
“Every test successfully met is rewarded by some growth in intuitive knowledge, strengthening of character, or initiation into a higher consciousness.”
~Paul Brunton~

When we live in harmony with all that surrounds us, we learn how to be in the moment and leave the past behind. The awakened spirit sees life as a dance with the Divine where adventures await. As we release our fears, knowing that we are loved and supported each step of the journey, an innocence and trust emerges. This support makes itself known in unusual and ever evolving ways and we learn to follow our inner guidance and intuition.

Making the leap into the unknown is nothing less than a leap of faith. In the beginning this can be very difficult – we have spent lifetimes cultivating our knowledge. However, maturity allows us to surrender with joy to what is, continually release the past and go on trusting as we walk forward. Every situation has something to teach and with this inner flowering and wholeness comes unlimited possibility.

All of life’s experiences have brought you here and this moment contains a gift. Let your intuition lead the way forward as you walk this amazing journey of discovery.

You Hold The Key

“I’ve worked all my life on the subject of awareness, whether it’s awareness of the body, awareness of the mind, awareness of your emotions, awareness of your relationships, or awareness of your environment. I think the key to transforming your life is to be aware of who you are.” 
~Deepak Chopra~
You hold the key to your own transformation. All that you need is already within you, but without self-awareness, the way forward appears hidden. As you uncover new facets of your inner wisdom, you’ll change how you view and respond to life. With each spiral of energy, it’s possible to cultivate greater awareness of old beliefs and interpretations that have held you back and begin the process of releasing all that blocks your perception of freedom.
If you feel misunderstood, go within. If you feel rejected, go within. As you become more self-aware, you’ll notice that others’ opinions or actions have less and less impact on your sense of joy and well-being. From this space of awareness it’s possible to fully participate in life in a way that is healthy, empowered and purposeful.