Presence in Silence

“Silence is not the absence of something but the presence of everything.”
~Gorden Hempton~
If you can’t find the words to explain your beliefs, you’re on the right path. We can use words as signposts, as pointers that lead us in the right direction; however, by their very nature, words are limiting. Have you ever had a dream, loved a novel, been moved by music and found the experience diminished when trying to describe it to another? That’s because the awakening you feel is bigger than mere words can express.
When you experience something so transformative and enlightening, let it speak through the peaceful silences of your highest nature. When you allow your life to be your message, the meaning is understood by those who bear witness your authentic energy in motion.
These are the gifts we give the world. Once we know that enlightenment can’t be explained, possessed or achieved, we can then begin the delicate operation of teaching by example. Seek only to live your own truth. When you bring the best version of yourself to the present moment, the future will take care of itself.

Living in Presence

“When you go in, you touch a new kind of silence – the presence of silence itself. It is not only an absence of noise, it is something absolutely positive, almost visible, tangible.”  



Observe the stillness that exists between thoughts. Throughout the day, pause before you choose to reach for your phone to pass the time. Instead of ‘checking in’ with the world around you, simply go within and be still. Observe the body, slow your breathing and listen. Enter Zen from where you are.


The mind’s habitual pattern is to stay busy, jumping from one thought to the next, finding something that needs to be done or filling the gaps with mindless activity such as watching television. It’s healthy to periodically break the pattern and move into stillness. Find the gaps in your experience and utilize those moments of deep connection.


Once you step into stillness, you’ll notice that time slows down. As you create a deeper sense of balance and presence, you’ll bring that positive energy into the activities in which you decide to participate. Part of our spiritual journey is to bring the beautiful connection with the Now into our human experience. You are the bridge between the spiritual and the mundane.

The Beauty of Silence

“Learn to be silent. Let your quiet mind listen and absorb.”


We do not need to add more knowledge or new beliefs. It’s far more powerful to learn to rise above the antics of the mind into a place where we can commune with the Divine. We need to experience more wonder and more awe at the beauty that surrounds us. The minds’ noise can sometimes become a wall that closes us off from the miracle of the present moment.

There is a great depth of spaciousness which resides within you. Step into the silence and see if you can sense the infinite wellspring of potential that is waiting to be discovered.

Learn to be loving in your silence, otherwise your silence will become filled with closed-off energy that is helpful to no one. Love is only possible when you are fearless and exists in the absence of judgment. Simply breathe in the truth of your light, feel a smile of gratitude and observe. Bring healing and grace into your life situation by falling madly in love with life itself.

The Sound of Silence

“When you reach a calm and quiet meditative state, that is when you can hear the sound of silence.”
~Stephen Richards~

Stillness is powerful. Within it, one can walk through life in a way that is empowered, calm, and patient. Create space to lovingly re-connect with the fullness of who you are. This purposeful movement of energy and intention transcends limitation and brings greater balance into your life experience.

Seek to be a conscious expression of love today. Infuse your work, passion, play and spirituality with kindness and compassion and you will discover the deepest truth of who you are. Your soul will rise above and shine through the illusion.

We are engaged in a dance of form. Enjoy it! Spiritual awakening is a conscious blend of the mundane and the mystical, dark and light, intensity and peace. The contrasts we experience teach us the true nature of balance. There is a great depth of spaciousness which resides within you. Step into the silence and see if you can sense the infinite wellspring of potential that is waiting to be discovered.

Mindful Silence

“Silence is not the absence of something but the presence of everything.”

~Gorden Hempton~

Silence is more than the absence of noise. A living presence, it allows us to enter the temple of the Divine by journeying deep within ourselves. Very few people are comfortable in the space of infinite possibility. They seek diversion and distraction and become lost within the echos and mechanisms of the mind.


Mindful silence will connect you to all of existence. This moment is beautiful, fulfilling and poignant. When you immerse yourself within it, it becomes apparent that all you need is already here. Cease striving for a particular end result. Instead, find the completeness in the Now. Whatever you choose to do, however you choose to feel, do it completely and patiently. This immersion will bring about transcendence. Live every moment as if there is no other moment to come.

It is the space between the notes which creates beauty in music. Without the space and intent, there is only noise. Learn to be the space in the symphony of your life. Embody compassion and stillness and purposely align yourself with love. In the stillness you’ll discover that everything is possible, yet nothing is required.

Vision Quest

“In the silence of the mountain there is much you can learn.”

