The Veils of Illusion

“Do not be misled by what you see around you, or be influenced by what you see. You live in a world which is a playground of illusion, full of false paths, false values and false ideals. But you are not part of that world.”
~Sai Baba~

As humans, our point of view is very limited. We interpret life through the filters of our perception and often seek to control the world around us based upon what we perceive our needs or desires to be.

Awakening calls upon us to be aware of our responses to life. Rather than seeking to dominate circumstances, we learn to flow with them. Rather than attempting to bend others to our will, we see the sacredness in each person’s path. The only thing over which you have any control is yourself, and that is challenging enough! We’ve all experienced the take-over of the ego and have temporarily lost consciousness; however, moments of missing the mark become less intense and less frequent as we continue our practice.

Give up your need to control. Cultivate the ability to trust and discover greater peace throughout the journey. Your purpose is to awaken. Enlightenment is nothing more than seeing through the illusion.



Transformation – whether personal or collective – often takes us into uncharted territory. The chaos of upheaval is intended to shake things up in order to break us free of repetitive patterns.

Don’t fear these intense moments of change. Spiritual practice calls upon us to receive changes with an open-heart. Your willingness to move into acceptance opens the door for new beginnings. Every experience contains the opportunity to awaken.

Should you encounter resistance, it is an indicator that true transformation is at hand. The ego becomes more active when we are on the verge of a breakthrough. These is what often creates additional chaos in our experience. We resist the new, judge or blame others, cling to the familiar and fear the unknown; however, everything needs to be brought into the light so that we can clearly see what is ready to be discarded.

Don’t wait to have a peaceful life before you choose to be at peace. Something will always seek your attention. Choose to make inner grace a priority in your experience. Little spaces of stillness realign you with the Divine. Each time you bring yourself present, time slows and you’ll be able to accomplish the task at hand with a clear heart and mind. Life is what it is – chaotic, beautiful, unpredictable. Be the one who brings peacefulness to the world around you.


“When we bring a gentle awareness to the layers of our conditioning, and to the struggles that arise out of our conditioning, the power of that conditioning slowly dissolves. Life then moves toward the unconditioned – where the vastness, or love, just flows through.”    

~Ezra Bayda~

The ego often seeks to fight, prove oneself right, defend beliefs or struggle against life. Whenever you observe this happening, consciously move into surrender. Allow the energy around you to flow unimpeded. You’ll access the strength and peace that reside underneath the mechanisms of the mind.

When we choose to surrender to what is, we demonstrate faith in the process of awakening. Things often flow better when we get ourselves out of the way. The enlightened understand that surrender is a sign of empowerment.

Trust the wisdom of your higher self. Place your focus upon how you are responding to life, rather than trying to control how it unfolds. Are you operating from a space of joy, enthusiasm or acceptance? Are you seeing your experiences as opportunities to awaken?

The present moment is your point of power. How are you choosing to experience it? Life’s wonder and mystery can only be discovered where you are.

Focusing Intention

“…Realize that your dream is fueled by the passion of the soul rather than the will of your ego and find a way to act courageously before the day ends.”
~Alberto Villoldo

Seek to expand your ideas, dreams and behavior. Honor the sacred path of your souls awakening by taking one conscious action today. What do you wish to create? What can you do to bring that energy into your experience? Small consistent actions add up to powerful transformation. You can choose to be courageous and dream a new world into being.
When we first begin to observe our thoughts and words, it can be surprising to discover how often they destabilize our precious balance. We activate the power of the soul by re-framing old limitations and focusing on the gift, the goal and the potential within the present moment.
Our role is to engage life from the level of soul rather than the level of mind. Our lives are epic journeys of spiritual maturation and courage is born of the willingness to walk forward with faith. Trust your inner wisdom and know that you are an empowered participant in the collective awakening of the planet.


