Living With An Open Heart

When entering into relationship with a lover, child, friend, business partner or pet, remember not to collapse yourself into that union. Leave enough room for each of you to be separate and whole so that you retain your unique authenticity. This freedom creates room for growth and discovery. Allow the winds of heaven to dance in between you and choose to experience life with an open heart.

Partnerships provide a reflection of your self love. As you evolve, you are less needy and less likely to attach your happiness to others’ actions or choices. You discover the beauty of creating space in which each person can thrive.

The Universe supports every aspect of your growth and will always provide the perfect situation to assist in your soul’s development and expansion. When you encounter patterns or beliefs that no longer serve you, observe and release them.

As each layer of limitation falls away all that remains is the pure potential of love. You stand at the doorway of infinite possibility. Choose to bring an unprotected heart to your meeting place and you will transcend perceived blockages, ultimately transforming them into ever-evolving aspects of your strength and empowerment.


“On this sacred path of Radical Acceptance, rather than striving for perfection, we discover how to love ourselves into wholeness.”
~Tara Brach~

Beyond the dualities of life resides a unified space of Wholeness born of the endless dance of awakening that we share. The mystical union of grace and strength comes from walking through our challenges with conscious awareness… always seeking to discover the lesson and blend it into our unique way of experiencing the world.

Repeating patterns will always show you the aspects within you that are ready to be healed. Step into the role of observer – detached, clear and calm – and be a loving witness to your own growth. You have the ability to stop playing the tape of limiting thought and recognize that those feelings of doubt are lingering baggage from the past.

The only way to blend all the sparkling facets of who you truly are is to go inward. At the center of your being lies an infinite and powerful connection that can only be rediscovered after experiencing the illusion of separation. Integration of all that you have learned allows you to reach new levels in your own awakening. And the best part of playing in a Universe of infinite possibility? We are always at the beginning with limitless potential to explore.


When we come together, a synergy is created that shines brilliantly throughout the universe. This is what love looks like. It is fluid and expansive and allows us to explore life as we discover who we are in the presence of another.

In union, watch how your energies merge and change. Relationships reflect our desire for Oneness. Choose to leave enough room for the winds of heaven to dance in between and enjoy the beauty you create during moments of connection.

All relationships ultimately lead us to a greater union with the Divine. As we learn to provide consistent, loving acceptance for those who grace our lives, we experience the joyousness that results from watching them discover their unique way of being in the world.

Acceptance allows those you love the freedom to shine. In the present moment we can choose to give support and affection with a peaceful, open heart, and honor the riches and inspiration the other has to offer as sacred.

Allow compassion, kindness and gratitude to create a foundation for healthy, supportive relationships. Love with a gentle strength. Love in a way that expands your own heart and you’ll discover a well that never runs dry.