The Sound of Silence

“When you reach a calm and quiet meditative state, that is when you can hear the sound of silence.”
~Stephen Richards~

Stillness is powerful. Within it, one can walk through life in a way that is empowered, calm, and patient. Create space to lovingly re-connect with the fullness of who you are. This purposeful movement of energy and intention transcends limitation and brings greater balance into your life experience.

Seek to be a conscious expression of love today. Infuse your work, passion, play and spirituality with kindness and compassion and you will discover the deepest truth of who you are. Your soul will rise above and shine through the illusion.

We are engaged in a dance of form. Enjoy it! Spiritual awakening is a conscious blend of the mundane and the mystical, dark and light, intensity and peace. The contrasts we experience teach us the true nature of balance. There is a great depth of spaciousness which resides within you. Step into the silence and see if you can sense the infinite wellspring of potential that is waiting to be discovered.


“When you reach a calm and quiet meditative state, that is when you can hear the sound of silence.”
~Stephen Richards~

It’s time to step out of thousands of years of human conditioning and rediscover stillness. Listen to the silence that is around you. This will move you into a state of greater awareness where you can connect with life on a deeper level.

Behind the sounds, beyond the experience, under the chatter of the mind lies the brilliance of your own Divine nature. When you slow down and align yourself within that energy, you create a foundation of peace in your experience.

Peace is a simple thing… all we need to do is clear away the clutter and listen. The conscious awareness of the spiritual seeker opens these moments of connection, and from there our perception of the world expands into something wholly new.

Wherever you are, be there completely. Listen, just listen. Find the heartbeat of life and enter into it. You are infinite. You are divine. You are awake. Immerse yourself within the task at hand and pay attention to the experience. The infinite source of life seeks to express itself through you.