
Wholeness is coming home to yourself. Spirituality is meant to bring magic back into your life. There are many paths to awakening – choose the one that brings you the greatest joy, and then support others in their joy.When life becomes a drudgery, judgment arises. Self-criticism and frustration block us from recognizing the beauty that surrounds us. It’s important to keep playfulness in your outlook and experience. Laughter enriches the soul and is a powerful expression of the Divine.
Find awakening in your life by knowing that you are right where you need to be. Acceptance draws in the circumstances, experiences and synchronicities that are in alignment with your joyful, expectant, optimistic attitude.
At any given moment, infinite patterns are developing. You are constantly sending energy out into the Universe, and you are living proof of the miraculous at work. This “behind the scenes” movement of energy often takes some time to be revealed, recognized and appreciated. Walk forward with the knowledge that life itself is constantly working on your behalf.
You are a vibrant participant in the dance of existence and there is far more to life than meets the eye. Living with an open heart creates space in which a transformation can occur.

Living Within Paradox

“Since ancient times, spiritual masters of all traditions have pointed to the Now as the key to the spiritual dimension. Despite this, it seems to have remained a secret.”
~Eckhart Tolle~

Don’t try to change, simply be aware… awareness heals. Spiritual practice is often a blend of paradox – confusion and clarity, separation and wholeness, detachment and presence. The word paradox itself comes from the Greek para dokien which means beyond thought. See yourself as a physical expression of the Divine who wishes to experience life in various forms. Allow yourself to look through the illusion yet act consciously within the present moment. Eventually the illusion will become easier to see through as we remember our true nature and mission.

So many suffer, lost within the “why’s” and entrapped by the mind. The same energy, knowledge and peace discovered by all the masters who have walked the Path of Transformation awaits you within the openness of your own heart. For all our searching, the answers lie within.

It can take great courage to learn to trust your inner wisdom. Teachers, circumstances and guides are all there to point to the inner awareness, but until one is willing to see, there it waits. Trust yourself, be gentle with yourself and open to the potential that joy brings. No matter what teachings you encounter, trust your own divine nature in order to align with your truth and integrity. Give yourself permission to live consciously within the paradox, without dissecting or analyzing it.

Passion and Purpose

“We are all capable of living each day with a fiery passion and sense of purpose that radiates in our smile and voice.”
~Robert Cheeke~
Passion is the fire that sparks movement, experience, and ultimately, wisdom. Since our only true purpose is to awaken, why not make the journey of discovery playful – a celebration of joy?  Life will always present contrasting experiences. We can choose to approach challenges with an open heart and bring compassion into our expression of being.
The paradox of human experience calls upon us to simultaneously be sympathetic and helpful to those who are in pain while consciously keeping ourselves balanced. Reactivity brings energy to lower vibrations. We simply cannot be as effective in a state of reaction as we are when aligned with our passion, purpose and inner wisdom.
The key is to appreciate the beauty in each moment. To live deeply immersed in the Now brings a sense of joy into the daily activities of your life. Then, whatever actions you choose to take will be infused with the wholeness of your spirit. This is the process of transforming your life into an empowered dance of awakening.

Your Purpose is to Awaken

“Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment.”
~Eckhart Tolle~

Your purpose is to awaken. How you choose to accomplish that throughout the successes and defeats you encounter along the way is immaterial. The ego attaches great significance to the world of form; however, the soul desires only experience, expansion and wholeness. Each of us must remember that what we see in the world is an expression of what is projected from within and our role is to observe and release all that blocks us from unconditional love.

As dreams fade upon awakening, so too does the intensity of this incarnation upon our transition and life review. When we step back with those we love to witness the tapestry of our existence together, there is only gratitude, love and the desire to redress any imbalance. And so we come together again and again, the residue of the past lingering in our energy and soul memories. The desire to fulfill our purpose of awakening outweighs all else as we expand in consciousness and joy.

