The Power of Forgiveness

“Anger and blaming others takes a lot of energy away from healing. One of the most powerful emotions that has to be expressed is forgiveness.”
~Candace Pert~

It is safe for you to live beyond the expectations of others.

Anger and resentment are a waste of your precious energy. They drain vitality and ease from your life experience and harm no one but yourself. This energy can be transformed into gentleness through gratitude, meditation, mindfulness and a conscious choice to be free from the past.
The spiritual path calls upon us to reside fully in life, as it is in this moment. If there are pains that you carry, do not feel that you must push them down or deny them; rather, bring them to the light of your consciousness and transform them through acceptance and forgiveness. See the past through the filters of your current state of awareness and you may discover that freedom is at hand.
Forgiveness is really not about the other person at all. It is a gift that you give to yourself. There is no need for physical closure or a meeting of the minds (though these may occur naturally in time), just a quiet peace in the present moment will open your ability to love, trust and believe once again in the beauty and mystery of life.

Holding Sacred Space

Love all. Serve all. Help ever. Hurt never.
~Sathya Sai Baba~
Imagine how it would feel to be completely loved and accepted. Imagine a relationship so comfortable that you simply remain present and engaged instead of attempting to determine what the other person requires. Can you see it? Provide that for another…

Holding sacred space is a gift that flows from awakened intention. From the frequency of love we allow another the opportunity to recognize their own divinity. What we can offer is unconditional acceptance because we see the limitless potential and know that if it isn’t discovered today, it certainly will be somewhere down the road.

When you intentionally offer your loving wishes, your prayers and blessings to another, you heart is transformed. You cannot walk in the light of love without being changed. Serving one another (even if only through the art of compassionate listening) is an expression of our sacred connection. It awakens us to Oneness and binds us with the gifts of loving-kindness.

Set an intention to stop and replenish your soul often throughout the day. Nurture yourself with compassion and you will have more to offer those who grace your life.


“The moment that judgement stops through acceptance of what it is, you are free of the mind. You have made room for love, for joy, for peace.”
~Eckhart Tolle~

Acceptance, when engaged mindfully and authentically, is a powerful tool of transformation. Saying yes to life unlocks the prisons of perception and sets us free to experience life as it is without limiting mental interference.

The journey of awakening is unique for each of us. Imagine what we can learn from one another through the sharing of our varied experiences, insights and love without judgment. Honor each path as sacred. See everyone as your teacher and your life will be enriched beyond measure.

We are lifetime students of love. The contrasts and paradoxes of human experience teach us of the infinite ways that we can enter into the love that is the true nature of our being.


“Awareness is like the sun. When it shines on things, they are transformed.”
~Thich Nhat Hanh~

Reactivity indicates that something is ready to be healed. View moments of emotional intensity as distractions created by the mind and purposely choose to draw your attention inward. The process of reflection and awareness creates a space in which a transformation can occur.

Quieting the mind is a skill that grows stronger with practice. The mechanisms of the ego include complaining, blame, worry and regret. Growth calls upon us to do things differently; therefore, each time you can break through a repetitive thought pattern, recognize that you are becoming more aware.

The light of your consciousness transforms all that it shines upon. Each time we turn toward our own shadows we see a little more clearly. You may ask, “What is this?” as a way to broaden your perception. Your willingness to go inward indicates that you are ready to cross the threshold into new awareness. Take a breath and draw in unconditional love and the essence of pure potential. Feel every cell of your body awaken with new vitality and a joy of being. This is the moment of transformation.

The Kind Heart

“We all are so deeply interconnected; we have no option but to love all. Be kind and do good for any one and that will be reflected. The ripples of the kind heart are the highest blessings of the Universe.”
~Amit Ray~

Great beauty can be found in the simple, ordinary things of life. Even the most mundane of tasks take on a sacred quality when approached with awareness, intention and gratitude. It’s important to remember that you dictate how your life unfolds by the energy that you bring to the situations you encounter. When we act out of love, without expectation or attachment, wholly involved in the Now, we can become one with the moment itself.

Be patient with yourself. Sometimes all that is required is a peaceful alertness as we learn to exist aligned and in tune with the energy of the planet. This is a time full of mystery… like the dawning of a new day, there is a quiet anticipation as the awakening happens all around us. In the silence, limitless possibilities await.

