Quietness, Love and Fearlessness

Quietness without love is simply non-participation. Stillness can be a celebration, a silence that sees all and bears loving witness. But authentic love is only possible when we are fearless. Remember that fear and love vibrate on opposite ends of the spectrum. Love empowers while fear weakens.

Many look to relationships to heal their anxiety. Even when the spiritual seeker understands that true happiness comes from within, it’s human nature to seek fulfillment and completion through partnership. We think that we need to be loved, but what the heart truly desires is to love.

The purity and beauty of your soul never fades, dear one, though sometimes you may not realize your divinity out of fear that you are not enough in some way. Recognize the divine energy within you – it is time to be present and honor that path which has brought you here Now.

All of us come from the same source of love. We are just in various stages of discovery and awakening. Be willing to receive the love, light and laughter of the Universe. You can choose to create a peaceful and joyful path of grace. There are many levels of love that await your exploration.