
Transformation – whether personal or collective – often takes us into uncharted territory. The chaos of upheaval is intended to shake things up in order to break us free of repetitive patterns.

Don’t fear these intense moments of change. Spiritual practice calls upon us to receive changes with an open-heart. Your willingness to move into acceptance opens the door for new beginnings. Every experience contains the opportunity to awaken.

Should you encounter resistance, it is an indicator that true transformation is at hand. The ego becomes more active when we are on the verge of a breakthrough. These is what often creates additional chaos in our experience. We resist the new, judge or blame others, cling to the familiar and fear the unknown; however, everything needs to be brought into the light so that we can clearly see what is ready to be discarded.

Don’t wait to have a peaceful life before you choose to be at peace. Something will always seek your attention. Choose to make inner grace a priority in your experience. Little spaces of stillness realign you with the Divine. Each time you bring yourself present, time slows and you’ll be able to accomplish the task at hand with a clear heart and mind. Life is what it is – chaotic, beautiful, unpredictable. Be the one who brings peacefulness to the world around you.

Transforming Darkness Into Light

“…the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.”
~Carl Jung~
Choose to see challenges as your vehicle to awakening.  The purpose behind emotional upset is two-fold: it shakes up your life, revealing the aspects that are insubstantial as well as those which provide a firm foundation for you and it helps begin the process of releasing patterns that no longer serve your growth.

In readings, the Tower represents the turmoil we encounter when dramatic change flows into our experience. Some may feel that the rug has unexpectedly been pulled out from under their feet. These upsets can come through illness, the loss of relationship, betrayal, or any myriad of things that causes us to feel adrift in overwhelming emotion.

Should you hear yourself saying, “I simply can’t take this anymore.” Stop, and recognize that something profound is at hand. The soul is ready to shift in a powerful way and what is lost often pivots you into a new direction or allows you to discover your strength and potential.

Often these challenges hit several areas of your life at once. If you can choose to walk through the fire with awareness, not judging the situations as wrong but finding a way to reside in the knowledge that you are being supported and guided through the process, the darkness can be transformed into light.