Find Your Voice

“The Buddha left Bodh Gaya to teach others. Jesus came out of the Judaean desert to preach. Spiritual awakening is meaningless if it does not culminate in finding your voice and speaking up for what is right.”

~Anthon St. Maarten~

Creativity is the art of expression. No matter what form it may take – music, cooking, writing, decorating, beading, sculpture, color and texture in your wardrobe, painting, chanting or anything else you can imagine – creativity is an authentic union with the Divine. We become channels of light and it flows through us into all that we do. Tangible items then carry a spark of the infinite as expressed through you.

Whatever you choose to do, do it joyfully. Fill your creations and actions with love and conscious intention. When we over-think creative action, the mind attempts to be clever and sabotages our efforts by blocking that powerful and mysterious flow of unity. You can break free from patterns that limit your creative expression. It is simply a matter of finding your voice and living in the flow of your truth.

Your gifts are unique, your story divine. Find the joy of sharing them without attachment or expectation.

The Gifts of Friendship

“The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.”
~Elisabeth Foley~

True friendship occurs when we have discovered wholeness within ourselves. Instead of looking for someone to complete us, we discover the joy of unity between two unique individuals who allow the winds of heaven to dance in between them.

The greatest gift you can give another is unconditional acceptance, allowing them to discover their inner truth in whatever way which is most appropriate for them. In doing so, we create an atmosphere in which transformation can occur.

Bring conscious presence into your relationships by giving those you love the space they need to grow and thrive. See your connection as a sacred, living expression of Divine love as you honor the perfection of the journey.

Whether we walk with these soul friends for a moment or for a lifetime, the love remains. Life after life we find one another, changing roles and scenarios, learning, teaching, laughing, challenging. Celebrate the deep connection and express gratitude for the role they play in your growth. There will come a day when we have a deeper understanding of the energy behind all of these experiences.


“Beauty does not belong exclusively to the regions of light and loveliness, cut off from the conversation of oppositions. The vigour and vitality of beauty derives precisely from the heart of difference. No life is one-sided; the life of each of us is animated by the inner conversation of forces which counter and complement each other. Beauty inhabits the cutting edge of creativity — mediating between the known and unknown, light and darkness, masculine and feminine, visible and invisible, chaos and meaning, sound and silence, self and others.”

~John O’Donohue~

Wisdom arises when we allow the soul to experience what is without judgment. The richness of various ideas, textures, perceptions and soul expression creates a vast tapestry of exquisite beauty. Contrasts allow us to experience life from several different perspectives as we explore the nuances of wholeness. We must dance within dark and light to fully appreciate the perfection in the imperfection.

Positive and negative, sorrow and bliss, yin and yang teach us of the infinite possibilities inherent within neutrality. Resist nothing and instead, allow yourself the opportunity to fully experience the present moment with an open heart. There is always something new waiting to be discovered.

Life allows us to learn from one another through contrast. Quietly appreciate differing viewpoints and history. There is a sacred unity at the core of your being and it comes to life through being a witness of life’s beauty.


Kindness and Awareness

“You must understand the whole of life, not just one little part of it. That is why you must read, that is why you must look at the skies, that is why you must sing, and dance, and write poems, and suffer, and understand, for all that is life.”
~Jiddu Krishnamurti~
As awareness expands we discover the beauty within life’s tapestry. Everything is connected. Ripples of energy are constantly emanating from us, impacting everything on the planet. This is why it’s important to take consistent personal responsibility for our state of consciousness in the present moment.
Once you truly experience Oneness, you will not wish to participate in the harm of another through actions, words or thoughts. The light of your soul will embrace all living beings and your journey will become one of compassion. What we do matters, whether others ever know of it or not.
When we immerse ourselves in life with kindness and awareness, others feel safe in our presence. The journey of awakening ultimately teaches the power of acceptance and how it can dissolve the boundaries that divide us. You can transcend limitation and step into a vibrant, participatory existence of remarkable unity and bliss.