Creating a Sacred Space

“I love myself, therefore I provide for myself a comfortable home, one that fulfills all my needs and is a pleasure to be in. I fill the rooms with the vibration of Love, so that all who enter, myself included, will feel the love and be nourished by it.” ~Louise Hay~
Consider your home a sacred space. Any emotions that we experience emit powerful vibrations that remain behind; therefore, focus upon being conscious of what you create or allow around you. Setting intentions, smudging, playing peaceful music or lighting candles to shift the energy can have a dramatic impact.

At least once a month, open a few windows or doors and cleanse the space with white sage, lavender/sage spray or pure tones saying, “Negativity out! Only love, joy and beauty remain. Today, let this space be a space of peace, power, growth and transformation.” Any heavy or unbalanced energy will dissipate and you’ll create a lighter, empowered feeling that will impact all who enter your space.

You have more power than you realize and cleansing your space is a great way consciously step into your role as an empowered co-creator. Be the peace you wish to see in the world.

Your Story

“There is more than enough time,
to weave strands of the ordinary
into your own holy text.
You are more than you know
less lost than you feel
and whole in your center.”
~Molly Remer~

Your story is still being written. With each step, your experiences and wisdom create a unique tale of struggle and success, sorrow and laughter, and insights born of a life well-lived. Upon review you’ll discover the necessity of each plot twist and character in the richness of your journey.

Celebrate your ingenuity. It’s powerful to observe yourself and to witness how far you’ve come. Likely, the challenges you have faced have allowed your many facets to shine and have transformed simplistic ideas into the layered, complex understanding of a sage.

Live your unique truths to the best of your ability. With humility, continue to honor everything and everyone you encounter as a teacher. Your purpose is to awaken, and all of life supports you in this endeavor.

Live consciously. You can choose to fill your life experiences with meaning and joy while perfecting your role as an ever-evolving character who is cultivating self-awareness and empowerment.