
Never underestimate the value of kindness.

It is said that no act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. Choose to bring this lovely energy to the planet. Whether you rescue a spider, listen to a stranger, hold space for your child or help another to see their own beauty, you can walk gently upon the earth.

We live immersed by ego-generated opinions and the contrasts of belief systems seem to be widening. Things appear chaotic. And yet… we are on the verge of tremendous growth and breakthrough. Great change is always proceeded by disruption. Most people expect (or even seek) push-back, thus allowing the ego to feed existing negative energy through debate. When others seem to want conflict, give kindness.

The goal is to see through and break free from the mechanisms of the ego. There is no need to be right. We can utilize conscious actions and insights to infuse our life situations with high vibration energy. Rather than repeating old ideas and behaviors, seek instead to embrace a new way of being. Our collective consciousness is ready for expansion. Educate others by demonstrating what authentic loving-kindness looks like and let your life be your message.

Strength in Solitude

The more powerful and original a mind, the more it will incline towards the religion of solitude.
~Aldous Huxley~

Stillness opens the possibility of transformation, creativity and empowered solutions. Busyness is a form of avoidance. When one runs non-stop from the moment they awaken, they block the peace and presence that is found in the stillness of the present moment. So in your solitude, be still. Don’t think of the next task that needs to be done, replay past events in your mind or worry about the future. Just be. Know. Honor yourself, your space and the present moment as sacred.

Become the observer rather than the doer. In the silence of stillness we can explore the gifts of the soul. The human condition prompts us to seek out one another – to engage in lessons, contrasts, support, connection and communion – periodic moments of solitude help to create balance within our interactions. Nurture that silent space within you where love can reside. Let it be filled with innocence and wonder, awe and clarity. In that space, the concept of “I” disappears and we become more aware of the spark of the Divine within us.


“What greater thing is there for two human souls than to feel that they are joined to strengthen each other?”
~George Eliot~

As we mature, love begins to transform from sexual or ego-based neediness into honoring the unique individuality of another. We learn to accept rather than attach. We find wholeness within instead of looking to someone or something else to make us feel complete. We begin to realize that those who grace our lives (whether for a moment or for a lifetime) act as mirrors, supporting us in our quest to awaken.

Picture how life would unfold if you were never disappointed by anyone’s choices or behavior. The light of acceptance would shine brilliantly through any moments of darkness of the soul. Consider that the only way to live without disappointment is to approach each moment without attachment to a particular outcome. Therefore, as you cultivate absolute acceptance as a way of relating, disappointment will disappear from your experience.

When fear departs, freedom remains. Give for the joy of giving. Live for the joy of living. Your passion will morph into compassion, transforming all of your relationships into stepping stones of higher consciousness.

Paradox, Humor, Change

“Life has three rules: Paradox, Humor, and Change.
– Paradox: Life is a mystery; don’t waste your time trying to figure it out.
– Humor: Keep a sense of humor, especially about yourself. It is a strength beyond all measure
– Change: Know that nothing ever stays the same.”
~Dan Millman~

It can take great courage to learn to trust your inner wisdom. Teachers and circumstances point the way to the inner awareness, but until one is willing to see, there it patiently waits. Trust yourself and be open to the potential that joy brings. No matter what you encounter, operate from a space of truth and integrity. Give yourself permission to reside within the paradox without dissecting or analyzing it.

Consciously practice moving quickly to acceptance instead of getting lost within the why. When we allow our experiences to be a celebration, we can live joyfully within life’s mystery while remaining grateful for the love, lessons and laughter.

Miracles happen with you create space and allow the divine to surprise you. New people, changes in perception and conscious interactions can alter your life in amazing ways. The soul longs for growth, for dramatic expansion. There is nothing to fear but fear itself.


“Turn your wounds into wisdom.”
~Oprah Winfrey~

Challenges are a necessary aspect of enlightenment. They allow us to cultivate the tools of trust, patience, insight and empowerment. Don’t shy away from these moments of apparent darkness; instead, turn and shine the light of consciousness upon them.

Shamanic traditions utilize the energy and lessons of Jaguar to assist with transformation. This power animal represents sudden and intense change. When we call upon her for guidance, inspiration or assistance, she walks by our side and helps us find the strength to address adversity in such a way that we are changed by the experience. Having faced the dark night of the soul, we emerge transformed.

You can face any interaction consciously. Even those who are challenging may be bearers of wisdom, bringing messages from the Divine. Seek to examine your own shadow when confronted with unconscious behavior. Every encounter you face brings greater understanding and plays a specific role in your development.

Life will always provide the perfect circumstances to facilitate your evolution. You have the tools to navigate whatever unfolds in your experience and when you recognize these moments as opportunities, you will discover your true sacred nature.

