Everything is Sacred

“Our task must be to free ourselves… by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.”  

~Albert Einstein~

As we awaken, we become more aligned with life and therefore, will naturally learn to bring a higher consciousness to our decisions and interactions. When the mind, body and spirit are in harmony, mastery is assured. Rather than being a slave of old ideas and preconceptions, we choose to walk gently in the world.

To honor the sacred is to be in communion. The easiest place to begin is in nature. We can celebrate the stillness of a tree and the brief, iridescent existence of the dragonfly with the same mindfulness. Slow down and simplify. In the gap of pure potential we can bask in the radiance of the Divine.

Once you have strengthened your ability to recognize sacredness, practice with objects that you find beautiful. It’s likely that an artisan or craftsman created from a space of deep connection, imbuing it with energy which is now awakening joy within you. Many people respond to the spirit within animals or babies because the lack of ego makes it easier to see love shining through.