The Joy of Friendship

“Friendship … is born at the moment when one man says to another “What! You too? I thought that no one but myself . . .”

~C.S. Lewis~

Old souls tend to be drawn to those with whom they have a long and varied history. Through lifetimes of experience, they have played several roles with one another, learned together, and can ultimately interact with a sense of familiarity and safety. These are the souls with whom you can be yourself. There is nothing to prove, just a true acceptance that is not impacted by time or space.

When you meet someone and immediately feel something like, “Oh, it’s you!” it’s likely that you’ve rediscovered a soul mate. Long talks feel like you’re simply catching up and there is a sense of safety. Celebrate the beautiful souls that grace your life. Whether near or far, remind them that they are loved and appreciated.

Since most beings on the planet are currently Young or Mature souls, we do not typically have as many in our spiritual peer group. You may just have a few very special connections and find that it is enough. You are loved and supported on many different levels.


“When the Soul wants to experience something she throws out an image in front of her and then steps into it.”
~Meister Eckhart~

In our free-will experience, nothing is carved in stone. Prior to birth, we arrange unique life situations by creating a blueprint that will set the stage for particular lessons and karmic interactions to facilitate our awakening. Our destiny is to rediscover Oneness through the experience of perceived separation.

When ready to cultivate a particular aspect of spiritual awareness, we energetically send a beacon of light into the universe asking for assistance. Those who answer the call come in love to play whatever role is required for your growth. Rather than resist what your soul has set into motion, step into the experience. This conscious approach ensures that you will emerge transformed.

Honor the processes of your awakening. While our vision is initially limited by design, we can learn to expand perception through stillness and Presence. It’s helpful to have an awareness of the physical story and patterns in which we are engaged while simultaneously seeking deeper meaning and insight.

You will never know how amazing you are until you see the power of your light in motion.


Celebrate Friendship

“It is an absolute human certainty that no one can know his own beauty or perceive a sense of his own worth until it has been reflected back to him in the mirror of another loving, caring human being.”
~John Joseph Powell~

Share your joy, your dance and your light with those who are ready to receive your beautiful energy. The art of friendship begins with gratitude and it must be a sharing. When you demonstrate love and friendliness toward all of life, it is reflected back to you in myriad ways.

The light of your consciousness transforms all that it shines upon. Rather than being trapped by neediness or desire, you become love and your love transforms the energy of those with whom you come in contact. We are merely reflections of one another.

In every relationship, allow enough room for the winds of heaven to dance in between you for these soul mates will cross your path again and again. When you come together, enjoy discovering who you are in the presence of the other and when you have time apart, celebrate the fact that your friendship is an expression of trust, harmony, innocence and sharing.