“There is a universal, intelligent life force that exists within everyone and everything. It resides within each one of us as a deep wisdom, an inner knowing. We can access this wonderful source of knowledge and wisdom through intuition, an inner sense that tells us what feels right and true for us at any given moment.”
~Shakti Gawain~

To cultivate your intuition, explore aspects of yourself that are less developed. If you are typically a person of action, practice waiting and listening. Spend time in nature or send your focus inward. If you are normally good at going with the flow while allowing the world to unfold, practice setting new things in motion. Don’t wait for your world to have an implosion before you practice new ways of being, you can grow without needing to manifest disruptive energy that forces you into new directions.

To live a passionate, awakened life, we must be willing to trust the messages we receive from the Universe. Sometimes we are called to jump into the unknown and if we stop to rationalize or plan, we may miss a window of opportunity. Utilize the rational mind as a servant rather than a master and trust that the way forward will make itself known.

Creating Space

“There’s a world of difference between insisting on someone’s doing something and establishing an atmosphere in which that person can grow into wanting to do it.”


One role of the awakening spirit is to inspire change. By being a living example of consciousness in motion, we can demonstrate how love appears in the world of form. Like water eroding rock, this approach is often slow, yet yields permanent results. Forcing change is more akin to a flash flood that momentarily shifts and destroys. In order to help others to awaken, we must first create space in which transformation can occur.

Let your life be your message. Be gentle and consistent, and above all,  be authentic. The human experience is often a dance between the spiritual and the mundane, and discovering the joy of living betwixt the two. When others seem lost in ego and illusion, be the light that illuminates truth. Those seeking peacefulness and connection will emulate what you share.

You have chosen to be here now for a specific purpose. The easiest way to find that purpose is to simply reside in the fullness of who you are. Continue to explore, embrace change and be an inspiration.


“The seeker embarks on a journey to find what he wants and discovers, along the way, what he needs.”
~Wally Lamb~

Be drawn by a sense of wonder into the unknown. When you learn to trust the processes of your awakening, it becomes easier to experience life as an adventure. Leaving behind the need for plans and a mapped out future, we explore with the exhilarating freedom which comes from being open and vulnerable.

Discovering your inner truth comes through experience. Nothing is guaranteed, but the search helps us to grow. Allow yourself to be insecure, to face adversity and accept the challenges that the unknown has to offer.

Any limitations in your experience are self-imposed. Life is here to offer whatever is needed in order for you to awaken. Take one step at a time and give your complete attention to the Now. This will bring passion, creativity and clarity to all that you do.

Enlightenment is a process. Layer by layer we dance our way through the spiral of experience and discovery. Within the limitless energy of the Divine, infinite possibilities await. Live from the heart, meet new people and explore the unfamiliar.


“You know someone is truly special when the most beautiful thing they have on is a kind soul.”
~Matshona Dhliwayo~

You are a multi-faceted being of light and wonder. Periodically, take time to appreciate all that has brought you here. With each challenge you discovered new aspects of your strength, each wound became a doorway to enlightenment and consciousness awakened within you.

This lifelong process of discovery keeps things interesting. We revisit old patterns or circumstances and find ourselves interpreting them with greater awareness. Each new level of understanding expands our perception until we become love – the vibrancy of compassion and light playing in the world of form.

There’s nothing to do, say or accomplish. Let your life be your message. By embracing the Now and choosing to allow light to shine through, you may discover that all you need is already here. The light you share transforms the world around you because you are an inspiration. Those who are ready to awaken may find themselves in your reflection and embark upon a journey of their own.

Your Purpose is to Awaken

“Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment.”
~Eckhart Tolle~

Your purpose is to awaken. How you choose to accomplish that throughout the successes and defeats you encounter along the way is immaterial. The ego attaches great significance to the world of form; however, the soul desires only experience, expansion and wholeness. Each of us must remember that what we see in the world is an expression of what is projected from within and our role is to observe and release all that blocks us from unconditional love.

As dreams fade upon awakening, so too does the intensity of this incarnation upon our transition and life review. When we step back with those we love to witness the tapestry of our existence together, there is only gratitude, love and the desire to redress any imbalance. And so we come together again and again, the residue of the past lingering in our energy and soul memories. The desire to fulfill our purpose of awakening outweighs all else as we expand in consciousness and joy.