Facing Challenges Consciously

“Every challenge takes you a little deeper and awakens you again and again. Without the challenges, you probably would go to back to sleep. The challenges keep you awake.”
~Eckhart Tolle~

Think about all that you’ve learned so far on your spiritual journey – the tools of awakening tried and sometimes discarded, the basis of how you view your life, the facets of strength you have discovered as a result of facing challenges, the wisdom of surrender and acceptance, the power of gratitude.

What about those moments when gratitude seems far away? Sometimes we walk in darkness with the belief that all the tools we have cultivated have either deserted us or no longer work with the strength they once did. But something is different this time around…. we’re conscious of the fact that we are suffering. We actively apply what we’ve learned or seek new ways to address whatever challenge arises with the knowledge that we’ll find a way to grow through the process.

That’s the difference between someone who has experienced awakening and someone who has yet to access the knowledge that lies underneath the drama. The conscious approach becomes something of a dance with the Divine, a tango of immense passion filled with talent, surrender and synchronicity. Lifetime after lifetime we perfect this dance. Spiritual awakening is a process of constant practice and application.

The Uses of Adversity

“I’ve come to trust not that events will always unfold exactly as I want, but that I will be fine either way. The challenges we face in life are always lessons that serve our soul’s growth.”
~Marianne Williamson~
Consider the uses of adversity. Challenges refine our skills and prompt us to cultivate our strengths. We discover that life doesn’t end when things fall apart; rather, space is created to explore aspects of ourselves that are ready to shine. Even when the ego is caught up in desire and attachment, the soul understands exactly what is needed.
Trust in the unique processes of your awakening. Nothing is more important than your state of consciousness in the present moment. When you view life as an opportunity to evolve and grow, everything becomes more manageable. Ultimately, you can walk the journey as a source of grace and peace and even humor knowing that there is far more to life than meets the eye.
Life will present the perfect circumstances to assist in your spiritual awakening. This is true for each of us – singularly or collectively. Seek the lesson or the gift in any circumstance, and most assuredly, you will find it.

I Bring an Unprotected Heart to Our Meeting Place

“We cultivate love when we allow our most vulnerable and powerful selves to be deeply seen and known, and when we honor the spiritual connection that grows from that offering with trust, respect, kindness and affection.”
~Brené Brown~

In order to authentically connect with someone, we must be willing to be vulnerable. The willingness to approach life with an open heart allows space in which something new can grow. Energy from previous disappointments or challenges can create blockages that often appear as protection, reality or common sense – our job is to recognize and remove these barriers to love while retaining the lessons we have learned so far on the journey.

If you should find yourself closed off in a situation (sometimes indicated by crossing your arms in front of your power chakra or heart), simply notice, be more open with your physical body movements and observe any running commentary in the mind. This is the moment to transform old energy into new momentum. Remind yourself that the person with whom you’re interacting is merely acting as a mirror in order to help you to become more aware. The light of consciousness transforms us.

You are safe. You are loved. You are supported each step of the way… and this is your moment.

Creating Grace

“It is only with true love and compassion that we can begin to mend what is broken in the world. It is these two blessed things that can begin to heal all broken hearts.”
~Steve Maraboli~

From time to time you may face challenges that allow the ego to slip in and momentarily take over your state of consciousness. This can be felt as anxiety, fear, confusion, stress or simply feeling off-balance. Part of the human experience – which is ultimately the expanding experience of the Divine – is learning how to utilize spiritual tools to shift our perception.

View challenges as opportunities to apply your skills and spiritual knowledge. You have the ability to change how you respond, how you think and consciously direct the flow of your energy back to joy.

There is nothing more empowering than witnessing the incredible results of your energy and intention in motion. The creative aspect of the awakened manifester is recognized by unshakable faith despite moments when things appear to be blocked on the physical plane. There is nothing more important than your state of consciousness and as you outgrow old conditioning, you may discover new facets of beauty that are ready to shine.

Allow the healing energy of the Divine to help you to create habits and patterns that are more aligned with what you’d like to experience in your life. Be patient and stop believing stories that bring you pain. You are called upon to transform what you experience and it begins, always, within your thoughts and how you choose to utilize your energy. The Universe loves and supports you at all times and is ready to help you rise above any perceived limitation or past programming.

Holding Space

“When I dare to be powerful—to use my strength in the service of my vision—then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.” 
~Audre Lorde~
When you find your purpose, new strengths are often discovered. The purpose of adversity is to help uncover hidden facets of potential through experience. Likewise, those you love need to cultivate their own courage and empowerment. Knowing your own strength helps you stay balanced when you hold space for another.
Holding space can sometimes be challenging. The ego may want to swoop in to fix or rescue; however, that can actually block someone from completing karma or learning a particular lesson. To offer support, acceptance, and peacefulness in the midst of intensity is a gift of love. To hold a hand, to offer encouragement, to be a mirror that reflects the others’ strength and potential are gifts of spirit.
Some people obviously learn more quickly than others. Be patient. This human experience is an exploration and lessons learned, no matter how great or small, will be carried forward into the next life. Breakthroughs can happen at any moment. Let us all hold space, set an example and remember that we are walking one another home.