Be Bold

“We cannot succeed in life or the spiritual path by avoiding challenges and being inactive. We must play our part in life, according to our given nature, but with detachment, knowing that something greater than ourselves acts through us.”
~Alberto Villoldo~
Spiritual seekers develop three gifts that help them achieve transcendence:

Audacity is cultivated when we boldly move forward with the knowledge that we are conscious creators. Instead of demanding concrete answers and guarantees before we take that first step, we learn the art of boldness in the face of the unknown. Live daringly and act with inspiration, for you are an limitless, infinite spirit exploring time and space.

Patience is not simply about sitting back and waiting. It is knowing when to act and when to be still. It is taking the time to replenish your spirit or understanding that sometimes we need to allow things to unfold before jumping into reactive action. This purposeful approach to life demonstrates empowerment and maturity.

Discernment is the unemotional observation of the facts. It allows us to step back, re-frame limiting perceptions, empower and recognize the perfection in the present moment. Your purpose is to thrive, expand and awaken.

Hummingbird Inspiration

“When we settle for comfort over discovery, or compromise the soul’s longing to grow, we begin to wither. When we reawaken the great instinct to learn and explore, our lives grow less trivial and become epic.”

~Alberto Villoldo~

When you are ready to embark upon an epic journey, call upon the spirit of hummingbird for assistance.

Every year, ruby-throated hummingbirds migrate over the Atlantic from Brazil to Canada. These tiny little birds wouldn’t appear at first to have the energy or stamina to journey over 2500 miles; however, they are able to draw energy from the sweetness of life. This instinctual movement represents joyful courage in the shamanic traditions.

When you are faced with daunting circumstances or don’t know how you will accomplish that which seems impossible, call upon the energy of Hummingbird. Let her teach you how to drink the nectar of life, to be fiercely independent, a hard worker and a playful expression of the Divine.

Hummingbird is linked to the 3rd Eye Chakra and awakens soul perception. With spiritual insight we learn to recognize the deeper meaning behind our relationships and experiences. Everything becomes an expression of the sacred.

Dream a New World into Being

“Dreaming requires an act of courage, for when we lack it, we have to settle for the world that’s being created by our culture or by our genes – we feel we have to settle for the nightmare. To dream courageously, we must be willing to use our hearts.”
~Alberto Villoldo~

Courageousness is not about being fearless. It is the ability to move forward and take conscious action in spite of any fear that may arise.

No matter what you wish to create in your experience, all transformation begins within. Visualize opening to the vast potential that exists within you and all around you rather than expecting, and therefore receiving, repetitive limiting circumstances. At first, the mind may balk with it’s “Nothing’s ever going to change” mantra; however, consistent intention always sets new energy in motion.

You can dream a new world into being. See yourself as an artist who utilizes divine inspiration in order to guide new visions into life. Forgiveness, gratitude, positive expectations, joyful enthusiasm and willingness demonstrate unwavering commitment to creating new experiences. Each approach, practiced consistently, releases old patterns and resentments and sets you free from past perceived limitations.

All of existence conspires to assist in your spiritual awakening and love rains down upon you from multiple dimensions. Open to receive the new through willingness, imagination and sprinkling a little magic throughout your life.

Focusing Intention

“…Realize that your dream is fueled by the passion of the soul rather than the will of your ego and find a way to act courageously before the day ends.”
~Alberto Villoldo

Seek to expand your ideas, dreams and behavior. Honor the sacred path of your souls awakening by taking one conscious action today. What do you wish to create? What can you do to bring that energy into your experience? Small consistent actions add up to powerful transformation. You can choose to be courageous and dream a new world into being.
When we first begin to observe our thoughts and words, it can be surprising to discover how often they destabilize our precious balance. We activate the power of the soul by re-framing old limitations and focusing on the gift, the goal and the potential within the present moment.
Our role is to engage life from the level of soul rather than the level of mind. Our lives are epic journeys of spiritual maturation and courage is born of the willingness to walk forward with faith. Trust your inner wisdom and know that you are an empowered participant in the collective awakening of the planet.