Transcendent Empowerment

Transcendent Empowerment is created when one combines the mysterious depths of the soul with conscious wisdom and intention.

Ego generated accomplishment calls upon us to focus our strength and abilities, create a plan and work hard to achieve our goals. As we grow in soul awareness, we discover that true power needs no force in order to manifest transformation. Conversely, we find that purposely stepping into the flow of universal energy creates ease and grace in our experience.

Some get lost in passivity, never realizing their role as a conscious creator. In every aspect of your life situation, seek to find a balance that embodies passion, conscious intention, purposeful action and detachment. Your mastery and focus will awaken abilities that are ready to shine.

Your expression of life is unique. Your skills, talents and inspiration are meant to be explored. When you reach a point of not knowing how to define yourself, when no title seems to apply, you’re on the right track. Release the habitual need to limit your experience by adhering to a particular role. You are eternal. You are love. Let your life be filled with infinite possibility.


“There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception.”
~Aldous Huxley~
Perception shifts everything. Our lives are a constant exploration throughout time and space, and within this dance of existence, we eventually come to discover how perception, or the lack thereof, ultimately guides our life experience.
It’s helpful to remember that we are the bridge between the spiritual and the mundane. Flowing gently betwixt these two realms, the soul seeks only to learn Oneness, compassion and unconditional love.
Learning to quiet the ego is imperative because it will always pick a limiting perception and repeat it endlessly until we adopt it as a belief. This dogged adherence to painful ideas blocks our ability to allow expansion in our experience. When you can simultaneously entertain varied perspectives, the energy moves through your energetic field more easily.
Expansion allows us to see things differently. Throughout your exploration, new ideas may alter how you interpret the circumstances of your life. Some will be discarded, some will lead you onward, and yet others will ignite the passion of your purpose.


“Awakening is not changing who you are, but discarding who you are not.”
~Deepak Chopra~
Challenges help us to discover aspects of ourselves that are ready to emerge. They often act as catalysts that prompt relationships to deepen into something beautiful, unique and full of love. When faced with hardship, be willing to receive support from those who offer it. We are not meant to be separate from one another. Our shared humanity creates ever-evolving connections that strengthen compassion, enlightenment and empowerment.
Know that your soul has agreed to participate in hardship because you are ready to release old energies and step into the fullness of who you are. We can choose to turn toward our challenges and shine the light of consciousness upon them. Awareness begins the process of transformation.
Above all else, accept what is with the realization that life is here to support your awakening. Create a foundation built upon the knowledge that you are right where you need to be in this moment. Choose to consciously walk forward and the way will make itself known. Something beautiful is ready to be discovered.