
“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”
~Carl Gustav Jung~
The ego creates traps through anxiety and doubt… worrying what others may think, wondering how to please, get noticed or leave an impression. Many people struggle with indecision, trying to determine what is the “right” thing to do in a given situation; however, the answer lies in navigating the journey with integrity and authenticity. When you live aligned with your inner truth, harmony shines through you and is far more impressive than anything contrived by the mind.
Enlightenment is more than achieving spiritual insight and balancing karma. As you increase in awareness and wisdom, you’ll naturally demonstrate authenticity in every aspect of your life. The goal is to bring consciousness so profoundly into your experience that it remains a foundation for you even when confronted with challenges, unconsciousness or opposition. Your light is transformative.
We need more joyful, authentic souls to help us expand into new dimensions. These beautiful spirits dwell in a space of truth and light and bring that energy to all of their interactions. Life becomes simple when we are joyful, balanced and at ease with ourselves. Love yourself enough to enjoy who you are.

Self Expression

“The personal life deeply lived always expands into truths beyond itself.”
~Anais Nin~

Old souls are required to teach a certain amount of people before they leave the planet. This process contributes to the expansion of collective consciousness as we build upon what we have discovered. Articulation solidifies a deeper understanding of what you have learned on the journey of awakening.

There will be times when trying to utilize words to explain your perception of the infinite feels limiting. These are the moments you can more effectively teach by example and through conscious self-expression.

With each transition to higher states of consciousness, life will send you someone specifically for this purpose. Live your truth and bless those who demand that you be consistent and authentic. When the student is ready, the teacher appears… and when the teacher is ready, the student appears.

Rather than seeing yourself as a healer, teacher or someone who is enlightened, see yourself as Presence – the nameless, formless, infinite source of being. You are far more than the roles you play in this life. You are life, an ever-expending expression of the love, light and laughter of the universe, and we are graced by your presence.

Spiritual Integrity

“Perhaps the most “spiritual” thing any of us can do is simply to look through our own eyes, see with eyes of wholeness, and act with integrity and kindness.”
~Jon Kabat-Zinn~
Throughout the process of awakening we examine various beliefs, commune with teachings of the ancient masters and find inspiration from those who are in alignment with our preferred way of being.
Once you find your path, live it fully. To be in ones integrity is simply to be authentic and consistent with a soupçon of laughter and humility. Through exploration we discover spiritual insights which ultimately create the foundation of our unique journey.
This is a planet of contrasts. Often we choose to be who we aren’t in order to discover who we are. The past does not define you, but it does inform you. Each experience teaches the importance of integrity, and while the expression may be different from person to person, the lesson is the same.
Your life is an reflection of who you are… an ever evolving child of light, a master in the process of awakening. Honor yourself by living in your integrity. Your path is sacred. You are Love seeking expression in the world of form.

Be Your Unique Self

“By being yourself you put something wonderful in the world that was not there before.”
~Edwin Elliott~

You play a significant role in the tapestry of existence and there will never again be anyone quite like you. Observe nature. Witness how everything plays a specific role in its evolving ecosystem, no matter how obvious or insignificant it appears. Often, the smallest creatures do the most important work.

The world needs you to be yourself. For some this comes easily while others search and experiment in order to discover their true potential. Be led by love, live your passions, seek joy in the present moment and you will not be led astray.

The people you have drawn into your life seek your true spirit to shine through. We are all deeply engaged in the awakening of human consciousness and you have chosen to be here, in this moment, for a purpose. You may discover that you feel called to action, you may be a healer or teacher, or you may be a frequency holder who keeps the energetic vibration in a situation as high as possible. You’ll recognize your path by the degree of peacefulness you feel upon it.


Being Peace

“Being in peace doesn’t mean absence of misery, it means absence of conflict in the mind.”
~Abhijit Naskar~
Peace is something to be, not something to discover. Many people seek to find the right teacher, book, meditation or answer that will create peace and enlightenment in their lives; however, peacefulness does not come from adding to your experience. It comes from stripping away all that distracts you from the peacefulness of being.
If you desire peace in your relationships, you must become peace. Rather than fighting against things or people with which you disagree, choose to support causes that bring healing and joy with vibrant authenticity. Seek to be the light that transforms.
What you fight, you strengthen. Every thought, word or action taken in anger actually feeds greater energy into that which you disdain. To create a loving world, we must be love, and like peace, love is not something that we can discover. It is the natural state of our being when untouched by ego or desire.

I Bring an Unprotected Heart to Our Meeting Place

“We cultivate love when we allow our most vulnerable and powerful selves to be deeply seen and known, and when we honor the spiritual connection that grows from that offering with trust, respect, kindness and affection.”
~Brené Brown~

In order to authentically connect with someone, we must be willing to be vulnerable. The willingness to approach life with an open heart allows space in which something new can grow. Energy from previous disappointments or challenges can create blockages that often appear as protection, reality or common sense – our job is to recognize and remove these barriers to love while retaining the lessons we have learned so far on the journey.

If you should find yourself closed off in a situation (sometimes indicated by crossing your arms in front of your power chakra or heart), simply notice, be more open with your physical body movements and observe any running commentary in the mind. This is the moment to transform old energy into new momentum. Remind yourself that the person with whom you’re interacting is merely acting as a mirror in order to help you to become more aware. The light of consciousness transforms us.

You are safe. You are loved. You are supported each step of the way… and this is your moment.

Peace Work

“If in our daily life we can smile, if we can be peaceful and happy, not only we, but everyone will profit from it. This is the most basic kind of peace work.”
~Thich Nhat Hanh~

As you silently do your work you emit ripples of energy that flow outward. Changes are left in your wake that you may never see. A kind word, a compassionate ear or a soothing touch can be extraordinarily transformative.

Life provides various opportunities to observe your level of consciousness in the world of form. Nothing is more important than how you are choosing to experience this moment. Self awareness will help you to be mindful rather than reactive. What you consistently do becomes a natural aspect of who you are.

When your insights, inner dialog and actions are in harmony you’ll notice that every experience leads you to be more awake. Everything is about expansion. We learn to drop limiting perception and purposely enter the realm of Oneness.

What we do matters. Each of us has the opportunity to be an example of connectedness and love. Live authentically, remember to laugh at yourself and let your life be your message.