Using Relationships As Spiritual Growth

“We often look to our relationships to mask an anxious quiver of being that cries out for relief. Yet another person can never heal our anxiety; we can only do that for ourselves. But that doesn’t keep us from asking others to do it.”
~Ezra Bayda

Some relationships seem to cause a lot of pain once the honeymoon period is over. Relationships do not cause pain – they awaken and show the wound that is already carried within, and do so for the sole purpose of healing.

Many become confused and feel they may have chosen poorly. That is the voice of ego saying “Run!” When one turns from a challenging situation without attempting to learn the lessons it has to offer, there may be moment of temporary peace; however, the exact same issue will then be recreated with the next person… and the next… until the lesson is no longer needed.

You can consciously shorten this process of discomfort by consciously turning into the karma and looking within to determine the true source of the trigger. Whether your inner work is focused on worthiness, self-love, finding your strength or choosing joy, your role is to explore and celebrate the sacredness of your true infinite nature.
Once healing has occurred, you will see it reflected in all of your relationships. Once your wound was reflected, now your peace is reflected.

Facing Our Shadows

“You must understand the whole of life, not just one little part of it. That is why you must read, that is why you must look at the skies, that is why you must sing, and dance, and write poems, and suffer, and understand, for all that is life.”
~Jiddu Krishnamurti~

All growth, personal or collective, happens only when we have the courage to turn and face our shadows. As a distraction, the ego-mind will begin to divert energy through blame, judgment and anger. Observe the tendency to get lost in discussion rather than ownership.

Everything works toward the highest good of all involved. Even events that are horrific, displaying mans inhumanity to man, can be transformed into opportunities to give and receive love. The way to heal our collective wounds is to first turn our focus inward and take ownership of what we personally add to our collective experience. As each of us eradicates our own shadows, we become a source of light in the world.

Step into the power of love. Healing comes from the level of spirit and ultimately informs our physical experience. What harms one harms all; what heals one, heals all. When your heart hurts, find a way to give of your time and energy. Let each of us hold space for one another.