Repeating Patterns

“Constantly focusing on the limitations, instead of all the possibilities, is how people become stuck in their lives. It only serves to recreate the same old reality from day to day. And soon the days turn into years, and lifetimes.”
~Anthon St. Maarten~

Everyone has a filter through which they view the world. Their energetic vibration and long-held beliefs are displayed again and again until they are recognized. Whenever you notice a repeating pattern that limits joy in your experience, realize that the first step is becoming aware of it. From a space of awareness, you can consciously choose to break free from outmoded patterns of behavior and leave them behind.

For many, intense emotional/mental/physical/spiritual disruption is the only thing that awakens them from the dreams created by the projections of the mind; however, we can circumvent this process by consciously continuing to do our spiritual work in times of relative peace. This is the moment of transformation. No matter what comes into your experience, you have the courage and fortitude to face it with faith… and while nothing is guaranteed on this journey of the soul, the changes you create within will surely play out in your daily experiences.

When you reach toward the light, it also reaches out to you. Love will always meet you where you are and walk forward with you from there. Seek to constantly clear limiting patterns that sabotage your happiness. One tool is to step back from the situation and observe the thought – perhaps saying, “The ego is in fear mode” or “Anxiety is arising”. Rather than absorbing the limiting thought or emotion, just see it and experience it as the observer knowing that the infinite, Divine truth of who you are is not defined by these fleeting ideas of insecurity or doubt. Something greater is waiting to break through, shattering the patterns of limitation and opening the door to a life of empowerment.

Words Have Power

“People often ask me what is the most effective technique for transforming their life. It is a little embarrassing that after years and years of research and experimentation, I have to say that the best answer is – just be a little kinder.”
~Aldous Huxley~
Your words have power. How often do you hear yourself or others say things like:

It’s too hard
There’s never enough time
I’m broke
I always get sick this time of year
Life isn’t fair

…and then you witness it play out again and again?

Words are habitual and it can be challenging to recognize where these mantras of limitation began – we often pick them up from others around us. It’s important to remember that form follows energy.

Be aware of what you send out into the Universe. Transformation begins when we keep our words, thoughts and actions aligned with what we want to occur rather than putting precious energy into creating blockages and limitation.

So, make empowering choices when you speak:

Everything flows together perfectly
There’s more than enough time

Let your life be a series of kindnesses. Over tip others and treat yourself well. Be joyful and recognize your abundance. Be willing to engage life’s magic and live the life of your dreams now.


“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.”
~Eckhart Tolle~

In this vast, infinite universe, there is more than enough energy for all to experience abundance and fulfillment

Each person resides under the law of their own prosperity consciousness. No matter what you choose to believe, life will support it. Rejoice in the blessings that others manifest in their lives, be generous in your giving, open your arms and be willing to receive.

Your thoughts and attention direct your energy. Personal beliefs of lack and limitation block the ability to recognize the abundance that is  already available to you. Enjoy paying bills and taxes, make sure that you are not rejecting the gifts that come your way and treat yourself with love and kindness.

As we begin to create feelings of greater safety and abundance, it becomes easier to demonstrate kindness and generosity to others. Know that your constantly expanding consciousness will be amplified by choices that support creating and living the life of your dreams. Consider adding this statement to your gratitude walk or affirmations: I am grateful for the effortless, ever-increasing flow of abundance that moves so easily through my life.