Be aware of your relationship to the world around you. Our interconnectedness is becoming more apparent with each passing moment as we learn to see life as a mirror that supports us in becoming whole. The spiritual seeker is learning oneness – through interactions, gratitude, reflection and exploration.

You Are Unique

“You are all architects of a unique desire for greatness, passion, and love. Insert spirit, and emerge beautiful, gallant beings.”

Nothing matters more than your state of consciousness. Imagine being consistently present, empowered, fulfilled and peaceful, no matter what unfolds. Your life circumstances offer countless opportunities to practice these qualities and observe how they transform your experience.

It’s important to discover and embrace your unique way of being in the world. What can you do to broaden your awareness? Read, observe, listen, feel, experience. Mindful exploration will spark expansion and consistent practice will strengthen the facets that are ready to shine. Your purpose is to awaken; therefore, begin with the premise that all of life supports you in this endeavor.

This is our playground of awakening and I bow to you, anam cara (soul friend).

True Beauty

“Have the courage for a new approach to time;
Allow it to slow until you find freedom
To draw alongside the mystery you hold
And befriend you own beauty of soul.”
~John O’Donohue~

Cultivate the ability to see the limitless potential in those who grace your life and then treat them as if that’s all you can see.

When one learns to see beyond the mechanisms of the mind and the roles that people play, it’s amazing how beautiful life becomes. Many spiritual teachers gaze upon their students with a peaceful, knowing little smile, simply loving them, and will often trigger the student to feel like their problems aren’t being taken seriously; however, nothing could be farther from the truth.

Viewing life with a clear heart and mind removes distraction. Rather than becoming embroiled in turmoil, one can turn inward with a willingness to see clearly and, more quickly than you can imagine, transform any situation into one of awakening and empowerment.

Your beauty is always there and it shines like a beacon throughout the universe. Remind yourself to look past any fears or challenges to recognize the grace and depth of your being. Practice this self-directed unconditional love and then allow it to flow outward into the world of form.

Transformative Energy

Amethyst and Gold Calcite
“Let go of the battle. Breathe quietly and let it be. Let your body relax and your heart soften. Open to whatever you experience without fighting.”
~Jack Kornfield~
As we change, the world around us is transformed. The enlightened spirit understands the power of personal responsibility. When we come together, we have an opportunity to discover new facets of love though each interaction. Move forward with a sense of compassion for those who do not yet know their potential. We can bring vibrant new energy and insight into the realm of possibility by living authentically.

Everything plays a role in your awakening consciousness. The Universe seeks to express itself through you and in doing so, it evolves just a little bit more. That is the point of our entire sojourn here. We learn to drop limitations and expand into new and empowered ways of being. Once we master a particular level, we begin the process of expansion once again.

True happiness, the joy of being, is found in the smallest of things. Be still and become a loving witness to the miracles which abound all around you. Dynamic transformation occurs when we open to new insights and new ways of looking at the world.

Expressing Gratitude

“When I admire the wonders of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in the worship of the creator.”
~Mahatma Gandhi~

As you walk in the world, it’s important to express gratitude for all that unfolds in your experience. Recognizing the potential within each person and viewing each situation through the eyes of love honors the divinity, fulfillment and sacredness of the present moment. It’s important to remember that all of existence is actively participating in your awakening.
This conscious approach to life sets the stage for perfection. Coincidences and synchronistic energies merge to provide the experience your soul needs most for your growth. A simple “thank you” acknowledges your recognition of the love and support that accompanies you each and every step of the way.
Be the change you wish to see. Embody compassion, kindness, joy and gentleness and expect the very best from all that you have drawn into your experience. Gratitude takes us higher. It changes our energetic frequency and declares our willingness to take responsibility for our own joy. Gratitude transforms our responses to life situations and challenges while allowing us to see things from a higher and healthier perception.


“In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn.”
~Phil Collins~

When you find yourself in a position where you must articulate spiritual ideas, give advice, teach or explain your beliefs, you may discover that the act of articulation provides an opportunity to solidify your inner wisdom and bring it into the world of form.

Others may seek your advice. Pay attention to the words you say, for more often than not, the advice will also pertain to your own life situation. The other person is there to play the role of a sounding board so that your inner wisdom can emerge.

This is a gift that we give to one another. Speaking with compassion while sharing high level concepts such as acceptance, willingness, forgiveness, karmic balancing or love can sometimes allow us to bypass the ego and access profound spiritual truths. Pay attention. You are far wiser than you know.