Be True to Yourself

“Open your eyes to the beauty around you, open your mind to the wonders of life, open your heart to those who love you, and always be true to yourself.”
~Maya Angelou~

Each of us is responsible for our own joy. It’s not the obligation of our partners, parents, children, boss or life circumstances to “make” us feel happy and fulfilled. Rather, happiness comes from developing our own inner richness and spiritual maturity. This infinite wellspring of energy, once discovered, flows through us, changing the way we receive the gifts that life has to offer.

Relationships provide us with the tools and experiences that we need in order to release old patterns and programming. The more clear you become, the less intense your emotional reactions will be. Peacefulness then becomes a way of life as we learn to interpret circumstances through this enlightened and expanded perception.

This is the moment to realize your true nature and to be a loving witness to the sacred energy and potential within you. Joy is the path of your destiny. Take the time to pause and breathe in this present moment – what are you creating right now? Transcend the ordinary and seek wholeness with all existence. Infinite heights, depths and expansion await your discovery.

Exploring the Depths of Emotion

“Experiencing our emotions fully, without wallowing in them or turning away, allows us to break through the layers of protective armor and connect with the heart. Fully felt, our emotions can clear the path to the deep well of compassionate love that is the essence of our being… and we are free to receive all the world.”   
~ Ezra Bayda~   
Just a little bit of insight and awareness can transform your entire life. You can only truly understand what you have experienced; therefore, it’s important to explore the depths of emotion. When emotional pain rises to the surface, it is an indicator that it is ready to be healed. These deeply buried wounds of the past are repeatedly reflected in our life experiences until they are cleared.In order to receive healing, we must choose to become vulnerable and open to the love of the Universe. Openness and acceptance create a space where we can dissolve the struggle and suffering once considered by the ego to be necessary and unavoidable… From this state of wholeness, we can help others to become whole as well.

Feel your way to freedom. Honor the emotions that arise with the knowledge that they are meant to help you break free from restrictive thoughts and beliefs. Untethered, the energies of infinite possibility feed the flames of your life purpose in a transformative and powerful way.

I Hold No Cherished Outcome

“Detachment involves “present moment living” — living in the here and now. We allow life to happen instead of forcing and trying to control it. We relinquish regrets over the past and fears about the future. We make the most of each day.”
~Melody Beattie~

In the depths of experience, we can choose to remain free from attachment and carry a sense of inner balance with us wherever we go. To hold no cherished outcome means that we learn to release the expectations we have formed regarding others, ourselves or situations. The mind becomes attached to illusions, an idea or an end result and sometimes we have no idea that the attachment has occurred until things don’t go our way and we feel disappointed.

When you can rest in the fullness of who you are, you cultivate a greater understanding of the infinite nature of wholeness. In the stillness and acceptance of what is, we welcome a new quality of life. See if you can spend some time today simply being aware and content witnessing the beauty of Now. See how life comes to greet you – sometimes in the form of a gentle breeze, a smile from a stranger, unconditional love from a pet or simply being at ease within yourself. Whatever you choose to do, do it from this space of awareness.


“On this sacred path of Radical Acceptance, rather than striving for perfection, we discover how to love ourselves into wholeness.”
~Tara Brach~

Beyond the dualities of life resides a unified space of Wholeness born of the endless dance of awakening that we share. The mystical union of grace and strength comes from walking through our challenges with conscious awareness… always seeking to discover the lesson and blend it into our unique way of experiencing the world.

Repeating patterns will always show you the aspects within you that are ready to be healed. Step into the role of observer – detached, clear and calm – and be a loving witness to your own growth. You have the ability to stop playing the tape of limiting thought and recognize that those feelings of doubt are lingering baggage from the past.

The only way to blend all the sparkling facets of who you truly are is to go inward. At the center of your being lies an infinite and powerful connection that can only be rediscovered after experiencing the illusion of separation. Integration of all that you have learned allows you to reach new levels in your own awakening. And the best part of playing in a Universe of infinite possibility? We are always at the beginning with limitless potential to explore.