in all situations.
Awareness helps one to be more grounded and rooted in the present moment. This allows us to navigate challenging situations without getting lost in the drama or reverting to lower levels of consciousness. When you have mastered a particular lesson, it will no longer appear in your life. The energy around it will decrease and you’ll feel completely neutral when sharing your experiences or reflecting upon your journey.
As you discover your life’s purpose and your life task, you’ll create greater meaning, substance and balance that will reverberate throughout every experience that you have. Simply put, act with integrity, do your best and accept what is… You are contributing to the awakening collective consciousness of us all.

Be Kind

“The place to improve the world is first in one’s own heart and head and hands.”
~Robert M. Pirsig~

Everything begins with you… how you choose to start your day, what gets your attention, the things you choose to read or watch or what you put into your body. Bring kindness to every choice. Let your life be a loving conversation with the Divine.

Our universe is designed to provide experiences that accelerate growth, inner wisdom and awareness. When we understand our relationship to the whole, we participate more fully in the evolution of our collective consciousness. Enlightenment is a state of awareness that we ultimately bring into our physical experience.
We are called upon to be pure channels for Divine energy. Release the need to blame anyone and instead, choose to accept people as they are. There are no enemies – simply souls playing various roles in our collective awakening. Those who are still asleep need your love, not your judgment.
Cultivate a greater understanding of yourself and others. When you create inner balance and peace, you’ll discover that joy expands when it is shared. Let your unique expression of life spark joy in others by extending kindness whenever possible.