~Dennis McKay~

It’s powerful to treat yourself to periods of mindful solitude so that you can tune into your inner wisdom. Within these vision quest moments, you will discover how to hear. Notice any tension you may be holding and where it is located in the body. Quietly go inward, listen and be still.

Sometimes life will present messages in the midst of new experiences that prompt Presence to emerge. If nothing else, new experiences remind us that there is much yet to learn. Humility can be accessed when we realize how little we know. We stand at the precipice of the unknown and must access inner courage to proceed.

In solitude, we can experience greater depths of insight without distraction. If you keep a journal, periodically go back and revisit musings from the various phases of your journey. You may notice patterns and potential that can be built upon.

Open yourself to the mysteries of the universe. Through conscious exploration, you will discover new facets that are ready to shine. Let the journey take you where it will and you will return transformed. All of life supports your awakening.

You Are A Beautiful Mystery

“Life is an adventure. Invite constant adventures, and whenever a call comes from the unknown, listen to it. Risk all and go into the unknown, because this is the only way to live at the maximum.”

You are an infinite being, a beautiful mystery. There are endless facets for you to explore, worlds to experience, levels of consciousness to discover. The role that you play in this lifetime is simply that – a role that is utilized as just another way for you explore the contrasts and perceived separation this planet has to offer.
When you quiet the mind, it becomes possible to merge with the energies of the sky, a tree, the ocean or music. Allow yourself to enter the realms of limitless possibility, if only for a moment. Visualize that each breath you take draws in the love, light and laughter of the Universe while each exhale causes the barriers of the mind to dissipate.
Just be. Explore Oneness with the world around you. The more expansive your vision, the more able you’ll be to see beyond the roles and limited perception of others.

Be Still

“Be still. Stillness reveals the secrets of eternity”
~Lao Tzu~

Quiet the mind and go within. No matter what is unfolding in your life situation, you have the ability to be at peace. Use all that you are experiencing to facilitate the next phase of your spiritual awakening. Silence is the key.

We are so conditioned to think our way through challenges that we can momentarily forget we are divine beings who are guided, loved and supported each and every step of the way. In those moments of feeling lost or overwhelmed, the first instinct is to dwell on the “coulda/woulda/shoulda” of regret.

Go within and simply be. Open to the light of the universe, and there you will discover the insight and peace you desire. Know that you are right where you need to be and the experience you are having holds the key to enlightenment. Periodically, spread your arms wide, open the heart chakra, and visualize energy flowing into you from the Sun. Just be and receive and breathe. Let this light infuse your entire being.

Honor the sacredness of your journey. Gratitude and appreciation open your heart to receive the many blessings that life has to offer.

Mindful Silence

“Learn to be silent. Let your quiet mind listen and absorb.”

Silence is more than the absence of noise. A living presence, it allows us to enter the temple of the Divine by journeying deep within ourselves. Very few people are comfortable in the space of infinite possibility. They seek diversion and distraction and become lost within the echos and mechanisms of the mind.

Mindful silence will connect you to all of existence. This moment is beautiful, fulfilling and poignant. When you immerse yourself within it, it becomes apparent that all you need is already here. Cease striving for a particular end result. Instead, find the completeness in the Now. Whatever you choose to do, however you choose to feel, do it completely and patiently. This immersion will bring about transcendence. Live every moment as if there is no other moment to come.

It is the space between the notes which creates beauty in music. Without the space and intent, there is only noise. Learn to be the space in the symphony of your life. Embody compassion and stillness and purposely align yourself with love. In the stillness you’ll discover that everything is possible, yet nothing is required.

Owl Medicine

“Everything that’s created comes out of silence. Thoughts emerge from the nothingness of silence. Words come out of the void. Your very essence emerged from emptiness. All creativity requires some stillness.”
~Wayne Dyer~
Silence takes us into the space of infinite possibility. Therein lies the potential of movement, creation, wisdom and peace. As we dance in the wilderness, we open to receive the love, light and laughter of the Universe.
No matter what you wish to create, seek expansion – of ideas, insight, art. Your unique wisdom is ready to emerge into the world of form.  As an awakening master, you can absolutely navigate any shadows within your experience and transform them into light. Step into the mystic and call upon Owl Medicine to strengthen your ability to see clearly.
This is the moment of your transformation. Sit in the stillness and notice the messages that are all around you. Slow your breathing, quiet the mind and be receptive. What you need to know will make itself known in the perfect way at the perfect time.
Honor the process of your awakening. Only through the death of the old can the new emerge.