The Secrets of Eternity

“In the stillness of a quiet moment, allow your soul to speak, and you will find the Atman, the eternal self, whispering its truths.”
~Shree Shambav~

Awareness arises through the removal of distraction. In stillness, the soul speaks. The greatest breakthroughs occur when we are on our knees. A spark of consciousness transforms pain into wisdom. Turn toward your fear and allow that pivot to break the chain of repetitive thought. When we learn how to see through the mechanisms of the ego, we can purposely awaken a deeper part of us.

The answers lie within, it is true; however, there will come a time when peace arises by simply residing within the question. Insights ultimately lead us to take one step at a time, focus on the task at hand, and be a source of peace throughout the journey. Everything else is secondary.

The gift of your Presence is transformative. When you choose to be non-reactive, when you speak kindly in response to hatred, when you educate by example, you become a teacher. Find your unique way of being in the world. Listen deeply to the silence. Explore the gap between words, breaths, heartbeats. There you will discover the secrets of eternity.